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What do you think of ​NFL quarterback Colin Kaepernick's refusal to stand for the national anthem?

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When I served, we had to memorize the Code of Conduct. I.e. "I am an American Fighting Man. I serve in the forces that protect our Country and our way of life." I support Mr.Kaepernick right to protest. Our laws protect that right.
It is a protected part of our way of Life!

Submitted by Louis Bettencourt (not verified) : Sep 1, 2016 11:34am

His most recent leanings and girlfriend gives one pause.

Submitted by J Bradley (not verified) : Sep 1, 2016 11:40am

He is most certainly free to express his opinion if he is man enough to stand up to whatever consequences may come his way and from what I have seen thus far he has been as dismal in that as his football career

Submitted by mikedv733 : Sep 1, 2016 2:23pm

I do not agree with his chosen method of protest, but it is considered his right of free speech and is protected. I question if he has done anything else to further his "cause" or did he just wake up one day and decide to use this "right" with no regard for how or why his right was earned & protected.

Submitted by David Pavlick (not verified) : Sep 1, 2016 2:53pm

He can protest, but he needs to respect our Flag and the USA. If he can not the we have no respect for his abilities, and he should not be allowed to benefit from America's opportunities. Suspend Him !-!

Submitted by John V. Russo (not verified) : Sep 1, 2016 3:09pm

In my opinion he has urinated in the faces of 22 Million Veterans who fought for the Flag. He says blacks are oppressed, yet we have a black President and Mr. Kaepernick is part black and makes 11.4 Million dollars. Look at our black Olympians that were just in Rio! Finally, what have his dollars, or what has HE done to help stop the oppression?

Submitted by John P. Smeeken... (not verified) : Sep 1, 2016 3:09pm

I believe this professional athlete is setting a VERY bad example for many young impressionable minds who look up to him and do not understand WHY he is ignoring The Star Spangled Banner.

Submitted by Rocking Islander (not verified) : Sep 1, 2016 3:10pm

He is most certainly free to express his opinion, but I don't thinks sports is the place to do it. He should have called a news conference and point out his opinion and not have been disrespectable. But it is just as much fault is the NFL and the 49er's. They should have rules like the military or police, that when in uniform you don't have free speech or the right to protest. Out of uniform, do what ever you want. Matter of fact all sports should be like that.

Submitted by Ray M (not verified) : Sep 1, 2016 3:14pm

A real man, an honest man would set examples by using his money and position to lecture,teach and help the american dream come true for all americans. The best way to help our youth is to re open the draft. took me out of the getto and molded me into the man my father wished i could be.

Submitted by b,j, morrison (not verified) : Sep 1, 2016 3:19pm

Please read the 3rd stanza of the Anthem and ask yourself if you would teach your children to recite it every day. If they added "Allah Willing" to the Pledge of Allegiance would YOU stand up and salute? Or sing along with the Hip Hop Anthem "Cop Killer"? How can we demand black Americans respect a song calling them "darkies"? Calm that twitchy knee and educate yourself. I fear the racist demagog & his rhetoric are being mainstreamed by the media and encouraging a hateful minority of our nation to do and say horrible hurtful things.

Submitted by bob petersen (not verified) : Sep 1, 2016 3:20pm

Nothing like taking things out of context. Maybe 100 years from now,if this Nation still exists, they may be referring to NFL football players as barbarians, knocking their heads together in a silly, violent game. (no, I don't think football is a silly game)

Submitted by Al Wunsch (not verified) : Sep 1, 2016 3:47pm

Oops, should have been "the racist demagog Donald Trump"

Submitted by boB petersen (not verified) : Sep 1, 2016 3:23pm

"No refuge could save the hireling and slave
From the terror of flight or the gloom of the grave" The author of our anthem was a notorious racist. I have been in favor of adopting Woody's "This Land Is My Land, This Land is Your Land" since I was in high school-where I refused to stand for the Pledge and was expelled for it. My lottery number was close so I joined 7 months later and was discharged with a Medical/Fully Honorable discharge after doing my duty-I carry ½ pound of steel in my body to this day as a result. I am a patriot and so is Colin. This doesn't mean we have to ignore the fact America was founded on genocide and built by slaves, only that we strive to be better.

Submitted by Bob petersen (not verified) : Sep 1, 2016 3:30pm

Well said.

Submitted by Lydell (not verified) : Sep 1, 2016 3:32pm

Bob the big problem. One half of the people want to tell the other half what they can and can't do. Problem #1 that half don't want to hear it. Problem #2 But the second half want to tell the first half what they can and can't do. Problem the first half don't want to hear it either. People need to M.Y.O.B. Figure it out?

Submitted by Hershall (not verified) : Sep 5, 2016 11:48am

He has been given a great opportunity is drawing a huge salary from the citizens of this country and can't respect our national anthem. He needs to loose his job and all the benefits that goes with it and sent to a country where he can respect their beliefs. If he doesn't like this country then he needs to leave and go to a country where he can.

