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How do you feel about sending a battalion of U.S. infantry soldiers to southern Afghanistan?

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been there. They need to fix it themselves at this point.

Submitted by JonS (not verified) : Feb 11, 2016 10:18am

This is nothing new. The battalion from the 10th Mountain is deploying in a rotation to relieve another battalion that is completing its tour. The only difference is a change of mission. 2/87 INF will be providing security for advisors (AKA US Army Special Forces) who are training the Afghan Army deployed in that region fighting the Taliban. Just like in 'Nam when the politicians said the US combat role was over in '73, we still had boots on the ground supporting the ARVN. Not saying that we need to be there, just saying that this is not news. Until we pull out every swinging Richard from the AO, its not over. Even when the politicians say it is.

Submitted by Flatulent Fred (not verified) : Feb 11, 2016 11:28am

We came, we saw, we left. Not our fight anymore.

Submitted by Rattler 6 (not verified) : Feb 11, 2016 4:36pm

I favor letting those so called nations settle their own tribal disputes. Maybe they will be too busy to bother us.

Submitted by Dick R (not verified) : Feb 11, 2016 4:39pm

We do not have a commander in chief in the white house and until we do it's a bad idea to send any troops anywhere until we do.

Submitted by Rick S (not verified) : Feb 11, 2016 4:40pm

Word for word what I would say. I see a zero plan from a zero. It's like having an abcess molar for 7 years and we have to wait till next 20 January to get it extracted.

Submitted by Mike Hicks (not verified) : Feb 11, 2016 4:45pm

Amen brother! ..... very true statements.

Submitted by Lar M (not verified) : Feb 11, 2016 5:10pm

It is never over until ALL troops are out. when you are helping to defend, how can that not be combat

Submitted by army68 (not verified) : Feb 11, 2016 4:41pm

this so-called president was in such a big hurry to withdraw that left our troop in harms way. now he wants to send more troops. this is becoming another Viet Nam because of all the politics

Submitted by Sandy D (not verified) : Feb 11, 2016 4:45pm

How long should American soldiers stay and die, one year..5years..100 years? How long should we referee between two sides that want to kill each other. How many mothers and fathers should loose a child because we need to prove how bad we can be? We cannot even pass a balance budget but we are going to teach other people in the world how to"Live together and us a credit card".

Submitted by Steven Williams (not verified) : Feb 11, 2016 5:24pm

Yes I have watched as all the analogies to Vietnam have popped up as this Pres. Has fired everyone of the soldiers that have not agreed with his no knowledge policy! All of which is backed up by Democrats that have the same failed Policies! Pull the Troops right or wrong ALL THE WHILE knowing that decision to let the Peoples new Enemies Kill and Slaughter the Men Women and Children! They are smarter than the Pres. and Democrats or anyone else that does not understand that Pulling out the troops means I'm Coming to "AMERICA"! Then the same is true if we do not follow through with what we say we are going to do! If we say we are going to help a country we should help it ie. Syria! What we get if we do not help others in their Countries we get "Refugees" by the Millions! Hey I learned all this in looking at Nam! I know Obama had Military that new what caused Boat People and Refugees But Just Didn't follow their advice! But when I look at he and Kerry THEN look at Hillary and Bernie I better understand that they Well you know who I am talking about are Probably All the Same! What a Shame for our Country! But the Future looks Bright the us because there wont be one of those Look Alikes in Office later this year! God Willing!

Submitted by mike cates (not verified) : Feb 11, 2016 7:21pm

This so call president came into office and realize that we had been (1) fighting someone else's war for over 10 years with no end in sight. (2)He realize that countries like China and Russia were letting the US bleed it's self dry, while they quietly rebuild their armies for the future.(3) He realize that most of the banks were on the edge of being insolvent and All and I do mean all, of the Automotive companies were dam near broke! In all major wars except Iraq and Afghanistan, we raised a tax to pay for them...I remember Bush sending me a $5oo check and saying don't save SPEND!!! We have this false sense that we need to police the world to show that we are big and bad. The last time I looked ,(A) most Arab countries have a modern military and troops, (B)Israel could wipe out Hamas over night but then would have no reason to take Arab land, (C)The Russians airstrikes are effective, (D)we don't have a lot of American boys and girls dying for someone else land. Harry Truman lead from behind, Korean War, Dwight D. Eisenhower cold war U-2 shout down, lead from behind, Ronal Regan Beirut Us Marines Barracks lead from behind, or maybe they thought before they decided to commit our sons and daughter to fight for people who won't even fight for themselves. Maybe its time we focus on building our own health care, roads, schools and building up our Military for the next big battle to come. MMM.. If Russia has cruise missiles does China also?

Submitted by Steven Williams (not verified) : Feb 12, 2016 4:34am

What combat support will they have available?

Submitted by Greg Hill (not verified) : Feb 11, 2016 4:50pm

What is their mission?? What support will they have?? It sounds like PR to me. Well, BHO did something. Just getting GI's killed.

Submitted by NSL (not verified) : Feb 11, 2016 4:50pm

Not a single infantryman until they get REAL rules of engagement (ROE) where they can defend themselves and destroy the enemy. Keep the damn lawyers out of the picture and let the generals do their thing !

