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On the 15th anniversary of the 9/11 terrorist attacks, which statement do you most agree with?

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I do agree that missteps in the mideast have caused successive levels of increased hostility, our leaders seem to ignore some of the most simple solutions to protect Americans. Our borders...which we know already are being used, not just to flood the country with illegals, but also as a conduit for terrorists. Instead, we spend millions overseas, and nearly as much in TSA and DHS funding, all while tolerating Stazi-style spying on our every move. It's time to re-examine our priorities.

Submitted by Dawn Hernandez (not verified) : Sep 8, 2016 2:51pm

I agree with both answers C and D. Failure in this countries leadership over the last 40 years created the mess we're in today. The inability of elected "leaders" to do what is truly best for the nation, AND to follow the will of WE THE PEOPLE has led to the current lack of confidence in the governments ability to get the job done.

Submitted by Santino (not verified) : Sep 8, 2016 4:28pm

We have elected politicians who want a position at the expense of Americans who had and now want and need a job. Until we outsource this group it will not get any better. We need to flush the toilet at the local, state and federal level and start over. D.T. asked the following rhetorical question. What do you have to lose? He said it to get votes. I say it because at this point the American worker has nothing to lose other than the job he/she has flipping burgers at a fast food joint. Vote them all out. Let the politicians who only work 2 days a week and call others takers go out and find a real job where they have to work 7 days a week 16 hours a day for very little compensation.

Submitted by EH (not verified) : Sep 8, 2016 6:00pm

These responses tell me that about 80% of you are so scared you must sleep under the bed and not on it.

Submitted by Pablo on the Gazebo (not verified) : Sep 8, 2016 4:36pm

You hit the nail on the head.

Submitted by EH (not verified) : Sep 8, 2016 5:42pm

Shivering indeed !

Submitted by J.R.Lowrie (not verified) : Sep 8, 2016 11:58pm

Get with it "bro". As a retired law officer for 25 years and a 27 year vet, TWO spent in "Nam", there isn't much that scares me! I have the resources and knowledge to defend my home and my neighbors IF need be.
Cant get under my bed, too much defensive equipment.!!!!!

Submitted by Peter H. Schiller (not verified) : Sep 12, 2016 12:11am

All of the above. Some areas are more secure now but the will to kill and destroy by an ideological foe who is willing to die for what they believe cannot seem to be deterred unless each fighter is killed.

Submitted by David O. (not verified) : Sep 8, 2016 4:38pm

We have the strongest country in the world, we also have the weakest immigration laws. Until this changes, nothing's going to happen! The candidates that advocate importing immigrants by the plane load, are only looking for future votes at our expense!

Submitted by DOC (USN) (not verified) : Sep 8, 2016 4:47pm

Three, four and five in particular. Our so called, Leaders, are more concerned with getting reelected than doing what they should be doing. We are giving away to much money go other countries that could care less about us. We need to build up our military instead of letting it go down. So many mistakes in the last several years. I don't know that it can be overcome.

Submitted by Mac Blair (not verified) : Sep 8, 2016 4:48pm

I disagree with a and b, agree with c,d, and somewhat with e. We send billions of $ overseas to countries that want to do us harm, when we could spend that money here at home on child and family hunger, veterans programs, homelessness, etc.. etc.. I could go on and on. This country needs to get it's priorities straight and start taking care of our own, and stop supporting other countries. The failure of the politicians we elect to do what the people want over the last years have put us in the hole we are in now. Our great-great-grand kids are still going to be paying for their failures many years down line. Its time to get the heads out of the backside and start doing what is best for this country.

Submitted by DeanUSN (not verified) : Sep 8, 2016 4:54pm

We do need to honor our heroes and remember the losses of 9/11 we need to learn from the mistakes that made it possible,however,it is well past time that we regrouped and moved on to what U.S.of A. really is and showed the world a prosperous unified face that will not perish from this Earth. If we do not do this then the terrorist win. It is time to put the pledge back in schools,theaters,etcetera.

Submitted by john resler (not verified) : Sep 8, 2016 5:09pm


Submitted by Neg (not verified) : Sep 8, 2016 5:16pm

A and B are not true. B,C and D are true. Glad this method of waging war wasn't around during WWII, or we would all be speaking Japanese. An enemy willing to die for his cause is what we were fighting in WWII. All out unlimited war until the fight is gone from the enemy. By leaving Iraq and Afghanistan with limited troops we made the area ripe for a new insurgency and left weak governments in their place who are allowing the insurgency to spread all over the region and to Europe.

Submitted by Tex9380 (not verified) : Sep 8, 2016 5:16pm

Amen to that! Decimating the military has only made the situation worse!!

Submitted by MSGT Scott D Jo... (not verified) : Sep 8, 2016 7:53pm

Amen to that! Decimating the military has only made the situation worse!!

Submitted by MSGT Scott D Jo... (not verified) : Sep 8, 2016 7:53pm


Submitted by Gregory Smith (not verified) : Sep 8, 2016 5:18pm

All of the above. I have continuing fears for our country on ALL levels...

Submitted by Gardner Frazier (not verified) : Sep 8, 2016 5:19pm

I do wonder what became of the billions of dollars spent each year for decades for national security prior to 9/11. There were a lot of persons in government and the military who were asleep at the wheel, despite repeated warnings, in particular by an expert on these matters who died in the Twin Towers fiasco. Bureaucracy breeds complacency.

Submitted by JOHN STEPHENS (not verified) : Sep 8, 2016 5:27pm

The borders are wide open! Elect Donald Trump. He has the plan to overcome this situation and when elected, this is a priority 1.

