Advertise With Us
Advertising Contacts
Interested in advertising with The American Legion? Please contact us.
Diane Andretti, Advertising Director
Anthony Heath, Production Director
Advertising Opportunities
The American Legion Magazine
Mass Reach: The American Legion Magazine, a monthly publication that reaches 1.6 million members, is consistently ranked with the "best read" among nearly 200 publications by an independent auditor. It is a general interest publication that concentrates on world events and national news analysis. Monthly columns include health, current events in Washington, D.C., veterans affairs and current issues.
The American Legion website
The American Legion's website is a dynamic electronic window to the nation's largest wartime veterans organization. Frequently updated news stories, videos and photos present visitors with a rich assortment of information about the Legion and its many programs.
The American Legion Online Update
A weekly e-newsletter, the American Legion Online Update is sent to more than 970,000 individuals interested in the top stories, videos and photo galleries within the Legion's electronic portfolio. High-priority news on veterans benefits, the GI Bill, patriotic activities, wounded warriors and Capitol Hill are interwoven with human-interest pieces and interviews with leading national figures.
Convention Program
The Convention Program is distributed to each of our attendees when they convene at our national convention, at the end of each August in a different U.S. city. The program contains maps of the convention center, honorees and VIPs, and other useful information. The program also gives a brief introduction to the city, which provides an excellent opportunity for local attractions to advertise to our audience.
For more information about advertising in the American Legion Convention Program, please contact Diane Andretti at If you would also like to participate with a face-to-face experience with the American Legion Family with a booth in the Exhibit Hall, please contact Bridget Robinson at (317) 630-1292.