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How does this week’s terrorist attack in Belgium influence your view on the war on terrorism?

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All of the above, just goes to prove that not enough is being done against ISIL by any country...

Submitted by Gardner Frazier... (not verified) : Mar 24, 2016 4:44pm

For the last 7 years we have quit the war on terrorism. We need to elect somebody that will take it up again.

Submitted by Patrick R Cowden (not verified) : Mar 24, 2016 4:48pm

They mess with us because we mess with them. Get the hell out of the Middle East and let them handle their own problems. Europe can also handle their own problems The Middle East and Europe do not need any help from the US in handling less than 40,000 ISIS fighters. We have intervened in practically every Middle Eastern country in the last 100 years and for what? They don't like each other and have been fighting for centuries but they dislike us more. Let's worry about taking care of America.

Submitted by LM (not verified) : Mar 24, 2016 4:53pm

That's what they said about Germany too

Submitted by Tx (not verified) : Mar 24, 2016 5:58pm

Germany had the strongest war machine in the world at that time. Here we are talking about 40,000 guys driving around in used pickup trucks with AK47s and blowing themselves up to create chaos. The Middle East and Europe can handle that problem. Take care of America first.

Submitted by LM (not verified) : Mar 24, 2016 6:18pm

Germany did not start out with a strong army Just a bunch of nuts killing the opposition

Submitted by TX (not verified) : Mar 25, 2016 5:24am

Remember Hitler rebuilt Germany after the destruction of the country in WW1. Check the history books on the strength of Germany at the beginning of WW2. Hitler screwed up when he double-crossed Stalin and attacked the Russians. The US was not prepared for this kind war at the beginning of WW2. The US did mobilize quickly but concentrated at the beginning against Japan, North Africa, etc.

Submitted by LM (not verified) : Mar 25, 2016 1:05pm

Read the quran. Leaving them alone isn't the answer. They would still want us dead. I fight to the end.

Submitted by Karl Smith (not verified) : Mar 26, 2016 3:03pm

All of the above!!!! And a Blind European Leaders.

Submitted by Salvatore R LaRosa (not verified) : Mar 24, 2016 6:16pm

I agree with the two commenters above who provided their names. (The commenter who chose not to provide a name and uses profanity as a substitute for wit is not worth anyone's attention.) Europe and the east, and Russia, must see that the entire world needs to unite and end terrorism. (Really) sharing intelligence would be a start. A U.S. Commander in Chief committed to defeating terrorism is also necessary. Financiers and hosts of terrorism must understand that they are going to suffer the consequences of their actions. And the U.S. should close its borders and deport potential terrorists instead of simply monitoring them.

Submitted by Jesse Ritz (not verified) : Mar 24, 2016 6:21pm

We should step back and let them have their civil war. We can help the winner pickup the pieces after it's over.

Submitted by EH (not verified) : Mar 24, 2016 6:41pm

All of the above

Submitted by BobCan (not verified) : Mar 24, 2016 7:11pm

As an 85 year old, I recall we did not worry about terrorist attacks in the 1950's and 1960's, we walked from the ticket counter and walked straight to our seat on the plane. What changed? After WWII we told Soviet Russia and England to leave Iran, which made us hero to Iran. We were against colonialism which was popular with countries in Africa and the Middle East.

Today Iraq is in shambles, Libya is a mess, Syria is in a terrible plight, and Afghanistan is a mess, as a result largely of American actions, supposedly to remove dictators and give those people freedom and democracy. All they have now is misery. I read where in the last year we dropped over 22,000 bombs on Muslim countries. We brag about having the finest and most powerful military that the world has never seen the like of. And now, today, we are afraid of terrorism. We stand in hours to be searched before boarding planes, we spend huge amounts on our security forces and the TSA, and whenever there will be a large crowd, we have to call out large numbers of police to patrol our streets and sports stadiums. I recall as a very young scrappy kid that if you punched someone in the nose, they would try to strike back.

