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Is it time for a new constitutional convention?

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The problem is not with the Constitution, but with politicians who do not abide by it.

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) : Jun 9, 2016 11:19am

You nailed it!

Submitted by Neg (not verified) : Jun 9, 2016 3:53pm

This is synonymous with Government out of control, and so requires a convention by the "People" to set a course correction.
With $31 Trillion debt, and lifelong politicians supporting only their own best interests, it is far past time to call a convention of states.
The current agenda is to require fiscal responsibility, and set term limits for all members of congress.

Submitted by rkutsy : Jan 29, 2023 2:24pm


Submitted by SSG Marek (Med.... (not verified) : Jun 9, 2016 4:03pm

but they actively work to circumvent it. amendments must be put in place to limit their ability to subvert the constitution.

Submitted by rkutsy : Jan 29, 2023 2:25pm

Ban the pervasive infiltration of money in the political process, outlaw gerrymandering across the board, and guarantee to everyone the unwavering right to vote alongside automatic voter registration when people turn 18 years of age.

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) : Jun 9, 2016 4:07pm

A Constitutional Convention would open Pandora's box! Our founding fathers are dead. A long time dead. In my life I've met no one I would trust to try to re-wright our Constitution.

Submitted by John Wohlwend (not verified) : Jun 9, 2016 4:09pm

No. Let's just enforce the current one.

Submitted by Mike Lukosavich (not verified) : Jun 9, 2016 4:15pm

No! I don't think we need a Reconstituted Constitution!
GO by IT!

Submitted by Amos (not verified) : Jun 9, 2016 4:23pm

The Electoral College needs to go away along with gerrymandering. The 2nd Amendment which was ruled on by the Supreme Court needs to be clarified under the US Constitution not by political appointees on the bench.

Submitted by EH (not verified) : Jun 9, 2016 4:36pm

I forgot one very important item that needs reinforcement. The CIC is suppose to declare war by taking his proposal to the US Congress and Congress going on record of approving or disapproving. Every since Vietnam the Congress has abdicated its responsibility. It's criminal for this body to not complete its constitutional responsibility and record a vote on going to war of not. To think we pay this group and give them a pension with medical.

Submitted by EH (not verified) : Jun 9, 2016 4:45pm

Most of the wars fought since WW2 show what happens when we do not abide by the Constitution-Congress has not declared war. With the exception of Desert Storm, the wars have been largely disasters mainly because Congress did not declare war.

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) : Jun 9, 2016 9:39pm

Politicians need to learn what it says. Then live by it, if they can not then they need fired.

Submitted by Vet72 (not verified) : Jun 9, 2016 5:03pm

The constitution is fine .our politicians are out of control and are no longer serving us they serve them selves and their cronies first. We need to hold all politicians accountable excluding the President. We a way to recall and hold their feet to the fire. Only recourse we have is to vote and that has not been working well.I be leave that the states should have a recourse that the state legislature should have a tool to question and convey the states wants and desires and thoughts. What say all of you

Submitted by William Beauvais (not verified) : Jun 9, 2016 5:03pm

So your saying that no mater what disgraces and crimes the president commits he should not be held accountable for his actions? The President should be the first to the fire! Especially Obama!

Submitted by Nate79 (not verified) : Jun 12, 2016 10:07am

The constitution, as written and amended, is fine. What is not fine is the movement by progressive judges, Congress and our current president to undermine the law and the intent of the constitution as written. Our founding fathers crafted a law to protect the people against the progressives seeking to tear it down.

Submitted by Stephan G. (not verified) : Jun 9, 2016 5:35pm


Submitted by Cora (not verified) : Jun 10, 2016 8:42am

When the constitution was written there 3 million people. there are now 300 million. The world
has changed, and so should the constitution be a living document. The supreme courts whole job is to try and decide if this is what our forefathers had in mind when they had no concept of the world today. We learn from the past, but we do not live in it.

Submitted by Joe R (not verified) : Jun 9, 2016 5:48pm

The US Constitution was written based on our Christian heritage and the Holy Bible which was written about 2000 years ago. We have slipped into mostly a non Christian country and are unfit for a constitution founded by and for Christians. We don't deserve the protections provided in our present Constitution and to a great extent our present government has nullified most of the amendments and eroded those protective words to no effect. Wish we could get that genie back into the bottle but I'm farad it will again take blood letting to make it happen. The 2nd amendment is hanging on by a shoe string and this election could start the revolution that will be either liberating or enslavement, the choice is ours. Vote for liberty not slavery!