Submitted by Tom McDonald (not verified) : Sep 8, 2016 6:24pm

Surely you smoke from the same peace pipe your ancestors smoked from! I'd clean it if I were you.
Your cleaning might start by accepting the fact that Trump is quite unprepared to lead this country, let alone his own affairs.
The borders are fine without you and your ilk moaning about them all the time. Do you also complain about the Canadian border? Don't start now just to impress us.

Submitted by Niles Spahn (not verified) : Sep 14, 2016 3:41pm

The attack on the twin towers in NY on 9/11/01 was a response by the owners of the Federal Reserve to the fact that our government was no longer spending more than taxes collected. Which meant we could start paying off the national debt. There would no longer be a need for the Federal Reserve since no budget deficits we need to be funded. This would not do! Trillions of dollars would be at stake. When JFK acted to dissolve the Fed, look what happened to him. The 911 attack & subsequent blame on Osama Ben Laden; the weapons of mass destruction fabrication by the CIA in order go to war which would mean going into debt again; and needing to finance the deficit by borrowing from the Fed again. Who pays for debt? US Taxpayers. As long the Fed is in existence, the US will have to remain in debt and the US taxpayer will always be burdened by taxes to repay the debt. We went to war with Afghanistan & Iraq for one reason, to spend money so the Fed can profit from the death of innocent people around the world. Do be deceived.

Submitted by TRUE BELIEVER (not verified) : Sep 8, 2016 7:07pm

What are you smoking?

Submitted by Grumpie (not verified) : Sep 8, 2016 7:24pm

Someone has been drinking the kool aid I see.

Submitted by mkich (not verified) : Sep 8, 2016 10:02pm

Thumbs Up!

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) : Sep 8, 2016 10:34pm

OMG, take your meds and call your doctor ASAP!

Submitted by C. Ryan (not verified) : Sep 9, 2016 12:40pm

They are here because we are there.
Let the Middle East solve their own problems.
We have enough problems of our own.

Submitted by LM (not verified) : Sep 8, 2016 10:03pm

The mastermind behind the attack was Khalid Sheik Mohammed KSM He is responsible for murdering 3000 Americans on 9/11. Amazingly, there are those, John McCain and the media, who wine about KSM being "waterboarded". KSM is a vicious thug who should have been shot!!!
Admiral Isoroku Yammamoto was the mastermind of the December 7 1941 attack on Pearl Harbor. We forget that the Japanese code was cracked and discovered the Admiral's itinerary was discovered. We dispatched P-38s to shoot down the Admirals, and they succeeded. We killed the mastermind behind the Pearl Harbor attack. Those who did this are heroes. Those who "waterboarded" KSM are called "war criminals". KSM is never referred to as a "war criminal".
I know many legionnaies admire John McCain because of his military service and the fact he was a POW. I respect his military service, but not his Senatorial service. He is using his military service to advance his agenda.
A few years ago, an Afghan vet said nobody gives a s--t. Unfortunately he is correct.

Submitted by Joe Domhan (not verified) : Sep 9, 2016 8:24am

I agree equally with all five choices.

Submitted by Rocking Islander (not verified) : Sep 9, 2016 2:55pm

We should have simply gone into Afghanistan, destroyed Bin Laden and his organization - leaving the message that if you attack us again we will be back in even greater force- and left the Middle East to its own destructive mind set and actions, thus saving thousands of lost lives and injured, not to mention several trillions of dollars. Think of how we could have improved many things in our country in the interim with those funds.

Other than that, I agree with all of the above.

Submitted by Fredric Wheatley (not verified) : Sep 9, 2016 8:35pm

I agree. Those people have been fighting for a thousand years. Russia couldn't beat them in 8 years. What makes the US think they would be able to do better?
Please don't let "this lying bitch" become Commander and Chief! ( I don't want her name on my retirement papers.)

Submitted by MSgt. Ken (not verified) : Sep 11, 2016 8:57pm

"Those people", "Lying bitch", "I wouldn't want her name on my retirement papers", really?
Maybe you'd rather have Trump's name on your death certificate? This is why this country's in so much trouble, people like you who have no useful purpose trying to look useful!
Crawl back under your rock sarge!

Submitted by Niles Spahn (not verified) : Sep 14, 2016 3:18pm

I believe you have hit the nail on the head! Being a 27 year Army vet, the only way to kill the head snake is to cut off their head(s)

Submitted by Peter H. Schiller (not verified) : Sep 12, 2016 12:01am

We need to rebuild our military. Spend more on National Security, build a wall between the United States and Mexico. We should watch the Canadian border as well if I understand correctly terrorists have come into the United States through Canada. Our military readiness is vital to defending our Country both domestic and abroad.

Submitted by Gail S (not verified) : Sep 10, 2016 6:29am

We need to rebuild our military and intelligence community.
Russia and China are the greatest threat to our country. It is time for the countries in the Middle East to stand up against ISIL and these extremists.

Submitted by Photo (not verified) : Sep 10, 2016 2:09pm

I think all of the points have merit. We do not want to become isolationists, however, we need to protect ourselves. More and more of our trusted allies are loosing confidence in the United States of America. We all need to stand strong together and stop our bickering or we will all fall to terrorists.

Submitted by Pattiey Penning... (not verified) : Sep 10, 2016 8:47pm

Some of these commentary are from people so fixated with nothing more than plain old bigoted thoughts that it's scary to think why they are so mentally corrupted!

Submitted by Niles Spahn (not verified) : Sep 14, 2016 5:31pm