Submitted by MIKE S (not verified) : Feb 11, 2016 4:52pm

I agree, 100%. We had terrible ROE in the Korean (Police Action) thing and at the Czech Border during the "Cold War"#1. These peoples' job should be to protect the SF Trainers, support people and their in-the-field Afgan Forces trying to do their job of keeping this crucial province from once again falling. If the Afgans can show they can continue do the job, then start bringing them ALL out, SLOWLY this time. LV the timing to our Coalition in-theatre commanders and no politicians! Probably SecDef, Carter would agree, anyway. So lets get on with it and elect a real CinC, this time, also.

Submitted by James W. (not verified) : Feb 11, 2016 5:21pm

First, I want to know what US interest is being served by going back. They've been trained, they have good equipment. They know what to do, they're just not doing it. Why is that our problem...again?

Submitted by John B. (not verified) : Feb 11, 2016 4:54pm

Until we have a commander-in-chief that knows what the hell is going on and will listen to the commanders who are
in-theater, nothing will change. Taliban? - ISIS? We can read a license plate from a satellite, we have armed drones, 1 American boot on the ground is too many!

Submitted by DON C USN (not verified) : Feb 11, 2016 4:58pm

How do you know he is not listen to commanders in area? What I hear on this side is politican who didn't even join ROTC. Remember What Bill gates said" Anyone who wants to engage in another land battle in Asia, needs to have his/her head examine". While we are trying to be policeman of the world and prove only we should have credit cards.. the Chinese are getting ready for "some payback: The world has changed since the end of WWIII and we did not win that one by ourselves.

Submitted by Steven Williams (not verified) : Feb 11, 2016 5:19pm

No more "policemen" of the world. The people of the middle east do no qualify for our " Mission Statement". They do not have freedom or democracy... nor do they want it. Better they should just war among themselves as they have done for a thousand years. PLEEEESE.. no more Viet-Nams!

Submitted by Don S (not verified) : Feb 11, 2016 4:59pm

Not good!! We should move the White House and the Congress there, and give our troops a break!! No leadership in Washington!!

Submitted by Joeotto (not verified) : Feb 11, 2016 5:10pm

The Russians have "Real Rules of engagement is call "carpet bombing" do you guys want the US to do the same thing but call it something else. At least they don't pretend to be righteous. Let them fight for their on land and we train and support. I don't want a single American soldier to die just because some of you out there want to be armchair "John Wayne"

Submitted by Steven Williams (not verified) : Feb 11, 2016 5:12pm

Altho I had a lot of respect for John Wayne as an actor, he never spent one day in the Military but DID drum-up a lot of support for the WWII and Vietnam efforts. The problem with this GD place is, its one of the Opium trade crossroads of the World, legit or NOT. Lets get the job we (our current POTUS and CinC) signed us on for, to build-up support for a PERHAPS viable state to run their affairs...and GO HOME, otherwise a lot of spent lives, American AND Coalition partners and money (to say nothing of the lasting care for those wounded, perhaps forever) will have been wasted on adventurism, again.

Submitted by JAMES W. (not verified) : Feb 11, 2016 8:13pm

I do not want any of our military assets involved in any engagement of any kind under the current regime in Washington, DC. By this, I mean the current CINC. My son served a year in Afghanistan. The policy in force is detrimental to our military- no, I mean deadly to our miltary.
Use all available superior weapons or leave now.

Submitted by Michael Trickey, Sr (not verified) : Feb 11, 2016 5:12pm

Until we are in it to win it stay out of it.

Submitted by Kd (not verified) : Feb 11, 2016 5:15pm

...and the Taliban will march back into Kabul like they did before,mark my word.

Submitted by Fritzer (not verified) : Feb 11, 2016 5:15pm

I totally agree with the others. I unfortunalty see nam all over again in that we have cinc that has no idea whats going on

Submitted by Al smith (not verified) : Feb 11, 2016 5:18pm

I totally agree with the others. I unfortunalty see nam all over again in that we have cinc that has no idea whats going on

Submitted by Al smith (not verified) : Feb 11, 2016 5:18pm

I totally agree with the others. I unfortunalty see nam all over again in that we have cinc that has no idea whats going on

Submitted by Al smith (not verified) : Feb 11, 2016 5:18pm

I totally agree with the others. I unfortunalty see nam all over again in that we have cinc that has no idea whats going on

Submitted by Al smith (not verified) : Feb 11, 2016 5:18pm

I totally agree with the others. I unfortunalty see nam all over again in that we have cinc that has no idea whats going on

Submitted by Al smith (not verified) : Feb 11, 2016 5:18pm

Not sure what this terrain is like, but you did mention it thr size of Virginia, to big for continuous bombing. We need to get out and if they mess with the US again, make a Nagasaki out of it.

Submitted by Richard T Napier (not verified) : Feb 11, 2016 5:20pm


Submitted by captain hook-vn69 (not verified) : Feb 11, 2016 5:23pm

Troop's cannot be protected with so little boot's on the ground and air support. If you cannot call it a war then get them the heck out of there. This is a war against ISIS/ISIL. When is the country and President going to recognise this? You pull out troops and put them back in after we had a significant advantage before. This 7 1/2 year's under the so called regime has failed. Either All the Way, Or Stay Out!!!!

Submitted by Randall Schindler (not verified) : Feb 11, 2016 5:24pm

You have some good and bad points.... What was the original mission? Rebuild a nation-Get the Taliban and non-Taliban to love each other -Get OBL? We don't think long and deep before we jump into a fight-could be the conclusion of General Custer's review board.

