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Should the military academies ban graduates from having cell phones during commencement ceremonies?

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Social media access for this generation of service members is a way of life. It is a change that previous generations will have to learn and understand. With that said, if there is not a policy on the use of electronics it should be addressed. If candidates were not allowed to use devices during commencement and broke rules, it should be addressed immediately. If there was no policy, then it is a leadership failure at the premier leadership school.

Submitted by CW4 Rodney Bearman (not verified) : May 26, 2016 11:45am

Agree and Disagree with you Sir...It has become a "Way-of-Life"...perhaps too much so. BUT...there becomes a "time-and-place" I used to teach my kids is usually associated with punishment...but the flip side is "knowing what to do - when"...This was not the time nor the place and after four years ignorance of discipline at this once in a lifetime event....And these are Officers who want to lead Soldiers...perhaps in combat..."Oh...hold the battle...I have a text!!!"

Submitted by Dave Lightowler (not verified) : May 29, 2016 10:25am

Just because some knucklehead cadet got caught on camera texting while marching to graduation doesn't mean this has to be a national issue. Slow news week, AL? The cadre just need to get a grip on discipline. Anybody that's been in the military an minute, especially a 4 year cadet at the USMA, should know better. Perhaps this is as much a leadership issue as it is a personal conduct issue.

Submitted by Flatulent Fred (not verified) : May 26, 2016 2:30pm

The cadets should not be allowed cell phones while on the academy grounds.

Submitted by S D Jones (not verified) : May 26, 2016 2:58pm

As a former NCO, I don't care what they do at West Point.

Submitted by Jon Pilgrim (not verified) : May 26, 2016 3:02pm

There should be "NO" Cell Phone Use at all during the duty day while at West Point. If they cannot deal with that they have "NO" reason to be at the Academy Period. Being a Leader calls for real discipline and real dedication, this is not a game.

Submitted by G. H. (not verified) : May 26, 2016 3:17pm

Cell phones and similar devices have their place. During worship or ceremony is not the place for use, however! There is no reason to ban their possession while attending one of the academies, but there are good reasons to control their use; a clear ans published policy should be in place.

Submitted by Stephen Bonrepos (not verified) : May 26, 2016 3:32pm

It is called "conduct unbecoming" and is the real catch all for discipline in the military. This is the direct result of a CIC with total disregard for the traditions and history of this country.

Submitted by Stephen L (not verified) : May 26, 2016 3:39pm

Actually Stephen L. I think it's your fault. When you can explain to me how it's the CiC's fault I will explain to you how it's your fault.

Submitted by EH (not verified) : May 27, 2016 1:45am

I don't think so, but I'm sure that many of the Cadets want to use them to take photos!

Submitted by Dave Wentzel (not verified) : May 26, 2016 3:45pm

Can have them but turned off during the entire ceremony. These are supposedly future leaders of our military and should set the proper example. This is a military formation.

Submitted by Jerry Traudt (not verified) : May 26, 2016 4:15pm

As with many others I saw the televised incident that brought up this issue.
My first inclination would be to ban cell phones on the parade grounds, but on second thought, no. While I do feel the cadet's action showed a lack of judgment and I hope she was disciplined, either formally or by her peers. Good judgment is one of the most important assets of our officers, and many mid and higher grade officers have been relieved of command for using poor judgment other than just breaking a specific regulation. Self reflection is an important asset of a leader.

Submitted by Richard A. Jensen (not verified) : May 26, 2016 4:59pm

Good judgment comes from experience, and a lot of that comes from bad judgment. Will Rogers

Submitted by jim Creagan (not verified) : May 26, 2016 9:09pm

Let's talk reg's. I was in the Marine between 1970-75 and reserve since then. I was a jet mech on the VTOL AV8A Harrier. I know about use of cell phones that shouldn't be used at certain times. Commencement commencement are really (to me) a sacred time. Like USMC boot camp graduation. Less than human to human.
They should have respect for what's happening. If they didn't have that form of respect and and agree to the rules then they would have not done well in namm or afganastan.

Submitted by J.D. USMC (not verified) : May 26, 2016 5:44pm

There is a time and place for everything and a ceremony is not the time or place. It is disrespectful and an example of a lack of Military Bearing.

Submitted by BB in OKC (not verified) : May 26, 2016 6:10pm

Yes, cell phones should be banned. It is rude, disrespectful. These graduates should be listening to the speakers, not taking photos or texting. After several years becoming leaders of tomorrow, they should know it is conduct unbecoming. Their instructors shouldn't have to drill this in their heads for a ceremony---it has been drilled in during their training. These graduates should be setting an example as well as the standard. May Jesus help us all with these rude, disrespectful so called leaders graduating today.

Submitted by L.M. I. (not verified) : May 26, 2016 7:16pm

No doubt she used in Class also, she should be displined.Thats our tax money trying to educate her.

Submitted by Oldtimer1926 (not verified) : May 26, 2016 7:33pm

Cell phones have no place while in any military formation, graduation, or otherwise. OFF and in a pocket - fine, but not in use.

Submitted by James P. Davis : May 26, 2016 8:02pm

That West Point formation looked as though it was held at "Route Step U".It was not only the cadet"Sergeant" on her phone. It was also cadets carrying bags, looking around (no doubt for mommy), and out of step. Let's not forget that these people have completed four years at West Point and are an hour away from being officers! God help the poor NCOs who are going to get stuck with that crowd. Do any of the adults, that are suppose to be in charge, at the Academy realize there is a very hot war on?

Submitted by JCM. 101st Airborne (not verified) : May 26, 2016 8:56pm

There is a single small pocket in theparade uniform blouse. It is NOT for a phone. It is for the silver dollar to be handed over as you return your first salute.

Submitted by Gary Hoe, USAFA... (not verified) : May 26, 2016 10:24pm

Of course the phones should be banned at a ceremony like that. March in with respect, sit
there at attention, keep your mouth shut. Times are changing, some things should not change. Leaders should take charge and lead. Life is tough and appeasement does not work.

Submitted by LD USMC 67-71 (not verified) : May 27, 2016 11:42am

Couldnt have said it better myself

Semper Fi

Submitted by Kevin Avera (not verified) : May 28, 2016 1:17am

Yes cell phones should be ban as well as all offensive Hand Gestures while in uniform.

Submitted by SBK (not verified) : May 31, 2016 12:32am