Don't get me wrong, I am not excusing the terrorists and I certainly would have no qualms about giving any tourists the death penalty, but a large military and having guards posted everywhere will not compensate for bad policies. The thing is you just can't kill everyone who might pose a threat to us.

Submitted by Bob Charron (not verified) : Mar 24, 2016 7:55pm

Before I start I wish to state I am not a war monger, just a retired soldier whom at times refuses to just fade away. The other four choices are all in play, indicating again our politicians, regardless of party affiliation, are using erroneous judgement. Combatants they are not, recognizing that a small number do have some combat experience, and should speak for the soldiers in this political arena. War IS hell!...and no soldier looks forward to a war, being constantly vigilant and continually training to minimize the risks when the balloon does go up. When combat is initiated, the powers to be better be in it to win it, because your enemy definitely is! A don't do much policy only sacrifices way to many American soldiers and civilians, continues the war until the physical and financial costs become to high and the projection of power is lost. So, the only two options as I see it, is to negotiate a Vietnam type "Victory with Honor", or to rethink tactics and simply "Kick Butt". However, those in the power seat need to heavily weigh the repercussions of the paths both of these lead prior to arriving at a decision and be willing to support their collective decision. There is a third option, but it should be removed from the table because it is not getting us anywhere!

Submitted by Jeff Bowlsby (not verified) : Mar 24, 2016 7:59pm

We need to repeat the policy that was created after 12/7/41. Only THIS TIME place all the Muslims and their families that are living in this country in interment camps. Refuse further entry into the United States until which time WE deem it safe. Restrict travel to ANY middle eastern country by ANY American citizen for any reason. Bring our military home, and in due time, repeat the devastation that we unleashed on Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Sure, a few countries hate us now, what's a few more? Guaranteed, once these terrorists and all of their followers, young and old are incinerated, people worldwide including North Korea, will think twice about messing with the United States of America or our allies.

Submitted by Freddie Frog (not verified) : Mar 24, 2016 8:39pm

Not all Japanese Americans were the enemy and deserved to be in interment camps. Americans of Japanese ancestry fought with distinction in WWII, while many of their family members were locked up in interment camps in the U.S.. The 442nd RCT was one of the most decorated units in history. Today, many Muslim Americans are serving with honor in the U.S. Armed Forces, and gave their lives to the service of our nation. What happened to Japanese Americans in WWII was shameful, and discrimination against honorable Muslim American citizens is just as shameful. No way can we as an American society repeat such and awful mistake.

Submitted by Flatulent Fred (not verified) : Mar 25, 2016 3:18pm

sure the camps were bad but at time it was a security thing. the ones who could be vouched for were released. Just like the cowards/muslims now there is no way to really clear them. Look at the so called American muslims who go over and become radicalized and kill women and children. So not to repeat WWII camps you liberals them give your ssn to feds, and all the money/cost that these killers cost our government(tax payers) in form of extra police/military structures damage and repay families for loss of their love ones, YOU Liberals will pay for this NOT us American tax payers. NO government AID of any kind.if they need help for anything you libs pay for it NOT us tax payers, It comes out of YOUR pocket. Now think that will fly? Libs made to put their money NOT everybody else, where their mouth is.

Submitted by dave w (not verified) : Mar 27, 2016 2:28pm

Because I am not racist against all Muslims I am a Liberal? FREEDOM OF RELIGION, sir! I wore the uniform for 26 years to protect the freedoms of all American citizens, not just Christian Americans. Hate and bigotry go against the values of the U.S. Military of today. I guess that makes anyone who is currently serving a Liberal.

Submitted by Flatulent Fred (not verified) : Mar 28, 2016 10:26am

They're going to keep on sending suicide bombers around the world until we do what they want, which is to go to Dabiq, Syria to fight them. They don't want to come to us in large numbers, they want us to come to them in large numbers. This is their prophecy. If their prophecy is right they will kill us all and turn the world into an Islamic caliphate. If their prophecy is wrong we will kill the jihadists and that will be the end of it.