Submitted by Tom Russell (not verified) : Sep 1, 2016 3:32pm

My thoughts exactly, took the words right out of my mouth!

Submitted by Jack Williams (not verified) : Sep 1, 2016 3:37pm

The money he making is made in America.

Submitted by Francis Jackson (not verified) : Sep 1, 2016 3:35pm

Of course he has the right to his action and opinion. However, the way he has gone about it, comes across more as disrespectful of our Nation than a sincere cause. He would be better served by actions off the field supporting his community in a positive way to mitigate his gripe. He doesn't have my support for his current stance.

Submitted by Al Wunsch (not verified) : Sep 1, 2016 3:39pm

He is a victim of a bad education. The constitution and flag are color blind. He made the mistake of going to San Francisco, one of the most racist cities in the country. Check the decline of the number of blacks in the census since 1950.

Submitted by Dale L (not verified) : Sep 1, 2016 3:40pm

So true that he is stupid. Disrespecting the Flag that is a symbol of all Americans that includes African-Americans. He would fit in nicely with Isis.

Submitted by Richard Leroy A... (not verified) : Sep 1, 2016 5:02pm

If you don't believe in freedom of speech for everyone, you don't believe in freedom of speech at all. I think of how Ali was vilified and now he's considered a champion of standing up for ones rights. Kaepernick has not only the right but an obligation to stand up for what he believes. I'm proud to have served to protect his rights.

Submitted by Lydell (not verified) : Sep 1, 2016 3:40pm

I'm old and somewhat frail, but could still muster up the strength to un-hinge his jaw in private. If this were in some 3rd world countries, he could be put to death, but here, many of my comrades have made the ultimate sacrifice to give him the right to do what he did!

Submitted by Doc (USN) (not verified) : Sep 1, 2016 3:43pm

58,479 Brothers and Sisters killed from 1959-1975 during Vietnam. One was my cousin K.I.A. One was my childhood friend M.I.A. I served from 1970-1973. I recently retired after 50 years of employment. Our family has served from the Civil war one killed one wounded. And all wars in-between and in Iraq 2 Pilots returned safely.
One uncle and two of dads cousins witnessed the flags go up over Iwo Jima. In Korea one Combat Infantry cousin earned 2 Bronze Stars. Came home and got killed in a car accident. His two grandchildren are the ones who flew in Iraq.
Never thought much of Jocks.
This one can stick it where the sun doesn't shine. My first pay voucher in 1970 for one month after taxes was $98.00 during basic training...................
He may have a lot of money but he will never be able to put Veterans plates on his vehicle..........He fits in with the 50,000 draft dodgers who went to Canada during the Vietnam war. He should read about OPERATION BABY LIFT 1975. How a man mortgaged his home to get orphans out of Vietnam .............when he rented planes............. Yes, he has free speech as one just said, but a lot of us paid for it.

Submitted by Gary Swensen (not verified) : Sep 1, 2016 3:45pm

Remark was right on target.......

Submitted by Billy Hays (not verified) : Sep 1, 2016 3:59pm

He has the nerve to Bad mouth a country were HE earns millions of Dollars doing what. Not defending that country and it's way of life, nor protecting it from the criminal element that robs, steals, sells drug, and commits numerous other crimes. No he gets paid million of dollars for PLAYING A GAME, That's right PLAYING A GAME. What a low life.

Submitted by Ron Robertson (not verified) : Sep 1, 2016 3:50pm


Submitted by LARRY S (not verified) : Sep 1, 2016 3:52pm

If he feels that this country is so bad that he refuses to stand for our National anthem, he has the freedom to leave.

Submitted by Joe Domhan (not verified) : Sep 1, 2016 6:38pm

My guess is this guy never served a minute in the military.

Submitted by Viet Nam Era Vet (not verified) : Sep 1, 2016 3:59pm

He makes millions in this "oppressive" society, and he has the audacity to not stand for our National Anthem.

Submitted by Joe Domhan (not verified) : Sep 1, 2016 3:59pm

Freedom of speech is limited. You can't say bomb in an airport or yell "fire" in a crowded restaurant. You can if you want to go to jail for inciting panic. Being disrespectful during the National Anthem just shows what kind of character he has. In the end, everyone has forgotten what his protest was about.

Submitted by Todd Miller (not verified) : Sep 1, 2016 4:02pm

If you were Black you may have a different understanding of what Kaepernick did. There is also this thing called the First Amendment to our Constitution.

There is also a phrase in the Pledge of Allegiance which says "with Liberty and Justice for all" The term "Justice for all" does not apply to everybody, especially Black folks.

Submitted by LM (not verified) : Sep 1, 2016 4:07pm

I agree with rights, but this is not the place to show off.
I also don't believe that you should be able to burn the
flag. There is a time and place for standing up for your principles but this is not the place. This is a disgrace to the whole county.
is where he should stand up.