Submitted by Steven Williams (not verified) : Feb 11, 2016 5:31pm

1. We need to have a REAL coalition to go in.
2. If we are going, we need overwhelming power, not just a few.
3 Need 3 rules of engagement:
1. Kill the enemy
2. See #1
3. try to minimize Collateral Damage Without endangering allied troops.

Submitted by R.T. (not verified) : Feb 11, 2016 5:25pm

Sending combat troops into a battle zone works great when you can define the mission as BATTLE/WAR. We don't have a commander in chief or leader who defines it as a battle or war. Should we truly commit more american lives to a battle of support. Not one more american needs to lose his or her life, ransomed for a pot of cash or an exchange of prisoners. If you cannot define our mission in a battle zone as one of winning the battle, gloves off, we have no business in doing this policing practice. What is about to happen, again in sending more troops is leading from behind, with no committed effort to make a difference. Let combat troops do what they do and show strength, not weakness. I do not support this action. I will only support a broader coalition of forces heading to the region with a mission to battle the enemy, all gloves off. Send in a MacArthur who will win the battle.

Submitted by Steve S (not verified) : Feb 11, 2016 5:26pm

These insects in that part of the world have been killing each other and any civilized people who came into contact with them for a thousand years. they will, because of their religion, continue their internecine warfare for the next thousand years. The only thing that ever stops them is the bloodthirsty, savage dictators who invariably come to lead them. That is until WE come along and create sheer chaos by killing or overthrowing their murderous Dictators, leaving them to indulge in their long-standing hatreds with sectarian violence. To the American Presidents I say "Physician heal thyself." Repair our roads, water mains, Railroads, highways, educational system, Justice system (outlaw private prisons!!!) Make Congress accountable for their fat jobs and perks and do-nothing behavior. Fix America and leave those middle-eastern cavemen to stew in their on juice. 100,000 of them aren't worth the life of one American kid.

Submitted by Stephen R (not verified) : Feb 11, 2016 5:27pm

Could not have said it better myself Stephen R. BZ

Submitted by Senior Chief (ret) (not verified) : Feb 11, 2016 5:53pm

Why????????? Don't we have much larger problems facing us? Are Afghan terrorists committing mass murder in San Bernadino? Are Afghan refugees flooding our gates?
If we're going to flex our military muscle let's take care of ISIS!
There is a total lack of leadership in the White House and the President has emasculated the Pentagon. We should not be sending any troops into harms way until they have proper leadership and sensible rules of engagement.

Submitted by Bill P (not verified) : Feb 11, 2016 5:31pm

This is baloney - we have been instigating and fighting wars without clear purpose since WW II. Again and again, we expend lives, treasure, and precious time to the detriment of our people and the enrichment of the few. I participated in Viet Nam, more futility.

Enough is enough, it's time to stop the madness - no more troops

Submitted by Mike Del Vecchio, (not verified) : Feb 11, 2016 5:31pm

I agree with mike every other person who commented. Nobody at the white house do not care about our military. they care about themselves. The present of the united states that all the military troops was to start leaving afganastan end of 2014.Where are they NOW? That president,(if you want to call him that)is a phony,liar,not responsibility and a cowardly person.

Submitted by anthony salvato... (not verified) : Feb 11, 2016 5:53pm

This is BS! I thought our illustrious Commander and Chief said no more troops. Who in the hell thinks they won't be in combat? That's absolutely idiotic thinking or lack thereof. If they are going to send troops then send a Division or 2 to clean up after carpet bombing the entire Province for a week or 2. The real plan should be bring EVERY military person and all equipment back to the States. Let the Afaganies show THEY want to fight for their freedom.

Submitted by Cris (not verified) : Feb 11, 2016 5:33pm

For seven years our military has suffered because of incompetent leadership and rules of engagement that has put our military in danger. The White House dealings with Iran proves that the President is not concerned for their safety. My suggestion is that we wait until we see if we elect competent leadership.

Submitted by Jack Russell MS... (not verified) : Feb 11, 2016 5:35pm

Jack,you are right, all the legislator, both jack asses & republicans and the white house always fighting with each other to see who is better. They put our military in arms way, and do not care.

Submitted by anthony salvato... (not verified) : Feb 11, 2016 6:06pm

Did we have competent leadership that got us into the war? No. did Bush's "Rules of Engagement" protect our troops or the enemy? The enemy. so, do you want troops there without a "Force of Agreement" in place so our troops are at the legal mercy of these warlords? No. Would have had the same thing if we had remained in Iraq. How many Americans must die or face another country's judicial practices when we are allegedly there to serve them? Wake up.

Submitted by Bob Faro (not verified) : Feb 11, 2016 6:45pm

You are 100% correct. However when you speak or write the truth the Chicken Hawks heads explode. All they know is what the OxyContin addict has told them. Factual Free thinkers are lacking on the Right.

Submitted by EH (not verified) : Feb 11, 2016 8:26pm

Listen (carefully!) to what these folks in the Administration DON'T say; like ISIS isn't Islamic, etc.

Submitted by Bob Maguire (not verified) : Feb 11, 2016 5:36pm

Not only No, but HELL NO!
As one of the previous commentators said, they have been
feuding for hundreds of years. Ask them why, and most of them
can't even tell you what started it.
It's time we quit risking our troops lives trying to save them from themselves.

