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What is your opinion of states that are re-opening amid the COVID-19 pandemic?

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The measures are draconian for a disease that has a .016% death rate (take the number of deaths, 55,258, caused by the virus and divide it by U.S. population, 327,000,000, multiply by 100, equals .016%), not the 5.63% the government wants you to believe (they divide the number of deaths, 55,258 by the number of cases, 981,246). We served to protect the US Constitution and the freedoms it guaranteed everyone. We are, were, governed by certain inalienable rights, one, the right of free will; the Constitution forbids restricting an individual’s religious practices, guarantees we can peacefully to assemble and petition our government for redress. We are NOT governed by mandates issued by power hungry big brother governors which blatantly violate our individual freedoms guaranteed by our Constitution. How long will this tyranny last? How long are we going to permit the exaggeration of facts to continue destroying the economy? How long are we going to allow self-imposed dictators decide what is "essential" and "non-essential"? How long are we going to permit the government to continue monitoring our every move? This Orwellian madness must stop now! NO crisis is so desperate to permit the US Constitution to be trampled!

Submitted by breachplug : May 1, 2020 9:40am

It is reassuring to know that overwhelmingly the American people support shelter-in-place while those protesting have to be paid and recruited.

Very sad.

Submitted by jsmella : May 1, 2020 11:06am

America is number 1 in virus cases thanks to our inability to listen to scientists and warnings from the intelligence community.

Submitted by Dave234 : May 1, 2020 3:04pm

The US Constitution gives the right to free speech, but, falls short of the freedom of truth leaving us with uncertainty.

Submitted by Marvin25 : May 1, 2020 12:23pm

The Virus is still running rampant in a variety of states . Re-opening to some degree with extreme safety should be measured with caution and re-established if the virus continues to spread . POLITICS BE DAMNED if several thousand more contract the disease . Election time is approaching and mail in ballots should be utilized to the full extent to avoid any further deaths .

Bill Vietnam Era Veteran

Submitted by wmymdavis : May 5, 2020 5:59pm