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Will the U.S. Postal Service’s proposed cost-cutting measures solve its fiscal problems?

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If the Post Office is privatized, will the private vendors be required to meet the same standards as the USPS?

Submitted by lnhaynie : Dec 8, 2011 3:32pm

The Post Office management continues to say they have too many people and are treating their problem as if it is a labor problem. It is not a labor problem.
They have not figured out how to deal with email, and when they figure that out they will discover they have too many trucks.
Mail moves from a Post Office to a processing center, to another processing center, to another Post Office, then distributed locally. If they could manage to get rid of the first two trucks (PO to processing center to processing center) they solve the largest part of their problem.
If they had a way to electronically route the majority of the first class mail, bills, notices, and other non-personal mail to the destination, then print and distribute it, they might stand a chance. Until they move the business model into this century they have no hope, and will eventually go under, at which point it will become privatized anyway.
The technology exists to do this today, which is how businesses are managing to spend less than a few pennys to get their bills to the customers by using email and the web, instead of spending about $0.50 to print the bill, stuff the envelope, sort the mail, deliver to the Post Office, and finally pay $0.44 in postage to have it delivered.

Adapt or else.

Submitted by SJN : Dec 8, 2011 5:24pm

Your poll about Post Office is bogus. It does not explain that the P.O. is required to pre-pay their retirement account which causes financil troubles. No other company or government entity has to do this.Diliberatley closing offices and services will only destroy any hope for continued postal service.

Submitted by larry51 : Dec 8, 2011 6:20pm

In view of the fact that there are no absolutes, no consistent guarantees in life (including in government), this question I believe can best be summarized and answered in one word by saying "perhaps."

Submitted by Panentheist : Dec 8, 2011 8:20pm

As long as Congress continues the law that the lame duck Republican Congress past in 1996 requiring the Postal Service to Fund Retirement and Pension benefits for the next 75 years in a 10 year window (9 Billion this year taken from their budget), the Postal Service will never get out from under. Is IBM run like that? Microsoft? No, it's a business killer and that is the objective. Privatizing the Postal Service and giving it to UPS or Fedex (3 guesses which party they both donate heavily to), which, by the way, do not deliver to 20% of the country. That 20% is picked up by the USPS. If their gone, what then?

Submitted by traps47 : Dec 9, 2011 9:39am

If congress would return the billions of dollars the usps would be solvent for years to come what other corp has to prefund there employes health benefits to the tune of 5 billion a year

Submitted by john stan : Dec 9, 2011 4:01pm

I don't understand why the government requires the post office to over fund pensions when it doesn't seem to be necessary

Submitted by jrmiga : Dec 10, 2011 4:26pm

Close all small rual post offices and consoladate them into a region and have there mail delivered as rr. contract with a local store to handle outgoing packages and sell stamps, contract with fedx and ups for pu and delivery to regional post office, and drop off rr carrier mail at pu site that would be pre sorted a regional site.

Submitted by jerupert : Dec 13, 2011 2:59pm

it would be a good idea if you ask questions that were not slanted to a specific out come, if you are going to ask this question ask the national association of letter carriers,your prospective is totally negative, know before you ask

Submitted by judson21 : Dec 13, 2011 5:33pm