Submitted by BILL HAHN (not verified) : Sep 1, 2016 4:08pm

His issue has no relationship to the flag or the anthem. He is just using his disrespect to get attention. Why doesn't he do something about it like donating a few millions to help the situation??

Submitted by Jim Gordon (not verified) : Sep 1, 2016 4:13pm

I totally agree that Colin Kaepernick has the right to protest anything he wishes in nearly any manner. His sitting during the National Anthem is his right. Right or wrong that is another matter for discussion. Many I read here support him and many do not. We all served to protect his right to that protest. What concerns me most though is the fact that Donald Trump has been going around for over a year saying how terrible America is. His entire campaign is based on that lie yet I rarely hear a word about that. I hear comments that Kaepernick should leave the country, well, what about Trump? And he is running for president of all things. You either have the right to criticize America or you don't, people can not have it both ways.

Submitted by Mike Krueger (not verified) : Sep 1, 2016 4:20pm

You forgot to add that Donald Trump is Draft Dodging Coward. He received multiple deferments until he received a medical deferment for a heel spur. Of course that did not keep him from playing college baseball while others were fighting and dying in the jungles of Vietnam. How any Veteran can vote for anyone like this is unbelievable.

Submitted by LM (not verified) : Sep 1, 2016 4:35pm

You seem to forget that Mrs. Bill Clintons husband is a draft dodger. Many other in public office also. Check it out you will be surprised along with tons of new anchors and journalist. Bernie S. Mitt R.

Submitted by VETERAN Vietnam Era (not verified) : Sep 1, 2016 6:27pm

You are right. Bill Clinton is a Draft Dodging Coward like Donald Trump. The difference is that Clinton did not say stupid things like: John McCain is a loser because he got captured, made fun of a Gold Star family and said he "always wanted one of those" referring to the Purple Heart. No sane person wants a Purple Heart. Trump also said that his Vietnam was trying to avoid getting STDs.

Bernie Sanders was a Conscientious Objector. There is a difference. I don't know about Romney.

Submitted by LM (not verified) : Sep 1, 2016 7:29pm

Clinton wrote, "I loathe the military." That's "loathe" not "love."

Submitted by Skybird (not verified) : Sep 2, 2016 1:10pm

Bernie S. was a what? We had CO's in our outfit they usually ended up as clerk typist in non combat area. Even Sargent Alvin York tried for CO's Status if your too young he was most decorated WWI Veteran. I did not know Bernie S. wore a uniform.
Mitt Romney had a religious reason so he spent two years studying in France do you not remember the pictures of him making sand angels during his run for president in the sand in France sending them to Ann while he worked off his military obligation!
You can say what ever you want CO's, college deferment, religious conviction, farm Deferment , Law Clerk , Defense plant worker, or 50,000 went to Canada all equal DRAFT DODGER. .58,479 who perished in Vietnam the majority from poor and middle income families. Yet almost 8,000 women served as nurses in Vietnam from 1959-1975 many died.
As for the comment about Trump saying stupid things mocking McCain, Gold Star mothers it is all talk ..And I agree some of it is stupid but only talk. Hillary has Benghazi, e-mails, White water, Iran Nuke deal, Money transfer to them for hostages, Monica Lewinski, Jennifer Flowers, Bill, Dead law partner Vince Foster the guy committed suicide with a gun in his right hand yet he was left handed.
Remember this: About Clinton VS Trump
Now today she can not remember about the e-mails sound familiar when Bill was questioned years ago.
Unfortunately we only have two viable choices.

Submitted by OLD Veteran (not verified) : Sep 2, 2016 7:25pm


Submitted by John D Clement,... (not verified) : Sep 1, 2016 10:09pm

Wow, you really don't get it at all do you.

Submitted by Mike Krueger (not verified) : Sep 8, 2016 5:58pm

If he hates this county, why does he continue to live and earn a living in a country he hates! Hipocritcal.

Submitted by B akers (not verified) : Sep 1, 2016 4:20pm

He has the right to choose, although it isn't my choice. That choice is one of the freedoms that I fought for. By the way, the third chorus of Keyes' song is very racist. Check it out. Keep in mind Keyes was a slave owner and the song was written in the early 1800s. Also, this is the USA not North Kores where any dissension is not allowed.

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) : Sep 1, 2016 4:27pm

He has the right to choose, although it isn't my choice. That choice is one of the freedoms that I fought for. By the way, the third chorus of Keyes' song is very racist. Check it out. Keep in mind Keyes was a slave owner and the song was written in the early 1800s. Also, this is the USA not North Kores where any dissension is not allowed.

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) : Sep 1, 2016 4:27pm

He has the right to choose, although it isn't my choice. That choice is one of the freedoms that I fought for. By the way, the third chorus of Keyes' song is very racist. Check it out. Keep in mind Keyes was a slave owner and the song was written in the early 1800s. Also, this is the USA not North Kores where any dissension is not allowed.

