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How should the U.S. respond to China’s insistence on continuing its territorial claims in the South China Sea?

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Elect a real commander in chief. Our present one put us in this mess.

Submitted by Dale L (not verified) : Jul 14, 2016 2:39pm

Dale, you hit it on the head. Just wishing it would go away like every other problem our current CIC does won't work here either. He did put us here and he is now trying to start a race war.

Submitted by Reb 1 (not verified) : Jul 14, 2016 3:57pm

Ditto Dale L

Submitted by Lost my country (not verified) : Jul 14, 2016 3:09pm

Certainly respect the court's decision. Increase our naval military presence as a deterrent. If necessary, back our presence with force, but only as a last resort. China has overstepped her boundaries and needs to be taught she cannot just run roughshod over anyone she wants to. Just my two cents.

Submitted by Mike Henson (not verified) : Jul 14, 2016 3:40pm

Encourage the neighboring countries to fend for themselves like Obama did for the Iraq government. So that they can take care of their own problems instead of forcing US to spend all of our taxes on keeping them safe from dangerous neighbors.

Submitted by Craiginb (not verified) : Jul 14, 2016 4:16pm

I really am disappointed with such negative comments with our CIC He is in charge and should be respected as such. We have enough problems with the GOP Congress refusing to do their job and leaving more on Obama's shoulders to do all the work.
I guess I am a member of the generation who accepts who is CIC and if I do object, I work on others to vote. when it's time to change

Submitted by tomur2 (not verified) : Jul 14, 2016 4:23pm

@Tomur2 Hey brother, you have got to be joking! B. Hussein Obama is the person falling over himself to apologize for everything we have done as a military and as a country for the past 70 years. You would never expect nor rely on a field commander to sit back and see if someone else does something first. In other words, you can't win leading from behind. He is leaving a disastrous trail of devastation from Libya to Iran. He can't contain China and has allowed the new "Soviet" military to constantly harass us in the air and at sea. None of us like the title of World Police but in a time when the world is a small place, a Nation like ours just vacating the area leaves a vacuum to be filled and, it is currently being filled by the likes of Putin, Iran, and Communist China. That is not a good trade off. I think expecting the POTUS to just do everything is unfair similarly, you stating the GOP is "refusing to do their jobs" is equally unfair, it is bias, and also disenfranchises the millions of Americans that voted them into office in an attempt to protect the values they themselves hold so dear. It's easy to forget that everyone of our congressional members actually represent the majority of people in their districts which means, if they are voting a certain way or, objecting to a motion, it is because the majority of people they represent do or, do not want something to occur. Sorry if you disagree with them but the reason we have the GOP and "Tea Party" politicians is to stop the rampant abuses of power and corruption that so often occur when each side gets into power. Clearly, the Democrats have different plans and ideas for the military and the world. The Americans that voted for the GOP members of congress did so because they genuinely disagree with the ideas of the left and believe that a different approach is needed. The POTUS does indeed bear a lot of responsibility for the problems and decisions of this country so, negative comments about his policies are definitely warranted and nothing you say will change the minds of the millions of people that see and understand the devastating effects of his rule-by-executive action style of government. To many, it feels like we are one step away from tyranny. It was just last week that Senate minority leader stated that if Hillary Clinton becomes POTUS that they will push to amend the First Amendment to prohibit speech against Muslims, gays and denying that man is causing global warming. Think about that. They want to ban free speech as we know it. They are saying, "You can say whatever you want, as long as it's what we want you to say." I don't know about you, but I took an oath to defend the Constitution against things like that. I hope everyone that happens to read this thinks very hard about where we have been lead as a country, where we are going and, what you will do if true tyranny arrives in our cities and towns. God bless.

Submitted by Oz (not verified) : Jul 14, 2016 4:54pm

I sure don't see it that way, not sure how you come with that statement.

Submitted by Robert Glaze (not verified) : Jul 14, 2016 6:56pm

Seriously? Wow. I guess you believe in "leading from behind". Not to mention all the other idiocy that man has spouted in the last 7 1/2 years. I don't have all day to list it all.

Submitted by Cora (not verified) : Jul 15, 2016 11:08am

Now that why this country has gone from a highly respected nation to just another nation. It's spineless people that won't stand up for our way of life. You need to man up and realize that that joke of a president promised to change things when we put him in office. Yes he did as promised, he changed things. He trashed my country. Him and that joke of a wife had done more to divide this country than any other person has in years.

