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Is a full-fledged deployment of U.S. ground troops inevitable in the war against Islamic State?

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IF--we had some responsible leadership,the problem would have long since been acted upon!!

Submitted by Jim Stivers (not verified) : Oct 29, 2015 1:44pm

But....but....but..., you don't need to worry about the JV Team! (Sarcasm alert)

Submitted by Cora (not verified) : Oct 29, 2015 6:30pm

If were with the coalition we need no holds barred and no press and let the generals run the show not the press or the president.

Submitted by J. Wach (not verified) : Oct 29, 2015 1:46pm


Submitted by Neg (not verified) : Oct 29, 2015 2:19pm

We should have used your idea in Korea and Vietnam as well

Submitted by Paul G. (not verified) : Oct 30, 2015 12:34pm


Submitted by M. SAWYER (not verified) : Oct 29, 2015 2:34pm

If we want a hot confrontation with Russia, China, and Iran, then that would be a good start!

Submitted by KDH (not verified) : Oct 29, 2015 2:52pm

How can these civilian & military officials look in a mirror after paying to train these military personnel for so many years and having them hand over millions of dollars of equipment without a fight.
We had 16 weeks of training and sent into combat.
Now they want to do it again all over.
I hope we never have another real war, so help us.

Submitted by Jim Erzen (not verified) : Oct 29, 2015 3:01pm

The mess in Syria can be directly traced to the lies and deceit Bush and Cheney used to get the US to attack Iraq without provocation. There were no WMD's, no Nuke program, no yello cake, no mobile chemical weapons labs, and no involvement with 9-11.

Yeah, Saddam was a bad guy but look back and Saddam kept Iran at bay while Bush and Cheney's action turned Iraq into a staunch supporter of Iran. Let that lesson be applied to Assad. The guy may be bad but ISIL is worse. And there is no one else in Syria able to govern the country with the iron hand that is needed. Russia sees this clearly while the US thinks deposing Assad will solve all problems. A look at what happened in Lybia and Egypt clearly show that democracy doesn't work in the Middle East.

Submitted by Bob Philbrook (not verified) : Oct 29, 2015 3:17pm

When Iraq invaded Kuwait, we went to war with Iraq. Saddam Hussein WAS the WMD, that's why we went after him.

Submitted by Audrey (not verified) : Oct 29, 2015 6:33pm

Sorry, sir, but there WAS yellow cake. I saw an article in the newspaper, hidden on the back page, saying that the yellow cake found in Iraq had been shipped, over the course of a year so as to hide what was happening, to Canada! How I wish I had saved that article to prove to people who don't know any better! They hid the article on the back page because God forbid any newspaper should print anything indicating that George W. Bush might have been right!

Submitted by Cora (not verified) : Oct 29, 2015 6:34pm

If it was printed in a newspaper then it must be true!

Submitted by JAF (not verified) : Nov 3, 2015 12:11pm

There WAS WMD in Iraq, and Iran. Israel bombed their Nuclear plant, then Hussein used Nerve Gas on the Kurds. Syria acquired the Chemical Weapons, and has used them. Both countries are helped by Russia,et al. Hussein had MIGS. Why does the Saudis not help their fellow people and stop ISIS, ISIL, terror? Must be doing so, financially.
What about J. Carter? Hostages, attempted Rescue, gone array. Shah shipped to Europe and Ayatollah Khomeini brought in to Iran, the rest is history there. Not good. Bush and Cheney provided leadership and took action.

Submitted by Jack Dawes (not verified) : Oct 31, 2015 5:41pm

A full-fledged deployment of ground troops is not needed but it will depend on who wins the Whitehouse if we send them in or not. The more PC a war is the more of our men and women will die. We have the technology to end this so-called war and we need to unleash it now, in it's entirety.

Submitted by Chip M (not verified) : Oct 29, 2015 3:22pm

It has been proven over and over, that no matter who we train in the middle east, they are either incapable or unwilling to fight!
We have to make a serious decision to either fight the war with all our resources or get out and make them settle their issues on their own. We cannot continue to waste American lives on behalf of people who refuse to take the lead in their own country! We cannot protect the innocent when the innocent are protecting the enemy!!!

Submitted by bigmac1 (not verified) : Oct 29, 2015 3:56pm

The whole region is a mess, no matter who "wins" the problems will continue. The people don't or won't understand defeat and continue to claim victory for generations .

Submitted by Rchard Resseman (not verified) : Oct 29, 2015 3:57pm

The Middle East has been in conflict for centuries. If they aren’t fighting other religions they are fighting each other. The western nations have become involved at times but the conflicts continue anyway.

Western government influence and intervention is fleeting at best, ignored for the most part, almost always unwelcome, costs lives, money, and resources, and changes

The hard decision needs to be made;
--- Their innocents suffer or our soldiers suffer.
--- They have widows, widowers, and orphans or we do.
Neither sacrifice has led to lasting peace.

This is but a PARTIAL listing of Mid-East conflicts in the recent century. Some of them have prompted western intervention. The western intervention has not, and in my opinion will not, change the character of the people of that region, and that is unfortunate, but unavoidable, for the innocent.