Submitted by Dave S. (not verified) : Feb 11, 2016 5:36pm


Submitted by Staff Sergeant ... (not verified) : Feb 11, 2016 5:41pm

If any of our soldiers are KIA, this incompetent president should be arrested as an accessory to murder.

Submitted by Willy S (not verified) : Feb 11, 2016 5:46pm

Willy s. I agree strongly to what you said. And I am with you.

Submitted by anthony salvato... (not verified) : Feb 11, 2016 6:00pm

If the Great Commander in Chief George, had finished the fight in Afghanistan, before inventing a reason to invade IRAQ...maybe our troops would not still be in Afghanistan?

Submitted by Steven Williams (not verified) : Feb 12, 2016 6:03pm

Why just one province, is there a clear cut and defined mission, are you serious about the mission and will they be allowed to make a difference (WIN)

Submitted by mikedv733 : Feb 11, 2016 5:47pm

Are the troops going to take there guns and bullets with them or do they have to leave them here? I wonder if they have to register there guns if they do get to take them? I also wonder if they get attacked will we send any backup to help them if they ask for it? I wonder if we will answer the phone this time or will it just go to some sever in someone private home to be deleted at their covenant later? I quess we will never know.I heard someone say a couple years ago, WHAT DIFFERENCE DOES IT MAKE ANYWAY!!!!!! GODS SPEED TO ALL OUR SERVICE MEN & WOMEN!!!!

Submitted by Bo B (not verified) : Feb 11, 2016 5:50pm

Concur with comments made regarding incompetent, feckless, and ignorant Clown in Chief and his band of "Military Advisers" - Valerie Jarret, Susan Rice, his wife, Samantha Powers etc. He has destroyed any gains - he is destroying moral - We have Sailors who give up when they could outgun and maneuver some boatload of rag heads!! Really - give me a freakin break. I sent my son to combat - x2 - but at least under a CnC who cared and listened to his military advisers! Not under this Clown - he is a Divider in Chief -- he does not care about the military or our Veterans. I say Hell No - let's get a real leader in before we commit any more of our national treasure!!

Submitted by PJames (not verified) : Feb 11, 2016 5:51pm

Yes, we had "W" and Cheney pulling the strings in the White House to start this mess. Bush and Cheney couldn't even find Osama or dozens of other terrorist leaders that Obama and the dummy military advisors (paraphrasing you) in the White House did. Since Obama and the dummy's did find them these terrorist leaders are no longer a threat.

I can say Obama isn't hiding out in Alabama. I think that's where you could find that fine specimen of a airman "W" during Vietnam. I think it was reported he killed a few dozen Viet Cong outside Birmingham. Birmingham has been safe ever since.

I appreciate your sons service. I served. I just hope you understand that every time he or anyother GI spends a tour there the less likely it is they will spend a tour at home. I think that's why "W" hid in Alabama. That's the guy you praise as being such a great CnC.

Submitted by EH (not verified) : Feb 11, 2016 8:14pm

What are the rules of engagement?....

Submitted by bruce f (not verified) : Feb 11, 2016 5:53pm

This is not one side against the other, they are all Taliban. They all think the same way,it is unfixable.

Submitted by big Al (not verified) : Feb 11, 2016 6:12pm

Ask our Commanding Generals in the Pentagon NOT THE dummies in the White House.

Submitted by R. Greene, 81 y... (not verified) : Feb 11, 2016 6:13pm

With our Leader With the rest of his Num/Nuts in the Whitehouse

Submitted by SM (not verified) : Feb 11, 2016 6:39pm

Go with 500, 1000, 10,000 +++ for a day, week, month, year, hell, for 100 years. No matter what the terms of engagement are, we won't win a thing. Bring all of our troops home now and let the next despot rise to the top of that dung pile because that's what it takes. If they try to go nuclear, deal with it for real. No way do we send one more of our people in there!

Submitted by Daniel from Vt.... (not verified) : Feb 11, 2016 6:14pm

Bring our troops home let them fight it out would they help us we don't need to lose lives we need our troops to serve only not people who have been at each other for some time let them settle their difference by themselves why do we need to get involved ???

Submitted by shoesmith (not verified) : Feb 11, 2016 6:31pm

We should leave that place, we have spent to many American lives and treasure for people who do not even grasp the idea of freedom. if anyone should be happy it should be our enemies as we have slowly ground down are armed forces.

Submitted by Mahlon Paul Manson (not verified) : Feb 11, 2016 6:29pm

Now we will know who war mongers are if the republican congress allows this to happen. The Afghan people are one track tribal minded, not looking for peace. Most importantly Iran will do everything to undermind anything we so and no one will help. You dont see our allies jumping on the band wagon.

Submitted by msg ret watson (not verified) : Feb 11, 2016 6:31pm

Now we will know who war mongers are if the republican congress allows this to happen. The Afghan people are one track tribal minded, not looking for peace. Most importantly Iran will do everything to undermind anything we so and no one will help. You dont see our allies jumping on the band wagon.

Submitted by msg ret watson (not verified) : Feb 11, 2016 6:33pm

Having a Marine son nearly killed in Helmand Province (Battle for Marjah) on May 19, 2010, and knowing we never let our troops fight to win why do we want to send more Americans in harm's way for a country and an entire region that does not care about our country or our citizens? isn't it about time we spent as much on our infrastructure as we do on needless wars with NO GOAL in mind? talk is cheap. American blood is real. Let the hawks go and fight the war that they insist on sending Americans to die.