Submitted by Fred C. (not verified) : Jul 15, 2016 6:27am

Let the Vietnamese handle it. After all, didn't their military defeat ours and China's military?

Submitted by Joe Domhan (not verified) : Jul 14, 2016 6:24pm

The Chinese supported the Vietnamese with advisors against the USA.

Submitted by Robert Glaze (not verified) : Jul 14, 2016 6:54pm

Yes let the other countries of tha area deal with it.

Submitted by Georgiano (not verified) : Jul 14, 2016 7:41pm

Unless we are claiming the same area as our own, how is it even our business? Oh, and don't even call the current POTUS the CIC. He is a fraud. Has not earned the title.

Submitted by Hans (not verified) : Jul 14, 2016 6:38pm

It is a major shipping lane and they want to charge for using it.

Submitted by Robert Glaze (not verified) : Jul 14, 2016 6:52pm

Fine them a billion dollars a day till they retract their claim.

Submitted by Robert Glaze (not verified) : Jul 14, 2016 6:49pm

I agree with everything OZ said above. I do think to add to it we need to use a combination of diplomacy and military strength to enforce the courts ruling against China, we do not need to back down from freedom of the sea's transit that China is trying to blackmail countries into their bidding, it has to stop. Our so called CIC is vacant from any backbone, and tries to use executive privilege every time something doesn't go his way. He needs to start using military force and stop bowing over to every other country in the world. We are a laughing stock everywhere.

Submitted by Deanno (not verified) : Jul 14, 2016 9:02pm

The US doesn't need to start anything w/any other country because we haven't won anything since WWII and our military leaders are pathetic!

Submitted by David Liles (not verified) : Jul 15, 2016 6:38am

No, our leadership is pathetic. The Generals who had the audacity to disagree with our esteemed "leader" were forced to retire.

Submitted by Cora (not verified) : Jul 15, 2016 11:04am

Reading many of the posts above I see why our Country is in such a mess. Remember the bully who picked on you until you kicked the poop out of him. Do you wait until the house is almost burnt to the ground before you call the Fire Dept. MR OZ,I could not have said it any better. Bravo. I am left to wonder if some of the posts above are written by Veterans or Wantabees.

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) : Jul 15, 2016 11:26am

The U.S. and other Western countries, including NATO should build islands of their own right next to the man-made ones the Communists, errr, I mean China is building.

Submitted by LocoLance (not verified) : Jul 15, 2016 1:37pm

The idiots will place their heads where the sun don't shine and do nothing!!!!

Submitted by DOUGLAS E (not verified) : Jul 15, 2016 4:38pm

After readling about the Wild Weasels in Nam I have concluded that Politicians have created rules of engagement that have not allowed us to win since WWII for purely political reasons. This has cost us thousands of lives and billions in lost equipment. We need to elect people that understand Wars should be directed by those who understand Military Tactics. Civilians as Secty of Defence have mostly been the cause of stupid rules of engagement and Presidents who listed to them!!!!!!

Submitted by Robert D Blankenfeld (not verified) : Jul 15, 2016 7:54pm

I couldn't help but notice that the things going on lately with Cuba the news always refer to that nickle, dime island as COMMUNIST CUBA but when it comes to China it is pretty much just called "CHINA" ! The worst part is everything you pick up today in a store is made in COMMUNIST CHINA .We are contributing to China's economy every day ,giving their government "more" money to rebuild their military against the USA ! ! !

Submitted by Karl Page (not verified) : Jul 16, 2016 11:06am

I doubt any substantive response will occur during the remainder of the Obama administration. I wish that all Americans would recognize the danger of a fiercely nationalistic, increasingly wealthy and powerful China with plans to seize control of the South China Sea. All the trade with China seems to have accomplished is to embolden the communist government, depress wages here, enrich "free trade" advocates here, and hamstring our diplomatic efforts due to our debtor nation status. The Chinese government should be warned that their access to the lucrative American market is at risk and our Navy should be tasked with demonstrating that the illegal territorial claims are not only invalid but unenforceable.

Submitted by James Feeley (not verified) : Jul 16, 2016 1:55pm