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What should the U.S. do to aid in trying to free the jailed Pakistani doctor who helped locate Osama bin Laden?

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Legion readers should be able to compare Pakistan's imprisonment of Shakil Afridi to the USA's imprisonment of Jonathan Pollard - then ask us to vote. We need to clean up our own house first!

Submitted by GreatLaker : May 31, 2012 2:28pm

Get the doctor to the U.S. Embassy, give him asylum and a Peace Medal.

Submitted by GEORGEMSKI : May 31, 2012 2:32pm

I am no expert and I realize that the man's life at stake due to the severity of the sentence. I believe the matter will be resolved in such a manner that will satisfy both countries

Submitted by flash : May 31, 2012 3:07pm

I am no expert and I realize that the man's life at stake due to the severity of the sentence. I believe the matter will be resolved in such a manner that will satisfy both countries

Submitted by flash : May 31, 2012 3:10pm

Pakistan's has sent amessage to the U.S."We support Al Queda and the Taliban, Double Dealing and Terrorism will continue to be sustained by Pakistan. Keep the funds coming!!!"
The USA is buying off a most unreliable and questionable ally!!!

Submitted by billybuzzy : May 31, 2012 3:11pm

Pakistan has proven itself to be no ally. That said, we still need cooperation from them until we are able to extricate ourselves from Afghanistan. Diplomatic pressure with the threat of economic pressure is logically all we have at this point.

Submitted by jstan40 : May 31, 2012 3:34pm

It's obvious Pakistan is not fully supporting the US in the war on terror, otherwise they would've advised us that Osama was hiding out right down the street from a police compound. He was on the top of our Terrorist watch list and FBI most wanted.

So, what else are'nt they telling us? Probably plenty. It's doubtful that they are supplying us with any useful intel regarding the war in Afghanistan, or we probably could've clean up and gone home by now.

Quit babying all these 3rd world poopholes with billions in aid and getting nothing in return. Cut off the aid!

Submitted by MSGTJMG : May 31, 2012 4:14pm

I think that some of this has been "overcome by events" where the Pakis have tried to blackmail us with the cutoff of the supply routes. The UN troops have opened new routes that are cheaper to operate. The principle victims of the cutoff are the Paki truck drivers. Like many others, I wonder how the Pakis found the doctor but never found Osama. I support the total cutoff of aid to Pakistan. Our diplomats need to hold in reserve any restart of aid. Like many Legion members, I believe that it is time to remove our troops from a so-called nation that continues to be a 13th century tribal society.

Submitted by Jim Prior : May 31, 2012 5:52pm

I didn't vote as the correct answer does not appear among the choices. The correct answer is:

Cut off all foreign aid funds to Pakistan, period. As to the doctor, nothing. The man was convicted of aiding terrorists, and we shouldn’t second-guess foreign courts, especially when WE are committing acts of terror in THEIR country!

Submitted by antiTyranny : May 31, 2012 8:21pm

This is how we reward our friends? God help us...

Submitted by Bud Donahue : Jun 3, 2012 9:29am