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) : Sep 1, 2016 4:27pm

He has the right to choose, although it isn't my choice. That choice is one of the freedoms that I fought for. By the way, the third chorus of Keyes' song is very racist. Check it out. Keep in mind Keyes was a slave owner and the song was written in the early 1800s. Also, this is the USA not North Kores where any dissension is not allowed.

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) : Sep 1, 2016 4:27pm

He is a US Citizen and as such has been the recipient of many benefits that he never would have had wherever he thinks life is better. Perhaps he should move to Syria and try out for football there? He comes across as very unappreciative of his blessings to be born in the US. Yes he has a right to express his opinions. Sometimes the style and delivery are as important as the content that comes across. Low class in my opinion. He has no idea how many veterans served to give him the right to not stand up. I seriously question his judgement. He will not play in NFL again.

Submitted by Rick Petrekovic (not verified) : Sep 1, 2016 4:32pm

I think the news media should have just ignored him. Without all this publicity what would he have accomplished?

Submitted by Dewitt (not verified) : Sep 1, 2016 4:38pm

Agree that he has a right to his opinion but there's a time and place for everything. The national anthem is not the right time or place. What troubles me is that there is no indication of what he is doing in his time away from football to address the issues that trouble him. Is he working with local organizations to promote better community/ police interaction? Is he involved with corrective policy initiatives?
Absent any of the above actions, he comes across as insincere and as a shameless self promoter.
So my favorite NFL player this season will be any defensive player that tackles Kaepernick for a loss. Extra cheers for those who sack the quarterback - if he is still playing for an NFL team.

Submitted by Rich Elliott (not verified) : Sep 1, 2016 4:43pm

I am tired of people using that as a excuse, especially ones who never served there country. The left try to suppress people who ideas are different. There was a time when majority rules and that is not the case anymore.

Submitted by George Post (not verified) : Sep 1, 2016 4:49pm

He has the right to his opinion under the constitution. I fought for that right in Vietnam. He is a United States citizen, and therefore should show respect for the flag and stand. If he wants to show his grievance for the way things are run today, picket the president. He is the representative who is supposed to stand up for the American people.

Submitted by Rick Dunkle (not verified) : Sep 1, 2016 4:46pm

I served in the US Army from 1967-71, to make certain that all US citizens had the right to express their opinions and practice their beliefs. He can say and express himself in anyway he wishes. The caveat being that those freedoms do not impinge on the rights of others.
I do not support his beliefs, nor do I care for them.
His desire seems to mainly come from wanting notoriety for his poor and ebbing career. Much the same as the US President.
What I perceive he and others like him as doing is publicly practicing and encouraging racist behavior and prejudices.

Submitted by partziuse (not verified) : Sep 1, 2016 4:47pm

I totally agree. He is stupid because he does not know the difference between respect and protest. The flag represents all Americans including Afro-Americans. So he is disrespecting African-Americans also. He could get his message out to more people by using some of millions earned under the America to make a speech and deliver over the TV networks.

Submitted by Richard Leroy A... (not verified) : Sep 1, 2016 4:58pm

Lets STOP using the term African (Afro) American , we need to use the term Black American since all whites are referred to as White. Very few even have family in Africa . I don't go as a British American . I AM AN "AMERICAN". Blacks need to get into being "AMERICAN" too.

Submitted by Chad P. (not verified) : Sep 1, 2016 9:10pm

Let him go to another country and see if he can earnthis amount of money or have this freedom.

Submitted by Tommy S. (not verified) : Sep 1, 2016 4:47pm

why didn't you have a choice "do you agree with his opinion but he is free to express it" is this poll about anyone who sits or just someone well known

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) : Sep 1, 2016 5:06pm

People like this big jock need to make sure his brain is in gaged be for opening his mouth! Sargent yes sargent.

Submitted by Jerry (not verified) : Sep 1, 2016 5:10pm

I do believe that as Americans we have the right to express ourselves, however disrespecting the American flag and what it stands to include all the veterans who have given their life defending our country, is not the way to express yourself if you are dissatisfied with the internal politics of our country. Yes there are problems and some are race related but we need to find a better way to express our concerns.

Submitted by Vince P. (not verified) : Sep 1, 2016 5:22pm

Very well stated,Vince.

Submitted by Dan C (not verified) : Sep 1, 2016 6:38pm

Concur. Being a US citizen means we all have rights. There are problems, but this country is the one that is founded on God given rights. We need to continue to move towards that ideal. In disrespecting the country we disrespect that American call to those rights that begin with life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. I hope this isn't a play to keep a job. He should become involved in community action that is so much need.

Submitted by J. Seddon (not verified) : Sep 2, 2016 4:18am

I was drafted and served from 68-70. He has the right to express his thoughts in any manner as long it does not harm someone else. He is far more patriotic than those wearing American Flag lapel pins, yet were to much of a coward and scammed out of the draft with some phony medical problem. "Patriotism" is the last refuge of
a scoundrel" - Samuel Johnson

Submitted by M Bard (not verified) : Sep 1, 2016 5:28pm

Not being black in America, I can't pass judgement on this player's action. My ancestors fought in the Revolutionary War - his were slaves and still being black is America isn't the same as being white. When we can say "With Liberty and Justice for ALL" and it's it really means just that, then we can all pass judgement. Till that days comes, he has a right to his protest.