Submitted by Bob Faro (not verified) : Feb 11, 2016 6:39pm

Get out of Korea also, enough is enough. They can build Kia's they can build tanks and defend themselves. Been there since the 50's, stupid

Submitted by Harry Merrifield (not verified) : Feb 11, 2016 6:40pm

Why do we have to be there? What about nato.? We the people of the USA should take care of our own people. Make our country safe to live in. I would not think that we should be there it is just like Nam. How many solders will be lost and never found? Of course, all the government has to do is raise the taxes. The poor can pay the bill.

Submitted by Harvey F (not verified) : Feb 11, 2016 7:03pm

The Afghans either can't or won't defend themselves. Taxpayer money is being thrown away left and right. This will all end badly, I'm afraid. We've been down this road before.

Submitted by DanTX (not verified) : Feb 11, 2016 7:05pm

Did we not learn our lesson in Vietnam, we can't win a war because of the politicians.

Submitted by Ralph Weaver (not verified) : Feb 11, 2016 7:22pm

Did we not learn our lesson in Vietnam, we can't win a war because of the politicians.

Submitted by Ralph Weaver (not verified) : Feb 11, 2016 7:22pm

It's not the politicians, it's where we send our troops to "test our new toys". We can send in a battalion or two, the use of our highly trained troops and loose them in a useless gamble is nonsense. This folly in Afghanistan has gone on long enough. We could have solved the situation beginning in 2002 with everyone on our side. No, we decided to split forces and "go nation building in Iraq". This has been a fiasco due to an administration that got side tracked and more troops will loose their lives for what? The more time we get immersed in a fruitless campaign the more "Islamic extremists" are recruited against us and our allies.

Submitted by Rick R (not verified) : Feb 11, 2016 7:49pm

I disagree, it's the politicians who create these situations, but don't have the courage to push forward with real solutions: they're afraid of losing votes.
By the way the word 'loose' means something is free of constraint, like a loose flap on a vehicle. The correct word is 'lose,' which is what you're describing.

Submitted by rfbonny (not verified) : Feb 11, 2016 8:48pm

Got to agree with you on most of this. We shouldn't be in this business of "nation building" or re-building. Remember what Gen. Colin Powell, as Sec'y of State is supposed to have said to "W" before we went into Iraq and widened the terrorist response in 2003, "You break it, you'll own it", or something close. In hindsight, we could have maintained the "No Fly Zones" and left the Iraqi's to "take care" of Saddam and his crowd in their own time. If this Daesh business had eventually come about anyway, we could have perhaps had a stronger coalition to go after them. Now, we (the Free World) have a real mess on our hands with Russia and Iran backing al-Assad's attempt to hold onto the Levant region. The Russians don't care a frig about al-Assad, its that damned port that they intend to hold onto. And this bombing of Allepo is worsening the already terrible refugee problem every country nearby plus Europe is having to cope with. If our coalition partners, or ourselves are part of the cause, we need better intelligence "on the ground" where our targets presently are or else cease this folly. We need to "draw a line in the sand" in Syria, alone and try to create a Protective Zone where these refugees can return to their homelands, live in relative peace and perhaps we can stop this armed confrontation before it gets totally out of control.

Submitted by James W. (not verified) : Feb 12, 2016 3:15am

It's Vietnam all over again!!! First it's air strikes, then "advisers" and finally the piecemeal increases in troops with "rules of engagement" that only ensure that we'll take casualties. If we're going to wage war then let the Military wage it. If we are not going to permit that then get out completely. That part of the world has been at war with one country or another since the 18th Century.

Submitted by Lou C (not verified) : Feb 11, 2016 7:20pm

The various objections in above comments all have merit.However as long as Congress contains so many with no experience in any part of our military and so many of their
sons and daughters never enlist it is unlikely this 14 year operation will end more quickly than Korea. MY reserve SF unit was nt active in these recent Mid Eastern. "Support" of
another army's troops is as dumb as the employment of contract civilians to "save costs". A new POTUS should clean house of at least thirty percent of the desk jockeys but the
hardest job of the next CINC will be how to get rid of the
legislators in both parties who mostly seem to think we need
perpetual conflicts paid for with funds needed to keep the
big machine from rusting out.See recent issue of the "DROP",
an SFA publication, with opinions of some of Allied leaders!

Submitted by Thomas F Conlon... (not verified) : Feb 11, 2016 7:37pm

Undermanned and with awful "rules of engagement", it will result in terrible results, and give the bad guys more to believe they can take us on.

Submitted by lester p (not verified) : Feb 11, 2016 7:37pm

Send them to the Southern border of the US

Submitted by Tom23 (not verified) : Feb 11, 2016 7:38pm

No, can't do that unless a specific threat or declared Nat'l Emergency. You are too young to remember Pres. Eisenhauer's sending in the 101st ABN to put down or control the Little Rock, AK uprising in abt 1956-57. Posse Comatitas. Or should that be "tight ass". Excuse the crappy spelling, but you get the idea; no us of Federal Troops in civilian situations unless state Governors or NG forces cannot control situations. And this business of spending $8(with a B) for a new Wall at the So. Border? Come on! Get real. Finish and fortify the investment already made and use surveillance drones to augment Border security on both Borders. Use some of the savings to do a better job of surveillance over these ports of ours before it is too late to keep some Adam Henry from sneaking "in" a "dirty weapon" of some kind. I am probably going to get in trouble for what I say next, but so be it, I'll "stand the heat". Li'l Kim Jung Un is getting closer to transistorizing a nuclear or thermonuclear weapon for his three-stage rocket system. The only reason they failed the other day, abt 2/08/16 to maintain orbital success was that the "package", whatever it was, had either no stabilizer or stabilizing thruster control capability. They rushed the program to impress Kim for his grandfather's anniversary and failed. This individual and Tzar Putin are far more dangerous to the free world than the Taliban could ever be. -former member of von Braun's third assembled team, the Gov't AND industrial team that put people on the Moon and got 'em back alive!

