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Please Vote! The future of a conservative America depends on it!

Submitted by cegeyer : Oct 29, 2020 3:24pm

The future of our Country depends upon the vote,whether Democrats or Republicans,the people finally have a chance to set our Country back on our destiny.

Submitted by Dave234 : Oct 30, 2020 12:54pm

Our republic depends on an media that is not bias to keep the citizens informed. We no longer have that. In my opinion this is the biggest danger our country faces.

Submitted by gilhimes : Oct 29, 2020 5:43pm

I have not received my mail-in
Ballet, I used to live in Texas
moved to Oklahoma at or after
the last part of May and have been here since then. I have been living in motel's every day. I finally got me an apartment and will be moving in
very soon, I will moving in
Nov 18, 2020 and will be buying me a home about the same time a
year from now, so with everything going on now I just need to find an ANGEL to assist me with this matter, I thought if I crossed the border into Texas and find a poling place to vote, I really must vote this year, I really must!!!!!

Submitted by bubeau5 : Oct 30, 2020 12:47am

I want to encourage everyone to vote. This is our responsibility and duty to show our opinions on where our Country should go in the next 4 years. The states control the way we vote ,using each States voting laws. If you trust your state and county officials,then it should be honest. The federal government does not control each states votes.
Do not fall for false information. Trust and verify.

Submitted by Dave234 : Oct 30, 2020 12:51pm

You want an unbiased media then you surely do not watch Fox "News".

Submitted by jsmella : Oct 30, 2020 4:11pm

4 years ago the leadership at the American Legion congratulated President Trump and called for unity and coming together. Their silence after this election is troubling at best. Their silence is telling and certainly is contradictory to the principals the Legion was founded on. We can do better. It's time for the leadership to stand up and speak up, we have a new President Elect and there needs to be continuity in our support, otherwise, the Legion is nothing more than a political organization.

Submitted by jimmyhstewart : Nov 20, 2020 3:25pm