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What do you think of the recent high-profile breaches of Americans' personal information?

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Give the Gov no information or false information. Either way you protect yourself.

Submitted by JJackson (not verified) : Jun 18, 2015 2:01pm

The CHICOMS have struck our Military Database because they know THERE IS A WHIMP IN THE WHITE HOUSE who "draws red lines" and does nothing when our enemies cross them!
We need a Ronald Reagan again!

Submitted by Combat Marine (not verified) : Jun 18, 2015 3:04pm

I totally agree! Semper Fi !

Submitted by Tony Jenzer (not verified) : Jun 19, 2015 7:33am

I totally agree! Semper Fi !

Submitted by Tony Jenzer (not verified) : Jun 19, 2015 7:33am

I totally agree! Semper Fi !

Submitted by Tony Jenzer (not verified) : Jun 19, 2015 7:33am

I am full agreement! The Obama administration is a travesty to this country. He and Hillary want to turn the USA into a communist state; that's why their push gun control on us and nothing to protect this Great Country. We need a president like Reagan again that will support our constitution and have the nerve to strike back. Hillary's "What does it matter" over dead brave men needs to be part of her political campaign.

Submitted by Air Force Crew Chief (not verified) : Jun 20, 2015 8:21am

I think our lazy ass Congress should do its job and pass laws that protect American Citizen's personally identifiable information and place significant penalties like outrageous fines and jail sentences for executives who allow their company or government office to carelessly or hap-hazardly protect citizen's personally identifiable data. I have held security clearances my entire working career and had to answer very personal questions and I am appalled that our government will not do what is necessary to protect our data. Having worked with many government agencies over the last 45 years, I can readily say that government employees are more interested in their next promotion and the politics required to raise themselves above their peers rather than to do the job that their job entails. If Theodore Roosevelt was still around, he'd bee wielding his BIG STICK over the heads of the officers responsible for such a breech in the public trust. I, for one, have little liking for the way our government works (or rather, doesn't work) today.

Submitted by BBloom (not verified) : Jun 18, 2015 2:41pm

if you think passing a law will change anything think again. There are law against murder, drugs and a lot of other things. has it stopped them?

Submitted by tomt (not verified) : Jun 18, 2015 6:31pm

We overpay contractors to provide unhackable secure systems to protect our data. Hire better a IT firm with oversight by a super security team and get rid of the incompetent in house Government IT personal.

Submitted by RBeard (not verified) : Jun 18, 2015 2:59pm

There has not been a computer system made that is opened to the internet that can not be hacked. Highly classified information including personal data, should be stored on a closed system. This would entail someone within the system extracting on an individual and forwarding it to an authorized agency needing the information; presumably that information could be hacked if it were sent over the internet, but the system would remain secure.

Submitted by Richard A. Jensen (not verified) : Jun 18, 2015 3:28pm

Agree. Which is why the current rage, cloud storage, is such a bad idea. Increased security only begets better hackers. Government, business, and individuals would be best to keep sensitive data OFF line. While the internet can be a very useful tool, always remember it is also a tool which can be used against you. Trading security for convenience is not a good idea.

Submitted by S.AZ.Vet (not verified) : Jun 18, 2015 5:53pm

Here's a clue - Government outsourcing confidential, classified Government work to firms whose personnel are not Americans.

Submitted by Jordynne Olivia Lobo (not verified) : Jun 18, 2015 3:28pm

bombing starts at 3:am loved it when Reagan was president this would not be happening. Current president worse than a wimp.

Submitted by ken bingham (not verified) : Jun 18, 2015 3:58pm

Those in charge should be charged and punished for not securing the system

Submitted by Jeramiah (not verified) : Jun 18, 2015 4:04pm

This breach isn't a simple accessing of a few records. These personel records contain a lot of information regarding security clearances and personal information that can lead to identity thieft or be used to breach DoD secure systems.

OPM staff were told last year they had a problem. OPM staff did little or nothing. These people are not low level clerks making $30K a year or so but senior executives making $125K a year or more.

Based on my 34 years working for Uncle, I can invision the guilty being rewarded and promoted and the innocent being punished. Typical PYA for senior execs working for Uncle.

Heads should roll, people should be fired, the head of OPM should be booted out right now. But none of this will happen. All we can do is bitch and watch the toothless tiger called Congress hold worthless "Hearings" that amount to nothing more than free re-election press coverage.

Submitted by Bob Philbrook (not verified) : Jun 18, 2015 5:55pm

I have over 35 years with uncle. Now they want ALL intell employees to provide Complete financial records to show our loyalty. How secure will that be? All of you pay records, investments, loans, etc., it will be an open record for anybody to read and hack your account, steal your identity, etc. yeah a real confidence builder in uncle. But as Madame Billary said, "What difference does it make."

Submitted by SoCalBob (not verified) : Jun 19, 2015 1:09am

Any information which can be put online should automatically be covered by a lifeline type security insurance coverage. If there online system isn't secure than why should it even be offered to the public? Why do we have to pay their insurance costs? Something to think about; right.

Submitted by dave48195 (not verified) : Jun 18, 2015 6:20pm

Too many high priced govt workers sitting around eith there finger up there ass

Submitted by Oldtimer1926 (not verified) : Jun 18, 2015 6:50pm

Too many high priced govt workers sitting around eith there finger up there ass

Submitted by Oldtimer1926 (not verified) : Jun 18, 2015 7:25pm

It's just another example of how our government can not be trusted to protect it's citizens...

Submitted by Old Fart (not verified) : Jun 18, 2015 9:17pm

Security breaches must be minimum. All personal information should be encrypted on a world class level. Corporate America must realize that anytime they deal with the government,they risk the security of government employes. The government should provide,or not deal with companies that can not provide adequate internet security.

Submitted by Louis S (not verified) : Jun 19, 2015 6:53am

This is just another example of the vulnerability of data storage accessible via the web. While it is convenient for users as well as entities to have database systems that store personal information, there are no totally safe means to prevent the professional hackers from eventually breaking into them. Don't know if there is a solution to the problem.

Submitted by DaleB (not verified) : Jun 20, 2015 1:10pm

We shouldn't be so naïve about data. If we put it out there, anyone can use it, for good or ill. I live outside of Homeland Security borders, so I tell our Post members don't post anything that could make you a target. No pictures of family or buddies on a foreign mission and don't forget to remove your meta data such as time, date and coordinates. I always shudder when a grownup tells me, "No, problem all of my stuff is in the cloud!" Duuuh! We all know OPSEC, so why don't we use it for our own data.

Submitted by Gypsy M (not verified) : Jun 23, 2015 1:39pm