Submitted by James W. (not verified) : Feb 12, 2016 2:37am

no hell no let them kill them selves who cares! send politicians !!!

Submitted by frank kafton (not verified) : Feb 11, 2016 7:39pm

Remember, all wars are started by politicians. So nothing new there. I agree to back up our people and to help allies, but I would like to see more active duty personnel so the repeated tours are lessened. After I came back I saw the futility of Vietnam, but I still see the need to help people. I feel it was a privilege to join the military and give back to our country. I wish we had compulsory government service ( not necessarily just military) for all our citizens.

Submitted by Jack, Army 66-70 (not verified) : Feb 11, 2016 7:42pm

We keep voting Democrat, no problem with compulsory government service for all. With current "rules of engagement" all troops need to come home.

Submitted by John Wesley (not verified) : Feb 12, 2016 7:00am

Well said Jack.
I agree.

Submitted by Don, Navy 66-70 (not verified) : Feb 12, 2016 9:17am

Remember, all wars are started by politicians. So nothing new there. I agree to back up our people and to help allies, but I would like to see more active duty personnel so the repeated tours are lessened. After I came back I saw the futility of Vietnam, but I still see the need to help people. I feel it was a privilege to join the military and give back to our country. I wish we had compulsory government service ( not necessarily just military) for all our citizens.

Submitted by Jack, Army 66-70 (not verified) : Feb 11, 2016 7:42pm

sorry I should have said,give politicians guns let them fight there are expendable. not our troops!

Submitted by frank kafton (not verified) : Feb 11, 2016 8:06pm

This is a political move by the President. A President who is the most anti Christian President ever in the White House. And, anti military. He has shown absolutely no leadership. He makes minimal moves that have no effective results. He only puts our servicemen/Women in harms way. We need someone in the White House who will restore the military to its previous effectiveness and give it the tools they need including leadership. It would also be nice if he were a Christian. Our country was founded on Judaeo/Christian values.

Submitted by Rev Keith Wrigh... (not verified) : Feb 11, 2016 8:10pm

Save it for the pulpit, preacher. Your blind faith has you living in the dark to "reality".

Submitted by Zac Taylor (not verified) : Feb 11, 2016 9:22pm

What, specifically, has President Obama done that is anti-Christian? And, for that matter, anti-military? - Defense spending has continued to increase during his time in office!

Submitted by Lt Col Dan Holl... (not verified) : Feb 11, 2016 9:47pm

Oh, will they even learn. The military trains for a definite purpose, to DESTROY the enemy. Not to build a nation, not to win the heart and minds of a country, not to pacify an area, but to DESTROY the enemy. To a military Commander, there is no desire to use equal force or to fight "fair". Overwelming force is highly desired. To effectively use the military, give them a clear mission, Destroy the enemy, give them the support they need and get the hell out of the way. Of course, this would require the CinC to clearly define the enemy and to figure out what to do with the residual. No dithering, no lollygagging, etc.
When employing the military, if you are in for a penny, then you are in for a dollar.

Submitted by Major GS (not verified) : Feb 11, 2016 9:54pm

This is the best comment I have yet heard!!!!!!!
The VA still can't take care of our wounded, Why have more??????

Submitted by Marie T.Cei (not verified) : Feb 12, 2016 4:21am

EXCELLENT COMMENTARY! Best comment I have ever seen regarding the use of our military. If we could only our government to agree. Where are people like Douglas MacArthur and Dwight Eisenhower in our military today?

Submitted by Fred S. (not verified) : Feb 12, 2016 7:33am

If they were there, Obama would just fire them!

Submitted by Cora (not verified) : Feb 12, 2016 10:44am

Sorry folks for misspelling Ike's name in an earlier post. Used the traditional Deutsche version as I am half Prussian...and I voted for Ike, the first time as one of the first 17-18yr-old KY voters! As to "where are the boys" like Schwartzkopf, he has died, sometime ago from prostate cancer, I believe. AF, Lt. Gen. Johnson has long ago retired. McChristall, well they, the Defense staffers around POTUS, didn't like him because he tried to tell them what was necessary to "win", at least long enough to get the Hell out. And the classic of all Gen. Petraius (damn, can't even spell that one correctly!) was found guilty of "pillow talk" of Classified-?- info with his girlfriend correspondent; ck out Ike in the history books. He had "something going" all thru his time in England with his British Driver, Kay but he still led the "Day" 6/4/44 even tho Churchill had his doubts at first. Monty had chewed Rommel's forces at Tobruk with overwhelming, densely positioned artillery, something Ike had to learn the hard way at Casserine Pass when Rommel's forces hit us with defilading, deadly tank and artillery force. Those kinds of situations and fighting in the past are probably gone as now we, the Free World MUST deal with this irregular, guerilla and terrorist type of warfare as they know they cannot begin to deal with our modern high-tech and overwhelming tactics, professional fighting personnel and armament of today. Saddam learned that, twice, after playing Poker with two Bushes, did he not? But that last "win" and "Arab Spring" meddliing caused us to "own" this whole rotten mess.

