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What's your reaction to the latest North Korea-South Korea skirmish?

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My money is on the R.O.K. Soldier's and Marines. Time to spank fat boy once and for all. If this happens see how fast fat boy will be taken out by his own men.

Submitted by Don A. (not verified) : Aug 20, 2015 1:35pm

Fat boy has the A-Bomb and this is now a more serious threat.

Submitted by Darwin Knox (not verified) : Aug 20, 2015 2:20pm

An A bomb. SO WHAT?

Submitted by Don A. (not verified) : Aug 20, 2015 5:29pm

We developed the "A" bomb to end wars. It can also be used to prevent wars like with North Korea..and the people with the name like Darwin will have a new chance to propagate anew like roaches.

Submitted by J Johnson (not verified) : Aug 20, 2015 6:16pm

South Korea has a first-world industrial base and economy, it is well-fitted to defend itself with its own armed forces. Bring our U.S. troops home from South Korea, spare us American taxpayers the burden of sending our troops and our cash to garrison other people's countries.

Bear in mind that Kim Il-Sung, Kim Jong-Il and now Kim Jong-
Un all needed to stage stunts to furnish fodder for their propaganda to their own North Korean slave-people. Like his father and grandfather, Kim Jong-Un knows very well that although his slave state has a massive army in numbers, his nation's economy and food stocks cannot sustain that army in a long conflict. So he throws these phony "escalation" shows to keep his own people cowed and subservient to his regime, as Kim knows very well that he would be sorely tempting Fate were he to spark a wider war.

Bear also in mind that our own military-industrial complex uses stunts such as Kim's to scare us Americans into coughing up no end of our taxpayer dollars to fund our own enormously and unnecessarily bloated military.

Submitted by Jordynne Olivia Lobo (not verified) : Aug 20, 2015 3:17pm

We should have finished it some 60-odd years, but Truman made a mistake.

Submitted by Pessimistic Preston (not verified) : Aug 20, 2015 3:32pm

The situation between North Korea and South Korea is similar to the North Vietnam and South Vietnam conflict of the 60's and 70's. Only in that we are not in a shooting war with North Korea. Yet. If those two regions of Korea are going to go at each other, we should simply monitor the fighting and see if South Korea can handle the situation. If they scream HELP, then we should off them aid and assistance, but not put any more soldiers on the ground there. They are going to have to settle their own disputes. It is not the responsibility of the United States to fight their battles for them as we tried to do in the early 50's. Military cuts of vital personnel by the Obama administration will not permit us to fight on two fronts. We can no longer hold the hands of those countries that wish to destroy themselves because of territorial or religious reasons. The Government of The United States has to learn and understand that we are not the administrators, nor the police, for the rest of the world. We cannot make policies for other countries. Their problems are none of our business, unless they attack us or our embassies. Then and only then should we do everything in our power to get our people out. Nothing more.

Submitted by A. G. Wood (not verified) : Aug 20, 2015 3:36pm

I agree with A.G. Wood. Due to our current government reducing our Military, we have no business trying to police the world.

Submitted by D.L. King (not verified) : Aug 20, 2015 4:19pm

Don't count on the US to sort it out. The current administration has made it clear they would rather the world aflame while we watch. We are going to pay for all this sooner or later!

Submitted by Ed R. (not verified) : Aug 20, 2015 4:46pm

The ROK military in Vietnam had a kill ratio of 25 to 1. and that was many years ago and had a tougher adversary than North Korea.

Submitted by Don A. (not verified) : Aug 20, 2015 5:42pm

I agree with Lobo to a degree, stay out of it for a time. The R.O.K. Army is not the pushover it was in the 1950 war, if the North wants to flex its muscle with the south let them, and see how much of a pushover the South still is. I feel the North will be caught completely off guard by the South's resolve.

Submitted by A.R.Tankersley (not verified) : Aug 20, 2015 5:53pm

South Korea has a thriving democratic economic government that does business with more than the USA. If they feel that they need help they can ask other countries for it, not just us.
We need to focus on our own problems, we can't fix the world.

Submitted by Doug Fox (not verified) : Aug 20, 2015 7:15pm

Does anyone seriously think our CIC would react to even a full-blown invasion of the South?? He has cost the US untold harm in foreign policy. You need to have some understanding of military power and how it works to react to bad situations that pop-up in todays world. This person does not, nor does he have the desire to learn.

Submitted by Old Grunt (not verified) : Aug 21, 2015 8:22am

Nukem till they glow

Submitted by Bomb (not verified) : Aug 21, 2015 8:39am

Our leaders should use all available avenues before sending the young off to war. If not possible to avoid war, all those advocating such should be the ones to volunteer themselves to the first wave. After that, a draft, with NO DIFFERMENTS of ANY KIND, male or female. In times of war EVERYONE should sacrifice. For those advocating the use of nuclear weapons, read on. South Korea does not have nukes of any kind, and neither has Japan. So it looks like any nukes would be launched from the USA, which would be intercontinental ballistic missiles with large warheads, and most likely cause China to become involved, and everyone should know what that will entail. Also, just what Uncle Sam needs; more veterans suffering from depleted uranium shells and radiotin poisoning, not to mention PTSD.

Submitted by John T LaRochelle : Aug 24, 2015 2:11pm