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Was the U.S. Navy officer wrong to apologize for entering Iranian waters?

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Those sailors entered a country without permission from that country. Apology just good courtesy and it doesn't matter if the country was Iran or Canada or even the USA.

Submitted by wbenson : Jan 21, 2016 1:43pm

I have a bridge I'd like to sell you.

Submitted by Gz7 (not verified) : Jan 21, 2016 5:42pm

Technically he did violate article V by giving a statement to appease or benefit the "enemy". One could argue that he violated article II by surrendering his crew, boats, and weapons without resisting and putting up a fight. We are not at war with Iran, and making the decision to fight would of likely had terrible consequences to the crew, and to our government. However, a war-like situation occurred the moment they were forced to submit to capture by an armed hostile force. As a captive military member, the Code of Conduct applies regardless if a state of war exists with the captors. He may have been trying to de-escalate the situation and protect the crew, but probably not a good decision. It is also possible that he spoke to State Dept negotiators during the process and was instructed to say that. We don't know. Whatever happened, the Sailors are safe and that is what matters most.

Submitted by JAF (not verified) : Jan 21, 2016 1:59pm

I completely agree with the comment given above by wbenson.
"Those sailors entered a country without permission from that country. Apology just good courtesy and it doesn't matter if the country was Iran or Canada or even the USA."

Submitted by David Piper (not verified) : Jan 21, 2016 2:27pm

Assuming the doubtful, which is that neither boat had the power to pull the other into international waters, leaving both boats being approached by armed military of another country, how could they be be sure that they weren't going to be gunned down or captured as spies? Were they sure the female wasn't going to be raped by all, or that the men wouldn't be decapitated as those heathens do in their own streets? Methinks, a couple of bursts of the .50's might have kept the captors away until help arrived. They could not have known that they were going to be treated like schoolboys swiping apples from the farmer.

Submitted by Al Martin (not verified) : Jan 21, 2016 2:46pm

Better alive than dead. They would have committed suicide by firing on them.

Submitted by RLee (not verified) : Jan 21, 2016 3:16pm

If you're wrong, admit it, apologise and move on. Thankfully our military, unlike obama and his crowd, can do that.

Submitted by Mike (not verified) : Jan 21, 2016 3:17pm

Was sovereignty violated? Was there a state of war? Or is it like the police breaking into the wrong house, and, the "F**k it attitude is brought forth. I was taught to apologize for MY error. Hmmm, somewhere there is a need for respect, but, as I view the question even being asked, there is always the "We ARE right", period.

Submitted by Theodore S Daley, Jr (not verified) : Jan 21, 2016 3:22pm

The questions I have is: Was his radio working? If the radio was working did he call a distress? If he did what was the fleet doing that they could not send help? I agree with JAF. This situation should never have gotten to the point of surrender. I think the officer was saving his crew when somebody (Fleet Commanders) either refused to send help (assuming a distress signal was sent) or sere following orders not to assist. Either way an Officer above his command should be retired and a trial shuld follow.

Submitted by reo USN (not verified) : Jan 21, 2016 3:28pm

The questions I have is: Was his radio working? If the radio was working did he call a distress? If he did what was the fleet doing that they could not send help? I agree with JAF. This situation should never have gotten to the point of surrender. I think the officer was saving his crew when somebody (Fleet Commanders) either refused to send help (assuming a distress signal was sent) or sere following orders not to assist. Either way an Officer above his command should be retired and a trial shuld follow.

Submitted by reo USN (not verified) : Jan 21, 2016 3:29pm

Something really fishy about this whole thing. Looks like Iran made us look like chickens to the rest of the world, probably by seizing our boats regardless of where they were in the water. Looks like another Iran foil to make U.S. and Obama look like fools.

Submitted by John Molitor (not verified) : Jan 21, 2016 3:30pm

This was a staged event. And the Feds are lying about it just like Benghazi. And I haven't even put my tin foil hat on yet!