Submitted by James W. (not verified) : Feb 12, 2016 5:18pm

We should not send troops anywhere unless there is clear objective and we send men and women with a tried and true win strategy. We have learned nothing from Vietnam and continue as business as usual. We have crippled and sacrificed too many with no clear go.

Submitted by alan a (not verified) : Feb 11, 2016 11:28pm

looks like a good way to loose 500 troops in ambushes ! Hope they dig deep holes and stay in them and only come out at night . Should have left when Bin Laden did . That was the excuse for going in , to find him . That was what 9 years ago ??

Submitted by Alden S (not verified) : Feb 11, 2016 11:46pm

Cut the order and let the Arm forces do the job But I agree in sending the politician first and them the over populated prison

Submitted by Miguel A (not verified) : Feb 12, 2016 5:45am

Our daughter is currently serving in Afghnaistan. We, our allies & Afghan military are SLOWLY making progress but handicapped by reducing force too much, too soon AND telling Taliban when we were doing so. It's like FDR in "44 sending a letter to Hitler & Tojo stating we & the allies were pulling out at end of "44 as things seem to be in hand. DUMB! We have not fought a war to a good conclusion since WWII and the Grenada incursion. We need to finish this one on OUR terms!

Submitted by Gerald Edgar (not verified) : Feb 12, 2016 7:26am

What do we all expect out of the current Commander in Chief, he was never qualified to be President in the first place, and he never served a day of his life in the military. He is a gutless wonder and the chiefs of staff are just rolling along with his wishes. We need a President/commander in chief like the first George Bush and the Commanders in Chief who served him. Our nation is so poorly led including the entire US Congress, both parties. It makes me sick!

Submitted by Jim Dorsett (not verified) : Feb 12, 2016 8:18am

Should have been an "all the above" answer. Anyone that has a brain, knew that as soon as POTUS announced the withdrawal timeline, that the bad guys would just wait and pounce after we left, which is what they're doing. More should have been and should be done from the coalition forces and more should have been and should be done to get Afghan forces to fend for themselves. We need someone that will get the coalition to go in once and for all to kick ass and take names or get the hell out all together. As most of us see, there is no middle ground!

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) : Feb 12, 2016 10:13am

Sounds like many of you thought it was all over in Afghanistan. We have maintained a troop level of 9,800 since the so called "end' of the combat role in 2014. The deployment of this Battalion from 10th Mountain is a scheduled rotation. They are relieving a battalion currently based at Bagram AB. there is no increase/escalation of troop levels. The difference is that 2/87 Inf will be deployed to a FOB in the south, to support and provide security/QRF for SF advisors training the Afgan Army based in that region. Yes, it is a different mission and location than the battalion they replaced, and yes their is greater risk for those Soldiers. But the "advisor" role by the SF has been ongoing, and its only logical to provide them with additional support and security. Stop with all this nonsense that we are sending in more troops and escalating the situation over there. It was never over and won't be over until everyone comes home.

Submitted by Flatulent Fred (not verified) : Feb 12, 2016 11:04am

Finally an intelligent response to the new situation. I commend you Sir for not just blaming the black guy.

Submitted by SenatorWeese (not verified) : Feb 15, 2016 1:50pm

Too little TOO LATE!

Submitted by Dan Simione (not verified) : Feb 12, 2016 11:10am

Shades of George Orwell's, Nineteen Eighty Four. This is continuous warfare to keep the world banking enterprises profitable. Why not? Their are guaranteed failsafe by the U.S. Federal Reserve Bank and the taxes of future enslaved taxpayers.
This is a far cry from the founders intentions of trade with all, alliances with none. We the people are responsible for electing the criminal element who have gotten us into this fix. If you don't want your kids dying on foreign soil for who knows what, you better pay attention who you send to the state houses and to the U.S. Congress. We can vote this problem away.

Submitted by Ronald S. Zimney (not verified) : Feb 12, 2016 11:11am

Sounds like another Government interference in combat operations.
If we cannot go in with overwhelming force and no ROE restrictions, why go?
Think back to the LBJ/McNamara period. Stand down, let them rebuild and get ready for heavy casualties.
Maybe the Executive Branch and Congress need a history lesson.
Or, better yet since there are only 500 troops going in to Helmund--send our political leaders instead. There are at least 500 people hanging around the Capitol building doing nothing.

Submitted by L J (not verified) : Feb 12, 2016 11:36am

Bad, Bad idea. Putting troops back in there is only going to lead to more trouble for the US. We are giving the enemy one more shot at capturing one of us, and you can be sure there will be a beheading. That's just what they are hoping for, to get an American back on their territory, to provide an American target, to further their propaganda. We do not need to provide more American troops to die for and in a region of the world that can not even care to take care of itself. Get out and stay out.

Submitted by Patrick Doyle (not verified) : Feb 12, 2016 12:12pm

Dear Cmmdr.