Submitted by Don Ford (not verified) : Sep 1, 2016 5:56pm

How do you know his ancestors were slaves. He is making millions in this "racist, oppressive" society that elected, and re-elected, a black man as President.

Submitted by Joe Domhan (not verified) : Sep 2, 2016 8:09am

Americans have the same meaning for opinion and speech. I think not!! To make them equal is the mark of ignorance of language, and to say they are the same is to make an ignorant statement.
This NFL player is profoundly ignorant, and should be used as an example of what a stupid scumball he is as well as the cause he advocates.

Submitted by J Jognson (not verified) : Sep 1, 2016 8:38pm

I also am sick of celebrity stunts to get attention from the media. Frankly, I think the media needs to ignore these public hounds of ANY color! None of them have good moral code, nor a clear conscience with Honor.
God Bless America!

Submitted by Bob R. (not verified) : Sep 1, 2016 5:40pm

Call for a boycott of the NFL and it's sponsers for not chastizing this Un American magot. Aslso I am very ashamed of the legion convention delagets for not staging a walk on clinton's lying speech. TRUMP IS THE ONLY HOPE FOR THE CONTINUED SURVIVAL OF THE USofA.

Submitted by RD HERRERA (pai... (not verified) : Sep 1, 2016 6:06pm

When you state Trump is the only answer you are Correct.
When our troops who were sent to Somalia (Black Hawk Down)they requested a C-130 Gunship. Bill Clinton Refused and said too many civilians would die from using it to save our soldiers. Can you imagine what Hillary would do with her record of Benghazi...........................Next time.
Remember the dead American soldiers being dragged thru the streets..............These brave soldiers lost 17 and 1000 enemy killed. We lost 2 helicopters and remember the help from UN troops they barley got.
Of course she will most likely win after her husband uses all the speech money to buy off the Electoral College while Trump wins the popular vote. Good-by 1st, 2nd, 5th, Amendments. Hillary likes Australia's Gun Confiscation idea as was stated in a recent American Legion article.
If you don't like either candidate and protest by staying home not voting it is a vote for her.
I have been a Democrat most of my life but not anymore...
It is not the same party J.F.K. ran on.

Submitted by Veteran Vietnam Era (not verified) : Sep 2, 2016 6:46am

If it wasn't for the lies of WMBs. There won't have been a Benghazi. The Republican party isn't the party of Lincoln. That party died with him on the day he was assassinated. If a man can stand on any state or federal property cover in all white (KKK) or a nazi uniform and yell hateful rants to other Americans, to divide us and it can be call freedom of speech (In the name of Freedom). I would rather standup or next to a man who is willing to sit down to bring us together. (Action of Freedom)
A vote for Trump is a vote for blood on America's streets.
Desert Storm 1991.

Submitted by M&M (not verified) : Sep 2, 2016 9:33am

I think his actions are deplorable and will not support any team he plays for the rest of my life. I will go so far as to not go to that teams game or watch it on TV or listen to that game on the radio.

Submitted by Bob c (not verified) : Sep 1, 2016 6:13pm

His cause is valid; his decision to disrespect our flag and our country does little to gain support for that cause. Shame on the media for giving him the soap box when he's not offering any solutions.

Submitted by SFC (Retired) (not verified) : Sep 1, 2016 6:21pm

If he so loves sitting on the bench during the anthem, then let him remain there the rest of his career. Candy-assed bitch.

Submitted by Rabid Dabid (not verified) : Sep 1, 2016 7:20pm

Yes, he has the right to protest. Yes, he has the right to express himself freely. I do believe however, that using his position as a professional athlete, while in uniform, in front of millions to express his personal views is disgraceful. He discredits himself, his team and the NFL. Is there no "Code of Conduct" for the NFL? Is it now acceptable for professional athletes to say and do as they please while in uniform? What's next? Disgusting behavior is all I have to say. Free, but disgusting.

Submitted by Craig A. Joel (not verified) : Sep 1, 2016 8:20pm

He has the right as a American to protest I have a right as a Vet to think he is trash

Submitted by Herbert Klein (not verified) : Sep 1, 2016 8:33pm

He has a right to protest because of myself and other vets and we have the right to protest him playing in the NFL taking money from the fans whom he thinks are racist that is where his salary comes from he should donate his salary to charity and not accept it from the fans of football whom he thinks are racist

Submitted by Herbert Klein (not verified) : Sep 1, 2016 8:43pm

He has a right to do what he did. However his protest is misplaced. The National Anthem helps call attention to his protest its not something that promotes intolerance. He should protest against individuals who are bigots and are guilty of everything he is against. That would not be considered disrespectful by the majority of people. People think the venue he has chosen is inappropriate and does nothing for his cause. Also why should he have a free stage to protest his beliefs (right or wrong) where 95% of Americans don't have the same stage that he has hijacked for his purposes.