1921 – Iranian revolution
1929 – Jews and Arabs fought
1936 – regional Arab revolt
1944 – Jewish / British war
1948 – Arabs attack Israel
1952 – Egyptian revolution
1956 – Israel / Egypt war
1963 – Syrian revolution
1967 – Israel / Egypt war
1973 – Yom Kippur war
1979 – Iranian revolution
1980’s – Iran / Iraq war
1982 – Israel / Lebanon war
1987 – Palestinian Intifada
1991 – Iraq / Kuwait war
2002 -- Israel / Palestine war
2006 – Israel / Lebanon war
2011 – start of Egyptian internal crisis
2011 – start of current Syrian civil war
And now – ISIS

Fighting is what their culture does – always has, and always will.

Our involvement anywhere in that region of the world might make a small difference in the short run, but will not make any difference in the long run.

Submitted by Frank Jackson (not verified) : Oct 29, 2015 3:59pm

The Iraqi govt. which is dominated by Shiites isn't trusted by the part of Iraq which is mostly Sunni. therefore those soldiers won't fight Isis. I don't see why we should send our young people to die. The same thing is true in Syria more hatred between the sects. Not our problem.

Submitted by Rich K. (not verified) : Oct 29, 2015 4:41pm

We should not put ground troops, other than special forces, into the fight against ISIS. Let those nations in the neighborhood take the lead (e.g.,Iraq Saudi Arabia, Turkey,etc.)
We can provide support (e.g., intelligence, weapons) Contrary to what some folks are saying ISIS is not a major threat to our homeland. There may be isolated attacks by ISIS adherents, but ISIS will never raise the forces to attack the U.S.

Submitted by Bronxite (not verified) : Oct 29, 2015 5:00pm

If you have read THE BOOK you would already know how this ends; and its not us that has to finish it.

Submitted by dave48195 (not verified) : Oct 29, 2015 5:32pm

They have been at it since the beginning of time. There will never be peace in the Middle East. Hate to go over there for a few years, sacrifice American lives, then leave, and the survival of the fittest starts again. We can destroy them in all out war, or ignore them as long as we are able to. Matter of time.

Submitted by Nam68,69,70usmc (not verified) : Oct 29, 2015 6:31pm

Can you spell :Carpet Bomb" ? If you choose to go in full tilt let the generals do what they are trained to do as in deploying troop and engagement rules. To long have they been put on hold by the PC police. The way we are going now is just wasting american lives and tearing this country apart at the seems.

Submitted by Fred D Chapman (not verified) : Oct 29, 2015 8:12pm

No! Until we have some one in the white house that we can trust with the lives of our young ones.

Submitted by bob green (not verified) : Oct 29, 2015 9:18pm

ISIS has a force of maybe 30-50,000 fighters. Our "friends" in the MId-East, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Jordan, Turkey and the Kurds have over 500,000 combined forces with air power, sophisticaed weapons, Naval forces. Why on earth do we need to send my grandshildren to fight them. If they (our pals) can't, or don't want to do it why should we?

Submitted by Bob Frankl, KWV... (not verified) : Oct 29, 2015 10:31pm

By all means let our Dear Rulers commit U.S. ground forces to fight in Syria and make even more Syrian refugees for our Dear Rulers to Import & Impose upon us while millions of Americans are unemployed, and so that we have even more ISIS imams and jihadis here among us! Sure. That makes sense.

Leave Syria to Putin and the Russkies to have their own little Middle East quagmire-backfire. Let us stay the hell out of it, bring our troops home from the 150-plus other people's countries they're deployed in all over God's green earth, and have our troops seal, fortify and defend OUR OWN borders.

Submitted by Jordynne Olivia Lobo (not verified) : Oct 30, 2015 12:03am

Come up with an achievable, measurable, worth the cost objective first. Then realize we've been losers since WWII and that the American public will be won over by the Anti war crowd. We can win the battle but we don't have the guts to win the war. When we quit, it's a really, really bad time for those who thought we were their friend. Graduated response? The devil laughs.

Submitted by Tolatesmart (not verified) : Oct 30, 2015 12:38am

build a wall around the Islamic State and leave them alone. Eventually they'll kill themselves off.

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) : Oct 30, 2015 11:34am

All we need is one large bomb dropped at a certain location and isis will be no more!!!

Submitted by BILL EDGAR (not verified) : Oct 31, 2015 4:21pm

I wish we would learn from history. The USSR went bankrupt because of their involvement in the Middle East and lost a war to boot. Now there is no USSR. The Islamic states there have been at war with each other and will continue to fight against each other just as they have done for eons. Why do we think that we will somehow change that by "giving" them a democratic form of government. It seems the leaders of these countries fill their pockets with our dollars and the majority of their citizens just want to be left alone and to live how they have for the past 2000 or so years. Let them fight it out with each other. We have given them all billions of dollars in equipment and more importantly, the lives of our brave soldiers, sailors and Marines. Lets not forget them ever. Let them fight and bring our troops home and concentrate on our own domestic problems. GOD BLESS AMERICA

Submitted by Michael H. Shepheard : Nov 3, 2015 11:29pm