Submitted by Garymc (not verified) : Jun 10, 2016 6:44pm

Hate to disagree but the country and constitution was based on the separation of church and state. Our founding fathers did NOT want the strong church influence like everywhere else at the time.

Submitted by Nate79 (not verified) : Jun 12, 2016 10:03am

It would be scary to see what the current environment would create if the Constitution were rewritten. It's bad enough that they can't even interpret the current one.

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) : Jun 9, 2016 6:56pm

No! A Liberal runaway constitutional convention would be the end of the country as we know it!

Submitted by Richard Ferry (not verified) : Jun 10, 2016 9:33am

The constitution is great as it was originally written. It is a gift from God. Two problems though: 1. The last few presidents, congresses, and supreme courts have totally ignored the 10th Amendment, please, for God's sake, read the 10th Amendment, 2. The constitution has NO TEETH. There are no provisions in the current constitution to ENFORCE the provisions of the constitution. That is why the muslin communist Obummer and the communist democrats daily wipe their feet in the constitution.

Submitted by Snookie Viet Vet (not verified) : Jun 10, 2016 2:57pm

The question is not "whether" but "when." Congress is currently counting the applications. The states have submitted sufficient applications to cause ten convention calls. There is a lot more all of which you can read at foavc (for the rest use the first three letters of organization).

Submitted by Bill Walker (not verified) : Jun 10, 2016 11:00pm

As long as Democrats aren't involved. After Obamacare I no longer trust Democrats with the law making process.

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) : Jun 11, 2016 8:58am

While visiting Cairo in February 2012, Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg told an Egyptian television interviewer that the US Constitution would not be a good model for creating a new constitution. She said the South African constitution would be a better model.

Our liberal president and progressive members of Congress want to make us more like Europe, and liberal members of the Supreme Court want to make us more like Africa. A constitutional convention would make it much easier for them to destroy this country that they dislike so much. What the hell was Ginsburg doing in Cairo anyway, and who do you think paid for her trip?

Submitted by bmac (not verified) : Jun 11, 2016 1:36pm

As dangerous as a constitutional convention would be, todays professional politicians and their self serving judicial appointments have bastardized our founding document by simply ignoring it and expanding interpretations. The constitution needs to be re-affirmed and amended to add a balanced budget and term limits amendments. 2 amendments that will NEVER happen by the political establishment that maintains a "till the death" stranglehold on our political process. Our current election has exposed just who actually is in control of this nation, and it's not the people!

Submitted by High Seas Drifter (not verified) : Jun 11, 2016 1:53pm

Take a look at the Convention of States Project (conventionofstates dot org). You might find it interesting!

Submitted by IsaacH (not verified) : Jun 14, 2016 6:15pm

No the admendment process works.keep our present Constitution. I do not trust the present political climate to solve anything for the American Citizen.

Submitted by Dave234 : Jun 12, 2016 2:30pm

None of the above! It's time for a Convention of States, not a Constitutional Convention! A Constitutional convention is a terrible idea - we don't want to rewrite the constitution. A Convention of States, however, is in the Constitution as a viable amendment process. It's an amendment process, but obviously legion didn't realize (as do most americans) that there is more than one way to amend the constitution.

Submitted by IsaacH (not verified) : Jun 14, 2016 6:14pm

We don't need a Constitutional Convention, we need an Article V Convention of States. Please visit our website to volunteer, sign our online petition, or simply learn more about Citizens for Self Governance and our Article V Convention of States Project:
cosaction dot com

Submitted by Michael Millikan (not verified) : Jun 14, 2016 7:02pm

A constitutional convention to rewrite a constitution, would be an illegal act under the document that is the law of our land. What we desperately need, "under the provisions of Article V of the Constitution of the United States, for the calling of a convention of the states limited to proposing amendments to the Constitution of the United States that impose fiscal restraints on the federal government, limit the power and jurisdiction of the federal government, and limit the terms of office for its officials and for members of Congress."
[quoting the Application to state legislatures for a Convention of States]

Submitted by Carol Menges (not verified) : Jun 15, 2016 12:52am

The constitution is "changed" every time the supreme court rules, some 3,000 pages have been added by non-elected life-time appointed judges. We already have 27 Article V amendments ratified including the Bill of Rights, many of which were impacted by the some 400 Article V Convention of States applications. Please people learn your American history. This is a major problem with our voting public. People don't bother to learn how the Founders created our Republic to operate. There is no difference between an Article V amendment PROPOSAL passed by Congress and one passed by a Convention of States. Both need 3/4 of the stats (both houses) to ratify. This is incredible safety precaution the Founders provided. The Convention of States has no power to change the Constitution. It can only pass PROPOSALS for the states to consider for ratification. Our conservative principles are strongest in the states where they are close to We the People. Please check out conventionofstates website to lean more how you can protect and restore our freedoms.