Submitted by EH (not verified) : Sep 1, 2016 9:51pm

His actions reflect poorly on his team and the NFL.

Submitted by BobCan 81007 (not verified) : Sep 1, 2016 10:04pm

I am sure that there are many people who appreciate the courage it took to protest on their behalf.

Submitted by Flatulent Fred (not verified) : Sep 7, 2016 3:44pm

It's obvious Flatulent Fred is a Black sorehead, and is ticked off at the world. Ever think about moving to another country?

Submitted by R. Martin (not verified) : Sep 15, 2016 8:24pm

While he has the right to express his views, whether I agree with it or not, if he feels that strongly he should resign his position with the NFL; and not use his position/celebrity status to express his views. If he were not a member of the NFL, I doubt he would have expressed his protest. Nor would it have received the media attention that it has.

Submitted by Duane Rosengren (not verified) : Sep 1, 2016 11:25pm

Why can't he use his celebrity to bring attention to the oppression and discrimination of minorities in this country? With the backlash he knew would come, he still stood by has actions which takes courage. He isn't doing it for himself, but for others of his race. Unfortunately, some people don't get it.

Submitted by Flatulent Fred (not verified) : Sep 7, 2016 3:43pm

Sad state of affairs the country is in. Very common for people to take advantage of freedoms given to them, push the boundaries. I disagree with what he is doing, but he has a right to act stupid. Very few Americans actually serve, wish I could do it again. It was my pleasure and honor, even with 2 tours in nam. This person is a sports entertainer, who has been given the silver spoon. He is leading a fantasy life, not the reality of working for 40 years. I value his voice about as much as a Clooney or Baldwin. Like Abe said, never underestimate how stupid people are. Hang tough my friends.

Submitted by LD'49 (not verified) : Sep 1, 2016 11:26pm

Very well stated, the comments that don't agree of what this very selfish athlete does and say! I surely don't agree with his actions and beliefs(not honoring Ole Glory). I am a Disabled Vet wounded in NAM serving 13yrs(wanting to serve 20-30yrs but was cut short) and darn proud of it! He cannot be ignored of his actions and should pay a very HIGH PRICE and I mean QUICK! Surely he is not an American so what is he doing here and playing Pro Football? anybody can throw a football but not just anybody can serve!!!! "God Bless America"

Submitted by Chris C Soria (not verified) : Sep 2, 2016 4:22am

Not the first time the NFL has disrespected us. Remember when they were shining in glory by using national guard and active duty color bearers? Turned out they were being paid by the D of D to be patriotic. Not much difference between them. Its hard for me to go along with him when he makes 19 million per year.

Submitted by Navy 1946 (not verified) : Sep 1, 2016 11:58pm


Submitted by WALTER FLATT (not verified) : Sep 2, 2016 12:33am

When SF puts him turn them off

Submitted by bob green (not verified) : Sep 2, 2016 1:57am

He can do as he likes, I will take an appropriate action..I will not be watching NFL games this year. Vote with your feet and dollars to remove this kind of rot from society.

Submitted by THaueter (not verified) : Sep 2, 2016 9:22am

Oh no! The NFL is going to go bankrupt because you won't be watching any NFL games this year.

Submitted by Flatulent Fred (not verified) : Sep 7, 2016 3:39pm

It's premeditated; get out of Dodge.

Submitted by Larry Tucker (not verified) : Sep 2, 2016 10:49am

It's called FREEDOM. "For those that fought for it, freedom has a special taste that the sheltered shall never know" His right of expression, whether we agree or not, is his to express. I may not agree with him but Freedom is a beautiful thing.

Submitted by CMC(SCW) Robert... (not verified) : Sep 2, 2016 11:05am

Nothing to do with freedom of speech you dolt,,its a private agency,,hes there for your money

Submitted by r smith (not verified) : Sep 2, 2016 4:06pm

It's hard to agree that blacks are that mistreated when that particular black gets $1 million per game. And in many other countries except this one, "disrespecting" someone or something gets you shot.

Submitted by TH Hamilton (not verified) : Sep 2, 2016 11:43am

So because he gets 1 million per game he is supposed to keep his mouth shut and not speak up for the discrimination against other people of his race? I guess because of what he is paid he doesn't have a first amendment right?

Submitted by Flatulent Fred (not verified) : Sep 7, 2016 3:37pm

Only a coward would use his personage as a NFL celebrity to do the despicable things he does and calls it "a right to express his opinion." Thousands and thousands of men and women have died for that right he uses to trample the basic principles of freedom. With so many other ways to express his viewpoints, trashing the symbol of our freedom makes him a traitor...not a hero.