Submitted by Gz7 (not verified) : Jan 21, 2016 5:41pm

Ref the USN boat officer's apology having entered into Iranian National Waters-even tho unintentionally:
"Civility is NOT a sign of weakness-Sincerity is NOT always subject to proof".
John Fitzgerald KENNEDY former LT USN and President of the United States of America

Submitted by BE DORSEY+ (not verified) : Jan 21, 2016 3:40pm

Our sailors were off-course, which indicates they need some extra training. At any rate, they violated Iranian waters so the Iranian intercept was totally justified. I think the excessive bullying for the cameras embarrassed the Iranian government, but it's typical of militia groups which exist in Middle East countries. I'd like to ask what OUR country would do if two Iranian Navy vessels were discovered within our territorial waters?

Submitted by Richard Hofacker (not verified) : Jan 21, 2016 3:43pm

Thank you for your logical and rational comment. Our Navy strayed into Iran territory. We were detained, our captain appoligized for his mistake and they were released unharmed. Wow, some of the comments sure
Sounds like we should have kicked their asses, even when we were in the wrong, endangering every crew member or better yet blame
the black guy. VIET NAM vet

Submitted by Harry Wilson (not verified) : Jan 25, 2016 11:17pm

Our sailors were off-course, which indicates they need some extra training. At any rate, they violated Iranian waters so the Iranian intercept was totally justified. I think the excessive bullying for the cameras embarrassed the Iranian government, but it's typical of militia groups which exist in Middle East countries. I'd like to ask what OUR country would do if two Iranian Navy vessels were discovered within our territorial waters?

Submitted by Richard Hofacker (not verified) : Jan 21, 2016 3:45pm

We would take them in and wait hand and foot on them, making sure all their diet and religous beliefs are satisfied. Then we would apologize to Iran non-stop for 48 hours. Then maybe a trip to Disneyland for them and a first class flight home. Then we would continue to apologize for another 48 hours. We are our own worst enemy.

Submitted by Gz7 (not verified) : Jan 21, 2016 5:40pm

It is fishy, I think it was all set up by Obama administration.

Submitted by Oldtimer1926 (not verified) : Jan 21, 2016 3:45pm

I agree, something "smells" here.

Submitted by Dck R (not verified) : Jan 21, 2016 4:50pm

Trust me. If I read correctly the officer is a Naval Academy graduate and did exactly what he was told to do by someone senior to him. This is the problem of which our military has been face with for 7 years; the Obama administration would rather talk than act. Give the officer a slap on the back and let it go.

Submitted by Tom Smith (not verified) : Jan 21, 2016 3:49pm

I seriously doubt they were in Iranian they were outgunned and outrun and taken to Iranian waters. The purpose was to secure some of our prisoners in exchange for out seamen. Don't trust the administration's "facts". I retired from military 25 years ago after extensive time working military intelligence. What you "hear" ain't what it was.

Submitted by JoelB (not verified) : Jan 21, 2016 4:07pm

Right on Joel, Best comment I have read here.

Submitted by lmp (not verified) : Jan 21, 2016 10:44pm

How do we know this wasn't a setup by our government to test Iran's response? We all know what our government is capable of. Just a thought.

Submitted by mikem2734 : Jan 21, 2016 4:18pm

I think it's more than a thought. This was a setup of some sort. After 7 straight years of complete lies from our President, why would we believe him now? As a radical Muslim, he could care less about our military or country. He's handled the VA crisis with the same lack of moral courage that a true CIC should possess.

Submitted by Gz7 (not verified) : Jan 21, 2016 5:35pm

I think it was a brilliantly planned exercise to acquire Iranian radio traffic to be examined for elint and signals intelligence. The Navy is not stupid.

Submitted by Allan J. MacLar... (not verified) : Jan 21, 2016 7:53pm

Considering the situation and reminds me of advice I was given if ever in an car accident- don't say or admit anything; just exchange info; let the authorities/insurance co/lawyers sort it out- in this case, the diplomats. As an aside,I can't imagine a responsible commander of these crews in those waters not prepping them for a situation like this- or perhaps they did/didn't follow the order.
It's easy to second guess all this but those are my thoughts.

Submitted by druff (not verified) : Jan 21, 2016 4:24pm

I believe that the commanding officer had no alternative but to protect his people but the Navy told him to surrender and he was following orders

Submitted by FCyr (not verified) : Jan 21, 2016 4:28pm

If my unit had access to weapons and ammunition, surrender would NEVER be an option.