Submitted by cliff wilkin (not verified) : Jun 15, 2016 7:13pm

Not only is it time for an article V Convention of States, it's "past" time: The Federal Government is out of control. America is 20 Trillion dollars in debt. It has 200 Trillion dollars in unfunded liabilities. Congress has surrendered the power of the purse. The Judiciary views the Constitution as an anachronistic historical document. We at Convention of States have a solution as big as the problem. The COS Project application has already been passed by 8 states and 20 or more state houses. This application is limited to 3 areas:

(a) Impose fiscal restraints on the Federal Government. (Including campaign finances)
(b) Limit the power and jurisdiction of the Federal Government.
(c) Limit the terms of office for federal officials and members of Congress.

Please encourage your local state rep to become
more involved in States' rights. Visit conventionofstates for more info

Submitted by Gary Rosenbaum (not verified) : Jun 16, 2016 8:48am

Article V.,or any part of the constitution does not call for an constitutional convention. However we are way past time for a convention of states to propose amendments. This is different from a constitutional convention.

Submitted by Bill McDowell (not verified) : Jun 18, 2016 8:40pm

I answered "no because of the amendment process" above. That being said, folks need to understand that a "convention of states" is a part of that amendment process as outlined in Article V of the Constitution. So, we don't need/want a "constitutional convention," but we DO want an "amending convention" as Washington, DC will never fix itself. Unfortunately, we do not have enough patriots in Congress to do the right thing, so the States need to do it for them. Learn all about it and sign the petition at the conventionofstates website.

Submitted by Gary Zimmermann (not verified) : Jun 20, 2016 11:17pm

The Article V Convention for proposing Amendments is a Pandora's Box we ought not to open. If the Constitution is the solution, by enforcing it, then, opening it to wholesale changes isn't the solution to our problems with the federal government. The Constitution has been changed through the Amendment process that utilizes Congress on multiple occasions. Why would delegates to an Article V Convention better represent the people of the United States than the Congressmen they elected to Congress?

Submitted by Bliss Tew (not verified) : Jul 6, 2016 4:53pm

The Constitution is clearly being eroded. It is the duty of the citizenry to resist any encroachment to their liberty. That is why Article V was included in the Constitution, so we would have the weapon necessary to repell despots. Please join me and other patriots by signing the Convention of States petition as described in Article V.

Submitted by Jonbo (not verified) : Jun 22, 2016 10:55pm

Amen, the Constitution is not the problem, the Constitution is our solution! The true problem is with elected Congressmen, Presidents, judges, or even appointed bureaucrats that don't comply with the Constitution, which is the "supreme law of the land." What is our remedy? 1) study our constitution and understand it. 2) enforce the constitution with phone calls, letters, and e-mails to Congressmen when they are out of step with the Constitution. If that doesn't work vote against them at the next election. 3) educate other voters about the Constitution. One good way is to have people view the DVD series "The Constitution is the Solution."

Submitted by Bliss Tew (not verified) : Jul 6, 2016 4:51pm

Article V of the Constitution provides States the ability to amend, vice trying to get Washington DC to reign in itself. Like term limits for representatives and senators? Balancing the budget? The Convention Of States has a written limited agenda should this happen, and quite a few states have already got on board with it; we need more.

The American Legion was founded on four pillars: Americanism, Children and Youth, National Security, and Veterans Affairs and Rehabilitation.

What do we do for National Security? I'm always hearing about the other three pillars, but rarely hear a breathed word about our efforts with National Security; I do hear Americanism...but the height of it I see is coloring contests. Everyone seems scared to take part in anything near political which I would argue is our Americanism and National Security. Hell, most of our preamble would be counter to a few political parties today, and our very oath is political.

"Make right the master of might" is part of the American Legions preamble. Article V of our Constitution is the tool to do just that for our Republic and I suggest we get on board.

Submitted by BROHAM : Sep 19, 2020 8:48pm