To me that is a farce, it is just a medium employed by The President to make him look good and redeem himself, it is the same tokenism method used not dissimilar as that used in Benghazi,it is nothing more to make it look like he (the President) is doing something about it, I can almost predict what will follow, a summit meeting with those concerned, which will probably end with our "leader" will end apologizing like he did to Iran after the release of our prisoners, {I do not know for what.} if he sends our young men and women to get slaughter like sheep in the slaughter house.

It is like a movie nothing more than a plot to make it look like he is doing something.

Yours for GOD and Country
Frank P. Calderon


Submitted by Frank p. Calderon (not verified) : Feb 12, 2016 12:24pm

This repositioning of existing assets in theater probably came at the request of the top military brass, not the president. Again, this is not a deployment of additional troops. Isn't it possible that the military commanders are given the flexibility to utilize its available assets to accomplish a mission? In this case, supporting SF advisors.

Submitted by Flatulent Fred (not verified) : Feb 12, 2016 1:00pm


Submitted by BILL EDGAR (not verified) : Feb 12, 2016 12:51pm

Got a better ideal...Anyone found guilty of giving a job or paying an illegal worker, would be subject to 5 years in prison and a 5000 fine for each day of employment per offense.

Submitted by Steven Williams (not verified) : Feb 12, 2016 5:51pm

Enough young men have been sent to Afganistan and I do not think this should be our war any longer. Let the Afgan people fight their own war. Lyndon Johnson syndrome "I am not send our troops 10,000 miles to fight a war that the Vietnamese should be fighting for themselves. If we were to elect to send troops, we need to send an overwhelming number of troops to eradicate all the rag heads and get it over with. War is not a game....there is no "helping" one fight by advising without being in combat. Typical Washington bull shit. If one does not want to send troops but wants to stop all the crap in the middle east, well, push a button and nuke the whole dam place.

Submitted by Wayne H Bergero... (not verified) : Feb 13, 2016 4:07am

it has been too late for a long time.

Submitted by old shep (not verified) : Feb 13, 2016 9:19am

If we are sending a Battalion - it is too little - kind of like a platoon to patrol all of wyoming. If sending troops to support an area this size - send a Brigade. that way they can be more than a token force. Even if it is a mixed Bde with other countries.

Submitted by MajP (not verified) : Feb 13, 2016 10:24am

What has happened to the old adage Kill them all and let god separate them. The only rule we used was there is no rules. Mutual Respect.

Submitted by para502 (not verified) : Feb 13, 2016 1:17pm

Just this --- WHY ?????

Submitted by Dmad (not verified) : Feb 13, 2016 7:11pm

I think it's high time that those places that claim to need/want our help start doing more for themselves. Not a blessed soul who died in any of those holes in the middle east was worth losing for someone else's cause. Look at the mess now in Iraq where a lot of the native military personnel are in sympathy with the terrorist groups who are raising so much hell there. Look at the mess in Africa where the 200 school girls were snatched up and for the most part still missing. What kind of effort has their own countries military really made to find and get them home. Now IsIs is sprouting up like bad weeds all over. There are so many in these places that just need killing. Twenty + years ago the Soviet Union lost in Afghanistan so what made us think we could do anything there. These people for the most part wouldn't know what to do with democracy if they had it. We need to keep our people out of those places because its highly apparent that those who come back hurt, blown apart, or have other problems are not really being helped by our own government thru the VA system. As a career military person, at each reenlistment time the free lifetime healthcare benefit was reiterated to me.So much for that promise. I was also promised that the VA would always be there for me. So much for promises. If I was really in need of VA care I'd likely be dead before I got an appt. It seems like now there is a means system and since I have been able to make a decent retirement I am classified Category 8. The government is continually looking for ways to eliminate benefits for retirees and veterans alike. Given the chance they now want to do away with conus commissaries and probably exchanges. if those things go away what kind of benefits are left to the career person.

Submitted by Max H. RETAF Msgt (not verified) : Feb 14, 2016 2:19am

This is just a holding pattern strategy... Need to secure the borders to provide the Afghans the space and stability to establish control over their country. That is one of the reasons that this election cycle is so important. If either of the democrats are elected to president we should just roll the flags up and come home as they have no will to win so any losses are in vain. Conversely, if we get a powerful leader in place who is willing to do what it takes to WIN, then we have a chance to turn this entire operation around.
If so then this holding pattern will be of value and if not then its an unnecessary risk.

Submitted by CF (not verified) : Feb 14, 2016 1:44pm

Hopefully, the Appeaser in Chief will not hamstring the troops, with his usual idiotic rules of engagement. If you can't aggressively pursue your enemy, you are the target.

Submitted by Gary Wriede (not verified) : Feb 15, 2016 12:38pm

Just plain ol bulls--t.

Submitted by Clete (not verified) : Feb 17, 2016 11:15am

What idiots in our capitol are presuming that, as we send our whole battalion of troops into an area of recent combat, they will not be engaged in combat? They will be attacked. Why are we approaching it blindly. Very few of the people running our government even know what it is like to be in combat. IF we only send in a battalion, then we should have a division ready to immediately back them up. A battalion size force in that huge combative area is a suicide force without any support. If we are sending them into defensive posture, let's at least make it an active defense, ready to kick ass. Give them the assets to do just that, to include plenty of air support; Army, Navy and Air Force. If our troops are hassled, show no mercy.

Submitted by John McClarren (not verified) : Mar 11, 2016 10:09am