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What is the best approach for dealing with China’s military gains in the South China Sea?

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Nothing until the Republicans are back in office.

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) : Apr 7, 2016 3:21pm

Getting someone in the white house and Congress with a back bone would be a good start !!!

Submitted by Don A. (not verified) : Apr 7, 2016 3:32pm

Amen Don A.

Submitted by Otis S. (not verified) : Apr 7, 2016 3:41pm

The next President should tell China we support and will protect the Philippines and we will cut off purchases from China immediately if they do not comply and stop building Islands. It is an International Crime.

Submitted by Jim L. (not verified) : Apr 7, 2016 4:21pm

Let them have it. When they build those islands large enough, we we will build vacation resorts on all of them. The profits will be huge.

Submitted by D. Trump (not verified) : Apr 7, 2016 4:29pm

Ain't no hope! I already cannot buy anything NOT made in China, and how much of the US does China already own. It won't be much longer until we will be speaking Chinese.

Submitted by Pessimistic PJ (not verified) : Apr 7, 2016 4:54pm

A. We have nothing to show a force with.
B. They would laugh and keep on building.
c. Who do you trust - Obummer or Karry?
D. Obummer wants a fire sale on nuclear.
E. Kick the can down the road and hope for the best.

Submitted by Stevef (not verified) : Apr 7, 2016 7:03pm

I don't think China is too worried about the US and any show of force that our congress would allow. N Korea, Iran, just to name a few that are shaking over our military strength.

Submitted by Slapshot (not verified) : Apr 7, 2016 7:49pm

The only way China will listen to us and possibly remove their forces in the South Seas is: Do not allow ANY Chinese products to be imported into the USA, no matter which Country China sends the products through. Cancel Chinese Government lease and running of the Port of Los Angeles and surrounding Ports of Entry. Doing this in 2 months from today will get the Chinese Government's attention. Nothing else will work. Our Military has been reduced to almost nothing. I recently read that our Special Forces did not have enough weapons to go around. Maybe the Special Forces should make their own bows and arrows to ensure Our Country is protected.

Submitted by Jim R (not verified) : Apr 7, 2016 8:29pm

The US debt to China is enormous. If China calls in their markers the US would be broke (for real). They own us, they'll do whatever they want and we've (US) has allowed our gutless government to turn this country into a 3rd or 4th ranked country.

Submitted by Slapshot (not verified) : Apr 7, 2016 10:24pm

We are going to have to wait for a new President...

Submitted by Staff Sargeant ... (not verified) : Apr 7, 2016 8:40pm

If it is Trump or Cruz, we are in trouble. They would go back to the wrong way: Recklessly risking American lives with the "cowboy" mentality.

Submitted by Xxxxx (not verified) : Apr 9, 2016 6:18pm

Protecting our military in Asia, our Assets (dwindling). Ask the dependents in Turkey how they feel, having to leave, and their Military Dad or Mom, staying ON DUTY. As usual. What else is new. Is it November yet?

Submitted by JD II (not verified) : Apr 9, 2016 8:30pm

Chop trade, send home their diplomats, reinforce both South Korea and Japans military.

Submitted by Jumpsbilly (not verified) : Apr 8, 2016 10:33am

Stay out of it, Let all other countrys deal with it. That will keep China busy. Japan, S. Korea, Philipines, Viet Nam, and Cambodia.And any other south pacific nations, We can always help when needed. We have enough on our plate, Iran, Irouq, and Afganistain. Do not need any more....

Submitted by william campbell (not verified) : Apr 9, 2016 12:25am

Like many issues there is no simple answer, and it requires a multi-pronged approach. Continue or step up cruises to visibly state our policy of freedom of navigation. Continue to make clear these areas are bordered by many nations and all those should share in its resources. Tie this policy to trade negotiations. Trite comments about getting another president or cutting off all connections to China accomplish nothing. During much of my service I witnessed much of the diplomatic and military coordination that day to day goes unnoticed. Also those who often call for cutting off trade for Chinese products also flock to Walmart and Costco.

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) : Apr 9, 2016 10:47am

Yes, I shop at Walmart...But do NOT purchase items made in China. If I find a product I like but it is made in China, I always ask for the store manager, tell the manager I will buy the product once it is made in the USA. Then I Leave and go without quite a few things. If more people would do hat, we could win.... Also, I also worked in the Diplomatic/Military side of things. We will not win anything unless it is cash orientated.

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) : Apr 9, 2016 5:02pm

A Strong Military Force, anything from the White House will be laught at! Let our Military leaders do their jobs till we can get a commander in chief that is worth something.

Submitted by Jerry L. Busby (not verified) : Apr 10, 2016 4:31pm

With any kind of luck a Tsunami will come along and wipe out their island of sand.

Submitted by Howard J F. (not verified) : Apr 18, 2016 8:38pm