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How important is a presidential candidate’s plan to fix the illegal immigration problem?

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By fixing the illegal immigration problem, which includes securing the border, that will be a tremendous improvement in our nation defense. Not all illegals are Mexicans. We don't know how many are Radical Islamist Terrorist just waiting for a chance to do us bodily harm. They may even be part of ISIS.

Submitted by Duane (not verified) : Nov 12, 2015 5:35pm

Fixing the economy is the most important with securing the border a close second.

Submitted by Bobby Breuer (not verified) : Nov 12, 2015 5:50pm

Illegal immigration is only half of the most vital threat we've faced since the Second World War. The other half is massive perpetual LEGAL immigration. What's needed - the Number One Priority for the United States if we wish to continue to be United States - is a fifty-year-long moratorium on ALL immigration.

Submitted by Jordynne Olivia Lobo (not verified) : Nov 12, 2015 6:11pm

I believe you are right about a moratorium on ALL immigration. We have plenty of problems in this country that need fixing without having to support a bunch of illiterate refugees while they continue to multiply within our borders!

Submitted by Fred S. (not verified) : Nov 12, 2015 8:20pm

This problem has been festering for a very long time. Remember when Reagan granted amnesty thinking that it would be dealt with. Didn't happen then and won't happen now. It should be a two prong attack. Start deporting illegals and start building the wall at the same time............we MUST be serious about this problem. A lot of our other problems will start to right themselves when we get a handle on this. Financially the cost is enormous. The drug problem, health problem, school problem and many more. There is a place for immigrants in this country but it has to be legal.

Submitted by Reb1 (not verified) : Nov 12, 2015 8:19pm

Stopping the illegal immigration problem should be the TOP priority. Start with closing the borders. Stop giving benefits and incentives to the illegals. This will also help the economy. Deport all of the illegals back to their home countries, including those in U.S. prisons. This will also help relieve the prison overcrowding. The new president must be a leader and not afraid to act for the good of the nation.

Submitted by Grandson of Leg... (not verified) : Nov 12, 2015 8:39pm

The biggest deal concerning the Illegal Immigration problem is the Radical Leftists Democrats have to find a way to stuff the ballot boxes in the upcoming election. The solution is to allow as many immigrants into the country as possible, grant them amnesty, get them registered to vote, and make absolutely certain they vote Democrat. This illegal voting fraud practice was attempted back when G.W. Bush was running against Al Gore. The only difference was the members of Al Gores team were going around to every cemetery they could find and creating as many non-voters as they could. The result was the hanging chad incident that anyone with any sense could figure out, (i.e. punching multiple card at the same time will create hanging chads.) The voting process in America has become a laughing stock. Former President Jimmy Carter used to jump on an airplane, (at tax payer expense) to go to some second or third world country to monitor their voting process in order to make certain no misconduct was occurring. How about here, in America! Please understand, 10,000 or 100,000 refugees from Sinai, = 10,000 or 100,000 votes for the Radical Leftist Democrat candidate. Illegal Immigration must be stopped, even if it means deploying armed troops along the border.

Submitted by A. G. Wood (not verified) : Nov 13, 2015 11:39am

You are right. Many, many, absentee ballots are filled out by those who work in convalescent homes and alzheimer's facilities and the family members of those who really do not have the mental connections to make informed decisions. They get the mail ballots year after year--even after they have died.
I know some who have moved out of the area, but still vote by mail sent to his old address---for years now!! We just do not check on voters---it is like the VA---many folks just do not want to fix the problems. It is an easy fix, but many want illegal voting.

Submitted by k2 (not verified) : Nov 15, 2015 4:46pm

I think it is more important to get help for some of the mentally deranged who post on this site (e.g., A.G. Wood). While we should stop illegal immigration we need legal immigrants to keep up what would otherwise be a declining population. A declining population means you have fewer people paying into Social Security to provide for those nearing retirement, and would ultimately have to reduce what they receive. By the way, for those opposed to legal immigration, I would point out that this is a nation of immigrants.

