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What do you think of the proposed U.S.-Russian talks over Moscow’s role in Syria?

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Why worry about talking to Russia at all in a peace keeping mode when Moscow is supplying arms to Syria?????????????

Submitted by Neal R. (not verified) : Sep 17, 2015 4:45pm

Obama is in the side of ISIS. All people in the US are being duped.

Submitted by Jim Janosko (not verified) : Sep 17, 2015 4:53pm

Sir, I respectfully disagree. I think that is merely your biased opinion rather than an actual fact. I suppose you also believe that the POTUS is actually a Muslim extremist puppet put in place to sabotage our foreign policy, while at the same time corrupting our moral fiber with outrageous liberal agendas such as gay marriage and decriminalizing pot.

Submitted by JAF (not verified) : Sep 18, 2015 3:17pm

He is all you accused him of and more. History will show that this trator president did more to kill this country than all of our enemies for the last 300 years. He has pushed us into a debt we may never get out of, he has ignored the constitution and done everything he can to turn American against American. If the US survives it is only because God has helped.

Submitted by Cecil Guthrie (not verified) : Sep 22, 2015 1:47pm

Yep !!

Submitted by Jimmy Paul (not verified) : Sep 22, 2015 3:42pm

With the President and staff we have now and our "deal" with Iran maybe we had better turn tail and run. They would give Putin free rein anyway!I am sorry but we are sending warriors now that we will not defend nor assist! Keep them home because if something does not change here we will be needing our Warriors to defend the homeland. Iran on our east and North Korea, ( I am a Korea Vet) on our west is another Japan and the Reich! Arm our militia's and keep prepared!

Submitted by Jim (not verified) : Sep 17, 2015 4:56pm

I don't know how you feel, but I am completely embarrased, that after years and millions of dollars, all we could muster up was a sixty man army in Syria to fight Isis, and that they have been killed.
Do you know why only sixty volunteered, because like the Turks, and the rest of the sunni population, they want to also dislodge the murderous tyrant Assad and his Iran and Russian supporters.
This wimp administration we have is concerned that Asad is a longtime Russian ally and we don't want to piss off Putin and the Ayatolla in Iran, meantime the whole world trembles.
The next time I hear a politician concerned about good relations with adversaries like Russia and Iran, I will consider them cowards.

Submitted by sergio noble (not verified) : Sep 17, 2015 6:14pm

I would like to say meet with the Russians but I can not. Under this administration I don't know who to trust

Submitted by bob green (not verified) : Sep 17, 2015 7:43pm

I know it is hard right now to trust Russia, but then again I think it would be far better to seek an agreement with them over Syria.

Submitted by Ed Orr (not verified) : Sep 17, 2015 8:09pm

Waste of time until we get a real President!

Submitted by Sam Steele (not verified) : Sep 17, 2015 8:21pm

One. You can't trust Russia.
Two. The US is defacto in support of ISIS (words to the contrary not withstanding).
Three. The Russians, who we can't trust, are supporting the side we SHOULD be supporting (assuming we should be supporting anyone in the first place).
Four. What happens in Syria should not be any concern of the US. Unfortunately, what is happening in Syria is a result of the US doing what it shouldn't have been doing in the first place.

Sometimes, after you have created a HUGE mess, any efforts to clean up said mess only makes said mess messier. In a case like that, the only real alternative is to leave it be, and walk away in shame.

It is true that by just turning your back and walking away that your reputation will not benefit, but when your reputation has already hit rock bottom...

Submitted by Disgusted American (not verified) : Sep 17, 2015 9:00pm

Reading this forum makes me a Disgusted American too!

Submitted by JAF (not verified) : Sep 18, 2015 3:20pm

While not exactly disgusted, I'm almost always disappointed when reading "Big Q" comments. I try to just find these non-factual opinions based on bias, prejudice and imagination as amusing and of no real consequence. It's probably worth the price of annual membership. I do appreciate your (JAF) comments and hope they are shared by many of the other 2,000,000 plus members who do not contribute to the "Big Q". Ron White said it right when he said "You can't fix stupid".

Submitted by Jim Creagan (not verified) : Sep 23, 2015 10:46am

What's with option #4 in the poll? How can something that doesn't exist change? Obama himself has said he has no strategy in Syria. It appears the Russians at least have a strategy.

Submitted by LocoLance (not verified) : Sep 18, 2015 10:56am

It was the Russians who proposed the talks, so the POTUS should be open to it. There is no way of knowing what the end result will be, but its better than doing nothing at all. Inaction goes nowhere.

Submitted by JAF (not verified) : Sep 18, 2015 3:10pm

Obama is an lying African born worthless Muslim, trust him??? Are you kidding. What's it going to take for most of you people to wake up, ISIS to be standing in your living room killing your family before your eyes? Remember a guy named Adolph Hitler? I say march on DC now and kick all their sorry communist a$%#$% out, reinsert the Constitution and take our country back before it's to late. To Hell with the Russia and Muslims.

Submitted by RLE (not verified) : Sep 18, 2015 3:46pm

That's hilarious! How did a lying African born worthless Muslim get to be the POTUS? Wasn't he elected by majority of the vote? Twice? I am pretty sure the records show he was born in Hawaii, not Africa. And as far as I know, I never heard of him proclaiming himself as a Muslim. Besides, even if he was, don't we have freedom of religion in this country, or does that only apply to Christians choosing which denomination to belong too (Catholics reluctantly included)?

Submitted by JAF (not verified) : Sep 18, 2015 4:40pm

Yep, you are right he's freaking hilarious, you could say he's a real freaking joke. But I say he's a real Jackass as are all Social Communist Libtrd Democrats. Get your head out of the sand he stole the election, did you forget about acorn and dead people voting?? Acorn, hahahahahahahahah!Born in Hawaii, Hahahhahahahaha!Yea freedom of religion. How about the Christian lady in KY that spend days in jail for refusing to grant marriage to a bunch of Pervert Homo's because of her religious belief, she didn't get any freedom of religion. If anybody should be in jail it's Barrack Insane Obama and he will be one day, for life where he belongs. People have been hung in this country for less crimes.

Submitted by RLE (not verified) : Sep 18, 2015 5:00pm

She went to jail because she broke defied the US Supreme Court and broke the law. How is it you can get away with using bigoted slurs on this forum anyway? News Flash, gay people can serve in the military and be members of this organization so they should be treated with dignity and respect. You don't have to agree with it, but you don't have to offend others with your opinion. If gay people offend you, move to Russia where it is illegal and people have no freedom to live their own lives. You bigoted piece of feces.

Submitted by JAF (not verified) : Sep 22, 2015 5:12pm

If you really believe anything you have just said, then you are part of the problem, not the solution. For a while you can pay or bribe people to lie, make false documents, and even vote for you; but sooner or later it all comes back to you. If Obama had to run again, he would loose be great majority.

Submitted by Cecil Guthrie (not verified) : Sep 22, 2015 1:55pm

My opinion is that the Office of POTUS should be respected no matter of the personal feeling towards the person holding it. That is actually an old fashioned way of thinking, as in the past it would be unthinkable to disrespect a president the way that it is done today. That's not left wing, right wing, gold wing, or bat wing. That is what I think is right. I did not wear a uniform for 26 years just to get out and run my mouth about how awful my country is and disresepect the president with racist and bigoted insults Shame on all of you. The world is watching people. If this is what the AL stands for then I quit and its no wonder that post 9/11 vets aren't joining this obsolete dying organization (literally and figuratively). I thought this was a veterans advocacy group but apparently not.

Submitted by JAF (not verified) : Sep 22, 2015 5:05pm