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What’s your take on the threatening actions by a Russian plane and Iranian ships against the U.S. Navy this week?

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I saw that the Russian jet was inverted how TOP GUN revenge can you get????

Submitted by mikedv733 : Apr 16, 2020 2:21pm

Although the Soviet (yes, I said SOVIET) provocations have happened on a "routine" basis and although they should not be discounted ... but shooting one down would probably be inadvisable.
ANY provocation by the Iranians (ground, air or sea) should be countered by a very strong, immediate reaction - perhaps a rethink of the ROE would be a good idea.

Submitted by mikeash202 : Apr 16, 2020 4:30pm

What would this country do if these two so called enemies were on our coast with war ships and planes - No!! brothers and sisters the only reason they are our enemies is
because they are enemies of so called ISRAEL- So called you say - yep'- but that is another story -

Submitted by agpilot : Apr 16, 2020 8:51pm

To those who would challenge us: Be very careful, The old dog still has sharp teeth and knows how to use them.

Submitted by astrodon : Apr 17, 2020 6:38am

I hope that you are correct! These days I do not know what to believe. For instance, “we are the richest Country in the world”. I say if that is true,then why are we in debt and borrowing to keep going,so many other things that do not make sense.

Submitted by Dave234 : Apr 19, 2020 9:21am