Submitted by Bronxite (not verified) : Nov 13, 2015 11:52am

You are right on one point: most of the breeding is from those with low level intelligence and character. Smart folks realize that the planet is overpopulated and cannot support many more people very well, indeed. Also intelligent folks decide that it is better to successfully raise one or two quality children to adulthood, while others decide to have litters and do not take care of the offspring very well --if at all. Many do not raise or support their offspring---and the offspring inherit these traits from their parents. Sad, but true. What do you predict will happen when the majority of human animans come from poor stock. It is a no brainer!!

Submitted by k2 (not verified) : Nov 15, 2015 4:59pm

I have a different opinion of mentally deranged than Bronxite. Being invaded by millions of illegal aliens, thousands of them with criminal records, none of them willing to assimilate, and then turning around and rewarding them with free this and free that, paid for by the citizens, is mentally deranged. Only the mentally deranged can support lawlessness and still be blind to its disastrous effects.

Submitted by Gz7 (not verified) : Nov 13, 2015 4:57pm

Illegal immigration impacts both the economy and our national security, so it must be considered when considering solutions to those issues.

Submitted by Val (not verified) : Nov 14, 2015 2:12pm

What plan, This government can not even follow through with the laws that was sent up a long time ago. Good luck for them to make a discussion.....If the American people would get rid of the current government , and elect new people in there, maybe something would get done. BUT KNOWING THE American PEOPLE THEY ONLY WANT TO BITCH ABOUT THE GOVERMENT, BUT NOT DO ANYTHING ABOUT IT. STOP BITCHING YOU GET WHAT YOU DESERVE...!!!!!

Submitted by william p campb... (not verified) : Nov 15, 2015 1:21am

Help stem flow of illegal immigration: Stop what makes it attractive to risk their lives trying to get to America: health services, education benefits, food stamps, etc., and illegal immigrants find work here in agricultural, construction, slaughter plants and other businesses. Slap fines on the businesses that hire illegal immigrants- first event-thousands of dollars fine, second event-owner charged with felony hiring of illegal immigrants will stand trial. Those steps make not totally stop illegal immigrants but those steps will make the dangerous trip across the borders far less appealing.

Submitted by publikafhairs (not verified) : Nov 15, 2015 11:51am

The biggest problem in the USA is that we have elected people who took an oath to uphold and enforce all of our laws, many of them made by Congress and signed into law by the President. Many laws are not enforced at all and many are selectively enforces which is so unfair to all of us. This included local and state laws.
It seems to me that many people living within the USA are not logical or fair minded people, but are self centered folks or those who still embrace legalized slavery or an underclass to pad their own pockets.
What we need is a law that allows us to immediately FIRE those who are selectively enforcing or not enforcing any laws. Until the laws are changed or repealed they must be enforced with very few exceptions.
Until the laws ARE changed those who have broken them must be punished, not rewarded. Paying money so you are not made to suffer any consequences of your lawlessness is lunacy. The punishment is clear: immediate deportation along with all of your dependents, of any age and regardless of citizenship of the dependents. Your dependents are your choice and responsibility, not mine. The legal residents of the USA are not going to be responsible for you or any of your dependents. Many of you are taking jobs from us by doing work for coolie wages. YOU must be totally responsible for and OWN the decisions you have made for you and your family. We need to have logical thoughtful consequences to all of us who are law breakers. Not enforcing laws will lead to anarchy, and we have much proof of that recently.
Making emotional decisions, rather than logical, rational ones, usually is a big mistake as we all can prove within our own experiences of our lives.
Trump and Cruz are fair and logical when they want to enforce immigration laws by the fair deportation consequences of ALL who have entered our house without permission.

Submitted by k2 (not verified) : Nov 15, 2015 3:16pm

FIRST; remove the traitor/despot obama from OUR Whitehouse and, as every U S President, Washington thru Lincoln would have done, take the traitors "out behind the barn"! Then "displace" the democrat and republican party enablers for aiding and abetting treason! Sue, Fine, Imprison obama's handlers!
As for the invasion of ILLEGAL, hence criminal, masses; make business impossible for employers who continue to hire illegal criminals...PERIOD!
To fill the void left by 'disappeared' illegals, absorb the "food-stamp/un-employed", "willing to sit on their butts", "charity cases" into the workforce..... get it ..... WORK FORCE! Work, or die!

Submitted by John R Nungesser (not verified) : Nov 17, 2015 10:57am