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What do you think of the administration's plan to reduce the number of veteran suicides?

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It's political hype. The causes for veteran suicide far exceed a "program" dictated by a group of politicians and led by one that "I" consider a COWARD as a DRAFT DODGER with fake bone spurs.
Veteran suicide is far deeper than a piece of legislation or even dumping money into a pool without a focused application.
Issues such as MULTIPLE deployment and hierarchical noisemaking from people BEHIND the front lines of combat are systemic issues leaving us feeling isolated and estranged from family and loved ones on too many occasions. That's just the tip of the iceberg.
Stop insulting us when you know NOTHING of the paths we were directed to walk.

Submitted by Integritydev : Jun 18, 2020 3:54pm

Get over the draft dodger nonsense! This is 2020 and the draft ended long ago. At least he didn't go to Canada chanting hell no I won't go. Personally your post is insulting.

You are entitled to your opinion and I thank you for your service, but the American Legion needs to be embarrassed by this post being the first one others to see.

Submitted by Monte.Simpson : Jun 18, 2020 7:52pm

I would have respected him more if he had gone to Canada. He just hung around and rubbed it in our faces that we were stupid enough to go. His comment that “I didn’t like the war” so I didn’t go. Who the hell liked the war???

Submitted by billfishon1205 : Jun 20, 2020 10:58am

I would have respected him more if he had gone to Canada. He just hung around and rubbed it in our faces that we were stupid enough to go. His comment that “I didn’t like the war” so I didn’t go. Who the hell liked the war???

Submitted by billfishon1205 : Jun 20, 2020 10:58am

No getting over the draft dodger. He and others like him put his personal interests above duty to this great nation. Men like him should not be allowed to be the commander of our brothers in arms. He has no credibility, honor, or leadership ability and our adversaries know this and use it to their advantage and our allies are rightly appalled at his petty vindictiveness. True leaders are men and women of honor and integrity, who are willing to put country first and know how to lead and set good examples to us all.

Submitted by wdh1973 : Jun 21, 2020 4:09pm

Stop and think an hour, Veteran suicides is just one of thousands of special interest subjects hoping for attention. The US even the world pumps millions of dollars in a never ending plea for any amount of money. Pet owners themselves outspend and outbeg all others by far. Suicide in and of itself has many to compete with. Senior suicide, teen suicide, ethnic suicide etc. All beg for attention and handouts. Massive amounts of advertising is spent on mail, TV and Radio advertising. The VA does not own veterans. Ten's of thousands of Veterans won't have anything to do with the VA. The VA needs to publicaly apologize to all Veterans via the media and by mail to all Veterans. The wounds the VA causes is inexcusable.

Submitted by rightanglevet : Jun 18, 2020 5:26pm

Stop and think an hour, Veteran suicides is just one of thousands of special interest subjects hoping for attention. The US even the world pumps millions of dollars in a never ending plea for any amount of money. Pet owners themselves outspend and outbeg all others by far. Suicide in and of itself has many to compete with. Senior suicide, teen suicide, ethnic suicide etc. All beg for attention and handouts. Massive amounts of advertising is spent on mail, TV and Radio advertising. The VA does not own veterans. Ten's of thousands of Veterans won't have anything to do with the VA. The VA needs to publicaly apologize to all Veterans via the media and by mail to all Veterans. The wounds the VA causes is inexcusable.

Submitted by rightanglevet : Jun 18, 2020 5:26pm

Stop and think an hour, Veteran suicides is just one of thousands of special interest subjects hoping for attention. The US even the world pumps millions of dollars in a never ending plea for any amount of money. Pet owners themselves outspend and outbeg all others by far. Suicide in and of itself has many to compete with. Senior suicide, teen suicide, ethnic suicide etc. All beg for attention and handouts. Massive amounts of advertising is spent on mail, TV and Radio advertising. The VA does not own veterans. Ten's of thousands of Veterans won't have anything to do with the VA. The VA needs to publicaly apologize to all Veterans via the media and by mail to all Veterans. The wounds the VA causes is inexcusable.