Submitted by Bob Cicero (not verified) : Sep 2, 2016 11:53am

What is so despicable about protesting against oppression and discrimination? Did our original patriots stand up against oppression from the ruling class? He is hardly a coward sir, it takes guts to protest the way he did fully knowing the repercussions. GFY

Submitted by Flatulent Fred (not verified) : Sep 7, 2016 3:34pm

Perhaps, he should go the way of Philip Nolan.

Submitted by D Stadler (not verified) : Sep 2, 2016 12:47pm

I think he could find a better way to express his feelings, although he is free to do as he feels best.

Submitted by tom47 (not verified) : Sep 2, 2016 12:58pm

Im sure hillery Clinton,,, Bill and I "LOATHE THE MILITARY etc"expressed the same to you as you applauded and smiled at her

Submitted by r smith (not verified) : Sep 2, 2016 4:04pm


Submitted by JackR (not verified) : Sep 7, 2016 1:36pm

Of course disrespecting the flag is a horrible way to express his feelings, since it blames ALL of America and that for which it stands, for the actions of a few. But it's not only the way he expressed his feelings, it's that he has focused his protest on those particular feelings to begin with. He could have used his "celebrity" to shed light on the alarming 60% High School dropout rate among blacks, and the sad fact that over 70% of black babies are born to unwed mothers. Disrespecting the NA is like blaming every HS and every hospital in America for the plight of inner-city blacks. Many have succeeded in life with neither a diploma or a father in the home, but exponentially more have not - except for "rappers" or "professional athletes"!

Submitted by E Bradford (not verified) : Sep 2, 2016 7:17pm

While he has the right not stand for our N.A. The public has the
right to boycott Forty-niner games, the sponsors of those games,
and any brands that pays Kaepernick to endorse.
Further more, If I were a season ticket holder, I would cancel
my season tickets.

Submitted by Jack Martin Coe (not verified) : Sep 2, 2016 3:50pm

This whole thing is ridiculous and everyone is in an uproar . Must be a slow news day . There are more important things to deal with than some mis-guided idiot who chooses not to stand for the national anthem . Reality check ! It's a media frenzy to make this the prime topic of everyday life . Sure it shows disrespect but last time I looked The United States is indeed a free country . We don't take people out and execute them for their beliefs ! In all honesty I don't care whether Kapernick stands. kneels , or lays down . I don't support his decision but life goes on . As an ex Vietnam era veteran I have lived my life for God , home and country and I have no time for the trivial crap ! Some people may not agree with me but that's the beauty of it . IT'S A FREE COUNTRY TO VOICE YOUR OPINION !!

Submitted by William J Davis (not verified) : Sep 2, 2016 4:47pm

It is a silly jester much like a little boy holding his breath because he can't get what he wants. It will not work. Race issues are not going to be resolved that way. People in general have to be more mature and respectful of each other. R E S P E C T of common symbols is good way to start. Making people mad at you is never a good way to win friends. I don't think he thought it through. I hope he comes to see that it was a mistake. Now who among us hasn't made any mistakes?

Submitted by dave48195 (not verified) : Sep 2, 2016 6:48pm


Submitted by Pithy Opiner (not verified) : Sep 4, 2016 12:51am

I agree it's an inappropriate jesture. But what bothers me even more is "why" he said he did it - because "cops are murdering unarmed innocent black men". Remember when the 4 St. Louis football players who entered the stadium with their "hands up"? This jesture has been repeated many times all over the country ever since. But why do people continue to believe this totally false narrative (about Michael Brown) - and why do they go unchallenged - when a major grand jury and DOJ investigation clearly indicated that is was never the case? After robbing a store and assaulting a police officer, Brown never had his hands up, nor did he say "don't shoot" according to overwhelming eyewitness testimony and indisputable forensic evidence. The original eyewitnesses who got the immediate attention of a very biased media, recanted their testimony when presented with the facts. If Collin is unaware, there can only be one explanation - media bias along with out of control political correctness.

Submitted by E Bradford (not verified) : Sep 2, 2016 7:45pm

I thought all this was supposed to change in 2008 when we voted for our first black President. If I remember we voted for "change" in 2008 and in 1992.

Submitted by Joe Domhan (not verified) : Sep 3, 2016 5:07am

Obama brought change, although it was not the change many were hoping for.

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) : Sep 13, 2016 8:41pm

I serve. Proud of it, protest is our is our right I remember in the sixties when burn the draft card and for the first time I sow burn the flag of THE UNITED STATE OF AMERICA. What we did then? Absolutely nothing we use the flag as a shirt bandana and other..... remember we have to honor the colors and all the symbols that represent the UNITED STATES.

Submitted by miguel a (not verified) : Sep 3, 2016 7:15am

Maybe he should find another country of which he can be proud. He has the right to protest and parrot lies because of heroes that followed that flag and protected our Country!! Of course, we all have the right to take our hard-earned money somewhere else - which I hope all who love this Country do.