Submitted by Jake 'buzz' Chisam (not verified) : Jan 21, 2016 4:42pm

Great another war monger

Submitted by Dale carding (not verified) : Jan 21, 2016 5:06pm

Not a war monger, just not a pussy like you

Submitted by "Buzz" Chisam (not verified) : Jan 21, 2016 6:08pm

To paraphrase a quote by Gen . Patton. "I don't want my soldiers to die for their country. I want the other SoB to die for his". So Jake you can fall in the grenade.

Submitted by EH (not verified) : Jan 21, 2016 8:53pm

It worked out as it should have with no one killed or an escalation of a nothing problem. Did not the USN shoot down a civilian aircraft a few years ago, killing almost 300 people over senseless "space" intrusion? Yes. If either side wanted a shooting war maybe this could have started it. Just like Vietnam.
Speaking of that. The battle for KheSan started 46 or 47 years ago today. I missed that. I was still in ICU on the USS Repose Hospital Ship 49 years ago today and eventually medically retired.

Submitted by Greengarden (not verified) : Jan 21, 2016 4:42pm

That plane had departed a joint civilian-military air base from which fighter aircraft attacking US Navy ships had been flying. The Aircraft was flying in a war zone and did not id itself as a civilian craft.

Submitted by old sarg (not verified) : Jan 22, 2016 10:33am

I doubt the intrusion was accidental. They got caught. They are lucky all they needed to do was apologize.

Submitted by So.AZVet (not verified) : Jan 21, 2016 5:23pm

Name Rank And Serial number

Submitted by Don A. (not verified) : Jan 21, 2016 5:23pm

I believe that obama had them stand down as they did not try to defend themselves even though they had 50 cal machine guns? The administration does nothing to support our troops and they were used as a pawn.

Submitted by Jerry - USN (not verified) : Jan 21, 2016 5:31pm

Who fixed the boat? Also Iran had possession of 2 boats for a number of hours and they did not take anything from these 2 boats. Hummmmmm

Submitted by Charles USNR (not verified) : Jan 21, 2016 7:45pm

In 1967 the USS Liberty flying the U.S. Colors was attacked in the Mediterranean Sea in international water. The attack killed 34 US Sailors and wounded 171. The attack came from the air and from gun boats. The captain showed great restrain which prevented more death. The military that attacked our ship was Israel. I'm sure Pres. Johnson (SOP) didn't call for the captain of any ship under attack to run up the white flag. I'm sure what the captain did in the heat of the moment was determined by armament and threat. Just as I'm sure that Pres. Obama (SOP) didn't call the shots on what the OIC (captain) did on the boat that strayed or didn't stray into Iranian waters.

Sometime cooler heads have to prevail. You can't always shoot yourself in the foot. The grey
matter between your ears is to think rational as much as possible. It keeps most of us from opening our mouth and inserting our foot. I did say most of us.

Submitted by EH (not verified) : Jan 21, 2016 8:45pm

I am guessing you have never been shot at.

Submitted by gerald swank (not verified) : Jan 22, 2016 4:05am

I am guessing you have never been shot at.

Submitted by gerald (not verified) : Jan 22, 2016 4:07am

Give them the bird turned west and go he had enough fire power remember the Pebelo

Submitted by jackski (not verified) : Jan 21, 2016 5:37pm

Seeing the Comms gear,Radar,SatNav gear,two M-2 50cals,240-G and 249 plus M-4 and other asst'd ordinance,the speed of their craft( 40+kts )they were superior in all aspects to the Iranian Navy that detained them.Only answer:they were conducting covert ops. Only flaw, I didn't see anyone in the crew with Special Warfare Qualification Device ( Seal ) on their uniform. Seems like it should have been a prerequisite, just saying.

Submitted by gerard lee (not verified) : Jan 21, 2016 7:36pm

They had Cell Phones. So they must have
Done what they were told to do. But then we do not know for sure we were not there.

