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What do you make of this week’s news of the terrorist attack in Istanbul and the U.S. airstrikes that killed 250 ISIS fighters?

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Seems to me NATO has been attacked....more than once. Time to make it known we really are at isn't going away because we would like it to. Airpower does not win this type of conflict if it ever did. Infantry on the ground...taking ground and destroying IS on their land is how this war is it or is pay now or pay more as we twiddle our thumbs thinking about how to play defense.

Submitted by tank guy (not verified) : Jun 30, 2016 2:45pm

Right on tank guy. I agree. Exterminate them (ISIS) like we did with the Japs on Pelelu and Iwo Jima.

Submitted by DJN (not verified) : Jun 30, 2016 4:13pm

COPY THAT Tank guy, I've been saying the same thing all along!

Submitted by Don C. (USN) (not verified) : Jun 30, 2016 3:19pm

It seems to me that when ISIS/ ISIL gets its butt kicked on the battlefield, they respond by attacking defenseless people. They show us the gutless nature of who and what they are. The fact that 250 of their fighters were taken out this week is a win-win: They wanted to die for their cause and we helped them achieve their objective.
Sadly, they are like cockroaches and need to be fought with extreme, lethal force continually wherever they are.

Submitted by Rich Elliott (not verified) : Jun 30, 2016 3:27pm

Seems yet another administration going for a "body count" to play to media and sentiments instead of waging real war.

Submitted by Navy Jaws (not verified) : Jun 30, 2016 3:48pm

As we learned after the release of the Beghazi Report earlier this week, this administration is literally more concerned with their image than with protecting American lives/interests.

Submitted by R. Ditmore (not verified) : Jul 1, 2016 11:39pm

It seems to me most of the US success or effort comes after an attack by ISIS/ISIL on US and allies. Our government battles to determine if and how much they will give on the DOD budget. Our military strength is depleted and there is a reduction of benefits to making the military a career. Due to the lack of funding and excessive deployments it has to effect the morale of our soldiers and sailors. We need to build our military strength and aggressively go after ISIS. We need to stop funding IRAN to do our fighting. They hate us as much as ISIS/ISIL. We are out sourcing our military, equipment, US dollars, to IRAN. We all see what happened after we made a quick withdrawal from the IRAQ we gave ISIS/ISIL our equipment and ammunition. OK, I'll get off my soap box.

Submitted by Doug G USN retired (not verified) : Jun 30, 2016 3:59pm

Too convenient. The reality is that this Administration lies just about everything. This is propaganda to delude Americans into believing they are responding to terrorist attacks, when the president will not admit there is Islamist terrorism.

Submitted by DOUGLAS E (not verified) : Jun 30, 2016 4:15pm


Submitted by PISSED OF SOLDIER (not verified) : Jun 30, 2016 8:33pm

Turkey recently signed an agreement with Israel. Coincident?

ISIS now has an estimated 80,000 plus fighters
The loss of 250 is less than 1/3 of 1 percent. They will use that as a recruiting tool. Air strikes are not going to make a big difference in a guerilla war.

Submitted by LM (not verified) : Jun 30, 2016 8:41pm

Who counted the bodies?

Submitted by 1st Lt USMC Ret (not verified) : Jul 1, 2016 10:09am

Outstanding question, Sir!

Submitted by R. Ditmore (not verified) : Jul 1, 2016 11:34pm

250 is a lot of dead bodies, now they can all go to their heaven and receive their 72 virgins. Good luck with that. The world has changed and we must realize this "war" May last the rest of our lives. We can kill 2000, but until the ideology of "radical Islam" is changed we're just marking time. Stay locked & loaded my friends.

Submitted by Larry L (not verified) : Jul 1, 2016 11:12am

250 killed. a convoy of 175 vehicles were caught leaving the battle field and were wiped out. killing 250 much like sitting ducks. try killing 250 in a battle when you have return fire from the enemy. 250 down many thousands more to go.

Submitted by Don A. (not verified) : Jul 1, 2016 12:08pm

Why? If they can be killed like setting ducks, by all means, carry on. No need in needlessly risking America lives just to exterminate rabid animals.

Submitted by R. Ditmore (not verified) : Jul 1, 2016 11:44pm

R.Ditmore. You say needlessly risking American lives JUST to exterminate rabid animals. Sure lets wait until all those rabid animals are here in America before we act. I bet I can guess who you voted for in the last presidential election.

Submitted by Don A. (not verified) : Jul 2, 2016 5:49am

Don A.You may need to work on your reading comprehension. I am saying to exterminate them, and that means do it there and now.I am simply saying to do it at the least possible risk to U.S. personnel. As for your guess as to who I voted for in the last election goes, you have a 50/50 shot at getting it correct- my best guess is you would be wrong.

Submitted by R. Ditmore (not verified) : Jul 3, 2016 7:26am

I think there is more to do and yet progress is showing up every day. KEEP IT UP GUYS.

Submitted by Ron L Christensen (not verified) : Jul 1, 2016 5:30pm

250 only a fraction of those who need to be terminated. Election year politics is the reason for declaring this a success - it's is pathetic effort by a pathetic administration.

Submitted by R. Ditmore (not verified) : Jul 1, 2016 11:33pm

Replace Obama with someone with guts.Attack ISIS and wipe the bastards out. Take off the gloves and turn the boys loose. End of problem

Submitted by Robert Jones (not verified) : Jul 2, 2016 10:44am