Submitted by B Mac (not verified) : Mar 24, 2016 8:56pm

Terrorist attacks will continue in overseas countries until the leadership of the country that was attacked resolves to contain and eliminate the threat by changing/updating their immigration and criminal laws. Germany dealt with the Bader Meinhoff Gang for years but were resolute to end the threat. As a serviceman in Germany in the 70's and 80's we routinely dealt with bombings and threats of violence that generally were not reported in the States. If our leaders don't get their heads out of the sand soon and change/update our immigration and criminal laws then we're going to have these attacks over here on a routine basis.

Submitted by Dan Falls (not verified) : Mar 24, 2016 9:01pm

Profile all Muslims. Give them a choice. 500 miles at sea or the middle of the Savannah and see if this solves the problems they have created in the world. The current baby steps have promoted terrorism.

Submitted by James R Gulbrandson (not verified) : Mar 24, 2016 9:25pm

Persecute an entire religion and ethnic group? Sounds like what Hitler and the Nazi's did. How does that solution make us any different?

Submitted by Flatulent Fred (not verified) : Mar 25, 2016 3:23pm

There is a big difference between the Jews of the 1930s and 1940s and the Muslims of today. The Jews did absolutely nothing to deserve to be put in death camps. Nobody is talking about putting Muslims in camps. It should be remembered that not all Muslims are terrorists, but the cast majority of terrorists are Muslims

Submitted by Joe Domhan (not verified) : Mar 26, 2016 10:16am

why not? just like the Democrat anchor on fox said 'if they are not standing up and protesting Against the radicals then they are either with them or Cowards." and he got removed for telling it like it is. these muslims are Cowards, want to come here and HIDE behind our flag, Hell they won't fight for freedom in their home land do you think for a minute they fight FOR your freedom? Just like these Illegals who come here and protest about RIGHTS? really? Illegals and rights should not be in same sentence. Ever heard of a Catholic-muslim? Baptist-muslim? or how about Lutheran-muslim? me neither, cause its two totally different life styles agreed? then how can there be an American-muslim??????

Submitted by dave W (not verified) : Mar 27, 2016 2:17pm

Muslims during WW II were allies with Hitler, and they helped him kill Jews, they even had mobile gas chambers and still could not kill them fast enough. When I wear my W W I I cap and Muslims see it they go berserk, this happened to my wife and I in Chicago while in a taxi driven by a young Muslim, he frightened my wife. They have there own conclaves in America, believe me they cannot be trusted.

Submitted by Oldtimer1926 (not verified) : Mar 25, 2016 9:52am

So were the Italians.

Submitted by Flatulent Fred (not verified) : Mar 25, 2016 3:25pm

Oldtimer, There were no gas chambers, mobile or otherwise. You've been duped by Jewish propaganda. Eisenhower, Churchill & Stalin all wrote memoirs without mentioning any holocaust. I went to school in the 50's and it wasn't mentioned then either. Fabricated to justify Israel's actions.

Submitted by Milt R (not verified) : Mar 25, 2016 5:53pm

A normal Islamic response. Denial is always their response to historical FACT.

Submitted by Karl Smith (not verified) : Mar 26, 2016 3:00pm

guess milt R is another stupid liberal. what does the R stand for 'Retarded?. Name ONE thing a muslim has invented? that has improved live for rest of world. Just one. Lets see they hate the west who gave them.... electricity, indoor plumbing, doors on a building(homes) not tents. cars, not camels, medicine, just to name a few item they HATE us for, but gladly use. sort of like those Hippocrates who call them selves American veterans while driving their Pearl Harbor specials

Submitted by dave W (not verified) : Mar 27, 2016 2:08pm

I disagree with your comments, sir. Especially the last one. Not sure how the car a person drives gives any merit to their status as being an American Veteran.

