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What is your reaction to the Ashley Madison scandal?

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They made their bed and now they have to lie in it!!

Submitted by Ken Hess Post 1... (not verified) : Aug 27, 2015 3:10pm

As I voted, the following:
1. If you get married, you are supposed to be mated with your soul mate for life;
2. If you want to cheat, get a divorce then you don't have to cheat;
3. The internet should be considered public domain not some private club;
4. Don't be surprised when someone hacks a website and your name comes out as doing some malicious activity;
5. I don't feel sorry for anyone who gets caught cheating on the internet. You get what you play for.

Stupid is what stupid does.

Submitted by Kenny K (not verified) : Aug 27, 2015 4:27pm

Why is this the "Big Q". The American Legion must have more Veteran oriented questions than this tripe.

Submitted by Jim Creagan (not verified) : Aug 27, 2015 4:39pm

Jim , I agree.. What a waste of ink and time.

Submitted by Phil Rains (not verified) : Aug 27, 2015 4:43pm

I agree. I would like to know more about SGT Charles Martland the decorated green beret who is being forced out of the Army for protecting a boy.

Submitted by Don A. (not verified) : Aug 27, 2015 5:52pm

We need to focus on Vets issues not gossip

Submitted by Allan Main (not verified) : Aug 27, 2015 6:22pm

We need to focus on Vets issues not gossip

Submitted by Allan Main (not verified) : Aug 27, 2015 6:22pm

Who cares??

Submitted by Phil J (not verified) : Aug 27, 2015 4:42pm

Oh, hum. Boring. Who cares! Let's get on with more important things.

Submitted by wingrider6 : Aug 27, 2015 5:12pm

My reaction? Simple: Meh.

We vets have larger, other fish to fry.

Submitted by Jordynne Olivia Lobo (not verified) : Aug 27, 2015 9:16pm

Concentrate on real issues. It is none of my business or anyone else's if someone cheats on his or her partner. Get a life...

Submitted by Jim Scott (not verified) : Aug 28, 2015 8:23am

This is about as newsworthy as what is Kim Kardashin wearing today - no one should care
Care about Vets

Submitted by George Billioux (not verified) : Aug 28, 2015 9:32am

The first 3 choices are all pretty much spot on! First of all: if you are a man or a woman cheating on your spouse – shame on you you disloyal you-know-what; second of all: if you don’t know by now, NOTHING on ANY computer system (Hillary) is really secure. China taps into DOD and State all the time and I would hope those systems are the most secure . . . but “secure” is not the same as impenetrable! Third, we can expect more of this type of activism. Everybody with a gripe can gain access to any other group or system with which they disagree and “out” them. We’ve seen this a hundred times, mostly by the liberal left – specifically I speak of the ‘outing’ of donors to causes such as traditional marriage. In Kalifornication, the pro-gray / pro-gay marriage folks put the names and in some cases addresses and phone numbers of the supporters (and their families including young children) of traditional marriage on the internet.
While I don’t agree with what these activists did to the Ashley Madison group . . . I personally don’t have any sympathy for a person so stupid as to #1 cheat on their spouse and #2 be so stupid as to do it on a public Cheating Web Service .. . . Stupid!

Submitted by Gunny John USMC Ret (not verified) : Aug 28, 2015 1:06pm

Hey I am Pro-Gray! I like old people. (most anyway)

Submitted by JAF (not verified) : Aug 28, 2015 4:01pm

I figured someone would find a way to blame it on the "liberal left." Got a problem?

Submitted by g. ravella (not verified) : Aug 28, 2015 2:03pm

I voted "Other", as in there are other issues more important than this.

Submitted by JAF (not verified) : Aug 28, 2015 4:04pm

Ask me something relevant like "Name the Kardashians and their favorite color"

Submitted by mikedv733 : Aug 28, 2015 9:59pm

Once again the American Legion can't focus on important or any, for that matter, Veteran issues. No wonder the Legion is dying on the vine!

Submitted by GI Jimmy (not verified) : Aug 30, 2015 12:40am

It would seem that most of the commenters missed the part about so many White House personnel being identified within this release. I think that was AL's point in posting this question.

What are so many of *OUR* employees doing on a web site like that and not have a big enough clue to hide their link to the White House?

OR, was this just a red herring and none of those employees actually exist?

Submitted by Sgt Shat (not verified) : Aug 30, 2015 12:59pm

Oh yeah another reason to dislike the Obama Administration.

Submitted by JAF (not verified) : Aug 30, 2015 3:13pm

I think there are more important issues that we could be addressing.

Submitted by Bronxite (not verified) : Aug 31, 2015 6:18pm

I disagree with the people who say this questionnaire has nothing to do with the Legion. The Legion promotes families and family values. This website does not do that.

Submitted by Sunset (not verified) : Sep 2, 2015 3:13pm