Submitted by rightanglevet : Jun 18, 2020 5:26pm

Stop and think an hour, Veteran suicides is just one of thousands of special interest subjects hoping for attention. The US even the world pumps millions of dollars in a never ending plea for any amount of money. Pet owners themselves outspend and outbeg all others by far. Suicide in and of itself has many to compete with. Senior suicide, teen suicide, ethnic suicide etc. All beg for attention and handouts. Massive amounts of advertising is spent on mail, TV and Radio advertising. The VA does not own veterans. Ten's of thousands of Veterans won't have anything to do with the VA. The VA needs to publicaly apologize to all Veterans via the media and by mail to all Veterans. The wounds the VA causes is inexcusable.

Submitted by rightanglevet : Jun 18, 2020 5:27pm

Yes, agree. It is becoming more and more evident rarely tells the truth.Nearly everything he says. Yes he is not first that told outrageous lies. Reagan told Israel prime minister Began while the were visiting the Nazi concentration camps, that he had liberated a Nazi camp. Began and everyone else knew that it was a lie; however nearly everything Trump says is a lie. On the average Big Brother tells 6 lies. Today Facebook made it so obvious that Trump intent on becoming a dictator is a Nazi.

Submitted by freedomlover : Jun 18, 2020 8:50pm

Yes, agree. It is becoming more and more evident rarely tells the truth.Nearly everything he says. Yes he is not first that told outrageous lies. Reagan told Israel prime minister Began while the were visiting the Nazi concentration camps, that he had liberated a Nazi camp. Began and everyone else knew that it was a lie; however nearly everything Trump says is a lie. On the average Big Brother tells 6 lies. Today Facebook made it so obvious that Trump intent on becoming a dictator is a Nazi.

Submitted by freedomlover : Jun 18, 2020 8:50pm

Yes, agree. It is becoming more and more evident rarely tells the truth.Nearly everything he says. Yes he is not first that told outrageous lies. Reagan told Israel prime minister Began while the were visiting the Nazi concentration camps, that he had liberated a Nazi camp. Began and everyone else knew that it was a lie; however nearly everything Trump says is a lie. On the average Big Brother tells 6 lies. Today Facebook made it so obvious that Trump intent on becoming a dictator is a Nazi.

Submitted by freedomlover : Jun 18, 2020 8:50pm

Yes, agree. It is becoming more and more evident rarely tells the truth.Nearly everything he says. Yes he is not first that told outrageous lies. Reagan told Israel prime minister Began while the were visiting the Nazi concentration camps, that he had liberated a Nazi camp. Began and everyone else knew that it was a lie; however nearly everything Trump says is a lie. On the average Big Brother tells 6 lies. Today Facebook made it so obvious that Trump intent on becoming a dictator is a Nazi.

Submitted by freedomlover : Jun 18, 2020 8:50pm

I apologize for the typos.Allow me to correct.
I agree. It is becoming more and more evident that Trump rarely tells the truth. Nearly every thing he says is a lie. Yes, he is not the most outrageous liar.Reagan told Israel Prime Minister Began while touring the Nazi concentration camps that he had liberated one. Everyone knows that it was a horrendous lie.
On the average Big Brother Trump tell on average of 6 lies a day. As Hitler wrote: “tell a lie big enough and long enough and everyone will believe it “.Today Facebook blocked Trump’s ads as fascist. Making it obvious that Trump is a Nazi.
Sheridan Peterson
WW II Marine

Submitted by freedomlover : Jun 18, 2020 9:11pm

The President has good intentions but the guts of the VA are so old and set on their ways, they still think of their jobs first and work us Vets in next. The program will be slow, if at all.

Submitted by michaelkch65 : Jun 19, 2020 6:27am

Fellow veterans, we get to speak in four months, our voice will be herd and tell your congressman we mean business, for he or she is in the business of getting relected.

Submitted by Marvin25 : Jun 21, 2020 11:43am