Submitted by Flatulent Fred (not verified) : Mar 28, 2016 10:33am

The images from Belgium were very enlightening to me. Of course I feel remorse for the loss of life there. God doesn't want us, his children, to murder anyone. Those Islamic Extremist will face punishment for their stupidity. God wants his children to come to him, all on their own, he does not approve of anyone cutting off their chances of doing so prematurely. In any event he certainly would not approve of vicious tactics of these terrorist.
It is obviously, for those that have faith in the older religions, that Islamic teaching does not follow the more ancient teaching of God's word. Islam is a new religion, dating back to around 600 AD. It's creator has, at times, misinterpreted those original writings from God. God's teaching, in some cases, was intentionally reshaped to follow man's desires and not God's. Today it is estimated that the bulk of Muslims when pushed will confess that they have to back those radical ideas; because they are indeed part of the writings. Many of them don't like it, but that is what they have been taught; a jihad must take place.
I agree a jihad will take place, but it will be an army of evil not an army of light that will bring it on. Moslems have a chance to divest themselves from the teachings of man and return to the teaching of God. They can save themselves from being a part of that corrupted army of evil simply by studying and returning to the original word. The Word; written long before Islam came into being.
There is a religion which prophesied about many of these current events long ago. It is a religion which welcomes all people as brothers and sisters in God. Are its followers perfect? No. However, are the followers of Islam perfect? No. Christianity when followed correctly is more attuned to God's Word than any other faith. True it does have some members who are poor examples, but those corrupted individuals have a much harder time trying to sell their man made version of this faith. Christianity is a way of life that God favors and true followers of its code make all efforts to follow his word.
All that being said I also was impressed with the beauty and opulent life style that this city of Brussels seems to hold. The stately buildings and well dressed populations appeared to be common place. The ambulances, taxis, passenger cars seemed to be mostly higher end vehicles; very expensive. The Airport and subway systems were extremely nice, making our American counterparts look almost lackluster. The wealth there seems to be pretty evident.
Brussels is the capital of the EU. Judging from this city and from many other cities in Europe there doesn't seem to be a lack of economy. Rather, as I view it, they are actually doing very much better than most parts of the United States. Why then are our tax dollars being given to people who don't need it? It looks to me that the money they would have spent on their own security was turned back into their own infrastructure to make beautiful landmarks and life style improvements.
We, the common American taxpayer, on the other hand have amassed a great debt over the years by paying for their defense; and many other ill thought out things. Now I do not blame the people of Europe directly as they are pawns in the hands of the manipulators of the world; in the same way we are. Those manipulators chose to set up camp in Brussels. Unfortunately their leadership is well into making a third world nation out of the United States; just as it has helped to do to so many others. Our leaders here at home are playing right into their hands. Some would say they are eating out of their hands. If this sounds like our leaders our somehow fraudulently involved in these worldwide schemes you are probably right. Their corruption however isn't necessarily illegal. Leaders merely have to change the rules to make things formally thought of as wrong, right.
I ask that you take some time to think about these things. It is not my intent to make anyone angry, but just make them stop to consider things. There is no need to fret or worry for the bible proclaims who has the victory and it is a victory not brought by evil terrorist or evil manipulators of mankind, but rather by a loving God.

Submitted by dave48195 (not verified) : Mar 25, 2016 12:46pm

The European Union,needs to close their individual borders,establish a computer system ,that contains photographs ,names ,and information on all possible terrorists,the U.S. needs to establish a strong border ,south,north and in passport and visa control.
This administration,pays us lip service,blows smoke up our keester and lies to us while they do little or nothing to protect our country and the rest of the world,while they Tango.
Plus,this administration,gives too much information out about troop numbers,movements,deployments and actions,the media doesn't need to broadcast that information.
Wake up people this administration,is not user friendly to U.S. Citizens.

Submitted by DEADMAN (not verified) : Mar 25, 2016 4:24pm

It is proof the Belgian govt needs to close their borders and evict (by gun point if necessary) every radical Muslim in the country, and Brussels along with Belgian govt should destroy every apartment occupied by these terrorists even if the residents are still inside.

Submitted by Ed Orr (not verified) : Mar 25, 2016 4:29pm

This shows that the Western countries do not yet recognize that they are being invaded.

Submitted by Dean Black (not verified) : Mar 29, 2016 4:27pm