Submitted by S.G.M (not verified) : Jan 21, 2016 7:54pm

What were the rules of engagement? What was their status: POW or not? Those are important questions that should have been answered when they arrived in theater. I'll bet our C-I-C hasn't even addressed any of this. If they were still captive would their families continue receiving paychecks, be eligible for medical care, etc. Finally name a commanding officer who would have allowed these boats to be put in this kind of situation, i.e. pass that close to Farsi. When are we going to finally insist that our military should not be treated like personal pawns of the civilian leadership? Give us a mission and let us do it!

Submitted by salazarual1 : Jan 21, 2016 8:14pm

It is hard to condemn the OIC when we do not have the entire story. I have heard a few different versions of what happened and I still do not know the truth.

Submitted by Bill C. (not verified) : Jan 21, 2016 8:25pm

The only thing we know for sure, is who is in the white house and his relations with the middle east. Unless we were there, as a vet, we
can speculate that it was a stand down, with the white house telling the Iran's where we were.

Submitted by Rustyshoe7 (not verified) : Jan 21, 2016 8:51pm

Yes we know that the commander in chief is in the White House and as a solider you need to be careful how you word your comment solider

Submitted by Mad scientist (not verified) : Jan 21, 2016 8:59pm

May of us paid for our freedom of speech in blood – this POTUS is the worst this nation has ever seen and no one need to watch what they say, if someone don’t like it they can go pound sand.

Submitted by old sarg (not verified) : Jan 22, 2016 10:02am

Herman E. Sanchez USN That Officer should be commended for his actions under duress.Saving his crew and himself.

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) : Jan 21, 2016 9:54pm

He did exactly the right thing. Accidentally or not, they violated Iran's borders. What was best, though, was the fact that it led to dialogue with Iran, showing that diplomacy works and that they are capable of being reasonable.

Submitted by Wiliam C Stevenson (not verified) : Jan 21, 2016 10:14pm

In the first place, the United States and Iran are not technically “COMBATANTS”, so the Geneva Conventions on the Laws of Warfare, both land Warfare and Sea Warfare, don’t strictly apply.

In the second place, neither Iran nor the other states that border Iran in the Persian Gulf have maintained a clearly marked border throughout the Gulf. Stringing a line of highly visible Buoys along the border would have prevented this accident from happening.

Finally, Iran only needed to push the boats back across the border and then wait for the US Navy to take the boats in tow and take them back to their dock in Bahrain.

Submitted by SSG Cornelius S... (not verified) : Jan 21, 2016 11:07pm

Name Rank Serial Number

Submitted by ernie henry (not verified) : Jan 22, 2016 12:00am

Sorry Staff Sergeant, that is incorrect. The minute the crew surrendered itself, vessels, and weapons to an armed hostile force, they became prisoners and the Code of Conduct applies to their behavior in captivity.

Submitted by JAF (not verified) : Jan 22, 2016 10:07am

He should NOT be Punished. Reverse the situation. If the Iranians had entered US waters we would of "Detained" them. A really strong "Protest" letter to the Iranians for showing them on their knees apologizing. Is in order. If we were holding the Iranians. Showing them sitting unharmed Commenting "That they hoped to resolve it soon" could be "Reassuring" to the situation. It's has always been hard to hold the "Higher Moral Ground" but if we don't what do we have.

Submitted by "Crash" (not verified) : Jan 22, 2016 9:52am

Of course the Iranians used the video of them on their knees and the commander apologizing as propaganda. Which is why the commander should not have done it. I don't think he should be severely punished for it, as his intentions were probably to protect his crew. However, technically he did violate the intent of article v of the C of C by making such a statement for the purpose of being exploited for propaganda.

Submitted by JAF (not verified) : Jan 22, 2016 10:04am

Korea showed that a change to Code of Conduct was needed and was implemented. After POTUS apologizing to every country in the Middle East this commander did what was necessary to get his men out of jeopardy, I cannot fault that. The real disappointment was that the Navy was not ordered to annihilate any thing that threatened them.

Submitted by Old Sarg (not verified) : Jan 22, 2016 9:56am

This is a situation in which I must say I do not know because I ask myself what would I do in that situation, and I do not.have all the facts. I am not going to pretend to be a hero. Also, regarding the choices, how many people know who Jeremiah Denton and James Stockdale are?

Submitted by Joe Domhan (not verified) : Jan 22, 2016 11:43am