Submitted by GD (not verified) : Sep 3, 2016 8:25am

Try a different country. If these people would decide to be Americans we wouldn't be here today. I saw really a ramp up during the VN war. The more I hear the sicker I get

Submitted by Tim Howell (not verified) : Sep 3, 2016 8:36am

I agree that his conduct is deplorable. He also has a right to express his opinion, but I'd rather see what, of his outrageously ridiculous contract, he is doing to help the "oppressed" or to change the climate of "oppression."

I also choose to not watch any 49ers games while this poor example of a role model continues this behavior.

Submitted by wbodner : Sep 3, 2016 1:58pm

I feel he should be band from all public gatherings. He should be fired from the game. Those who promote such behavior have no place in a society which is ours. We have been fighting all our lives for freedom, we have died for freedom. Our forefathers gave all they had so we can live the way the USA is today. NO other country is or are like us. I say this to him: "Who in your family died for freedom and justice, you dishonored them and me." A vet does not forget!

Submitted by diosdado rivera (not verified) : Sep 4, 2016 11:52am

He's an embarrassment to his country. MERICA

Submitted by Dustin nielsen (not verified) : Sep 4, 2016 8:45pm

Calling the United States of America by the term MERICA is truly embarrassing.

Submitted by Christopher Saucedo (not verified) : Sep 13, 2016 8:40pm

I suspect he feels he needs to generate publicity to make up for his shortcomings on the field. Just one more reason to hate the 49ers.

Submitted by David Hyatt (not verified) : Sep 5, 2016 8:14am

There is a difference in patriotism and racism. I think He has them confused

Submitted by Gary Jackinsky (not verified) : Sep 5, 2016 11:25am

He is an American and can express himself freely as he has broken no law. Him saying that America is suppressing a certian group is his view of what he sees. I am fine with that.

Submitted by Bobby rollins (not verified) : Sep 6, 2016 5:11pm

I am in complete agreement with you. As a veteran, we stood up to defend and protect the Constitution and what it stands for with out lives. While I may get offended with groups burning flags in protest or not standing for the national anthem, I served my nation so that these individuals would have the right to express themselves freely at any time they choose as long it is done via peaceful means. Everyone, including veterans, who say that he should have to stand for the national anthem are expressing their sentiment as well, but in a manner that is saying "We do not care about your Constitutional rights because we are offended by your actions."

American Legion Post 50 in Cleburne, TX, has posted that they are going to protest certain NFL teams and not show their games in any shape or form. They have every right to do so and is their Constitutional right. What I do not agree with is in their statement as to why it includes, "This post will not participate with any individual, group, or organization that disrespects or knowing allows the disrespecting of our Constitution, United States Flag, or National Anthem." Because this post is a representative the American Legion, this statement essentially is telling people that the American Legion does not condone any activity that goes against their personal morals even if they are expressing their Constitutional beliefs. Based on the poll on this page, it also seems to be the sentiment of my fellow American Legion members and veterans which is quite concerning. As VETERANS and LEGION members we should still be defending and protecting the Constitutional rights of others.

Submitted by Christopher Saucedo (not verified) : Sep 13, 2016 8:39pm

You are SO WRONG in saying he is an American. He is a MUSLIUM and his wife is too. If you are a vet I can not believe you support what he is doing.

Submitted by Charles Presser (not verified) : Sep 15, 2016 4:08pm

I have a right to walk around using the N-word also but that doesn't mean I should. If I were to insult a group of Americans in such a way, the backlash against me would be strong and swift (and well-deserved). But Kaepernick chooses to insult a huge of group of Americans (past and present) with a racist opinion based on untrue information and some people enable him and applaud him for it. Waiting for the Legion leadership to finally issue a statement on the disrespect this fiasco is levying on our veterans and our Nation.

Submitted by Dan Zimmerman (not verified) : Sep 13, 2016 6:57pm

Contrary to popular belief the ONLY patriotic item that can be disrespected, burned and protested against, is the US Flag (Texas v. Johnson, 491 U.S. 397 (1989), which was a Supreme Court decision.

After doing major research, there are NO US Supreme Court decisions regarding or permitting citizens to violate 36 United States Code 301 (US National Anthem etiquete)( the customary code of polite behavior in society or among members of a particular profession or group).

The US National Anthem is Federally protected, but the law is ONLY enforced on military bases.

The worst part, is now our children are being permitted to "take the knee" in High School sports contests.

I am in contact with our local bars and organizations, to have them protest the NFL Games, which is what I am doing now.

The 49er Quarterback, Colin Kaepernick. is NOT African-American; he is American Samoan (which makes him Polynesian), born in the United States and left to be Angelo-Saxon (White/Caucasian) family, who are serious upset with his actions and are fit to be tied !!

I do not support his actions and his disrespect to our Country....his country....something must be done to stop this asinine process and needs to be stopped as soon as possible.

Submitted by Alan Bickert (V... (not verified) : Sep 15, 2016 11:48am