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What do you think about a writer’s comparison of the POW-MIA flag to the Confederate flag?

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Not even close!

Submitted by Wendi (not verified) : Aug 13, 2015 2:17pm

The writer is a traitor! Both the MIA and Stars and Bars flag were born out of government tragedies. The flag that is offensive is the GAY Rainbow flag.

Submitted by J Johnson (not verified) : Aug 13, 2015 2:48pm

There have been many uses of flags that I've seen as offensive; one being the White House lite up to look like the Gay Rainbow flag. Another, the Mexican National flag being displayed on public buildings - especially when raised above the stars and stripes.
I have no idea who designed the POW-MIA flag, but I do know in my heart it was not with racism in mind.

Submitted by Jim Bard (not verified) : Aug 13, 2015 4:43pm

You are 100% correct!

Submitted by Reb 1 (not verified) : Aug 13, 2015 5:58pm

Amen to that.

Submitted by garymc (not verified) : Aug 13, 2015 4:55pm

TOTALLY AGREE! I couldn't have said it better!!!!

Submitted by Fred Schuster (not verified) : Aug 13, 2015 5:12pm

The gay rainbow flag should not be considered offensive, unless a person is against people just because they are different than themselves. Apparently, you are one of those people! Are you against other races, religions, nationalities, etc?

Submitted by Bobby J (not verified) : Aug 14, 2015 11:46am

This comment was directed to J Johnson.

Submitted by Bobby J (not verified) : Aug 14, 2015 11:50am

Bobby J There is no comparison between "gay" people and races, nationalities. You are born (with no personal choice) into a "race" or "nationality". The LGBT identities are self chosen and self imposed. The popular term is "orientation" which means the direction one has chosen to go in. You are NOT "born that way" and the liberal left has spent millions (probably billions) of dollars attempting to identify a common "gene" or "dna thread" that could show otherwise - to no avail. Even the ignorant person that wrote the book "born that way" has since come back and admitted he was wrong. I personally, being a Christian, am willing to allow the people to choose their own "sin(s)" because they and not me have to answer for them. My problem is when people choose a certain lifestyle and then demand (and are backed up by a misguided, Godless court system) that everyone not only accept them but bow to their demands. In doing so, they and the courts have done away with everyone who disagrees own personal liberty. This IS NOT what America was built upon and is a DIRECT act upon true civil liberties.

Submitted by Billy D (not verified) : Aug 17, 2015 3:59pm

The person is expressing his First Amendment Rights. Just as you can.

Submitted by Smily (not verified) : Aug 18, 2015 12:14am

The writer is a traitor! Both the MIA and Stars and Bars flag were born out of government tragedies. The flag that is offensive is the GAY Rainbow flag.

Submitted by J Johnson (not verified) : Aug 13, 2015 2:49pm

The writer is a traitor! Both the MIA and Stars and Bars flag were born out of government tragedies. The flag that is offensive is the GAY Rainbow flag.

Submitted by J Johnson (not verified) : Aug 13, 2015 2:49pm

What is racist about the flag? It's mainly Black not White.

Submitted by Mac McAlister (not verified) : Aug 13, 2015 3:06pm

The liberal attack on symbolic flags is an affront to our rights to freedom of expression and is a very dangerous attempt to control our constitutional rights.
The confederacy desired to leave the Union and live peacefully under their own laws and culture. Southerners placed no similar restrictions on the rights of Northerners who instituted a war of aggression against the south. There is no reference to racial division in the POW/MIA flag. This is another liberal attempt to target our freedoms and restrict our constitutional rights.

Submitted by R Williams (not verified) : Aug 13, 2015 3:23pm

He is one sick puppy!!!!

Submitted by Dave Targett (not verified) : Aug 13, 2015 3:23pm

Someone who hasn't served, nor had any background in our military history should keep their pen in the North end of their body!

Submitted by Roslyn (not verified) : Aug 13, 2015 3:35pm

Or maybe the South end would be more appropriate,depending on your perspective.

Submitted by garymc (not verified) : Aug 13, 2015 5:00pm

I gotta believe this fool should be sent over to the middle east to learn the
difference between racism and stupidity up close and personal.

Submitted by MICHAEL SAWYER (not verified) : Aug 13, 2015 3:52pm

Was this writers opinion any different or more demeaning than Donald Trump's opinion that POWs are losers ? Yet many of us are still listening to the "Don". Why weren't his remarks a subject for "The Big Q"?

Submitted by Jim Ceagan (not verified) : Aug 13, 2015 3:53pm

Did you actually hear him saying that or is this another attempt to discredit him from the left?

Submitted by garymc (not verified) : Aug 13, 2015 5:02pm

yes, I did hear him saying that. And I'm fed up with those who think everything they disagree with is a liberal statement. I'm sure most of you are completely igronant as to what a liberal is.

Submitted by Daleb (not verified) : Aug 14, 2015 12:37am

I do not agree with his comparison and I do not think it has any merit, but I cannot say it is inappropriate because he has his views and opinion, irrespective of my disagreement. The American Flag, those who died for it, and those who remain POWs yet today, sacrificed so that here in America we can openly and freely express our views without fear of oppression.

Submitted by Duane St. Pierre (not verified) : Aug 13, 2015 3:56pm

Spot on Duane! Echoes of the 1st Amendment and Voltaire.

Submitted by Jim Creagan (not verified) : Aug 13, 2015 5:00pm

I'm 76 years old with a bad shoulder. Put me in a room with the S O B and I'll tell him what I think. What a disgraceful person.

Submitted by Jim Brinker (not verified) : Aug 13, 2015 4:36pm

Someone said in his younger years he was an acid head and went on one to many trips and I don't mean by boat,car,plane or bike. He need someone to pull his nose about 4 inches from his face and let it go. It might smack some sense into him. COWARD.

Submitted by Don A. (not verified) : Aug 13, 2015 5:27pm

What a disgrace, It is a shame,for all those who love the United States, to hear about those ignorant un-educated individuals, who have no knowledge of the United States and its Patriotism, personal feelings should be kept in silence, not only for all who served and are still serving. I was born in Puerto Rico my father, his brothers and cousins served, I served with HONOR, so did my son and cousins. I feel like the 1960's, upon my return from Viet-Nam, the education system should be implemented in all education of children, so they can understand, the meaning of WAR and the Soldiers that were left behind as dead or Prisoners are remembered. I'M REALLY HURT.....this idiot has no sense of reality.

Submitted by Rafael Guzman-Aponte (not verified) : Aug 13, 2015 5:33pm

Why give this nothing any attention. Nobody reads his writings. Now a few will.

Submitted by Nick Aquilina (not verified) : Aug 13, 2015 5:39pm

Served in USMC....Still have buddies who didn't make it back....his comments unpatriotic and disgraceful!!!

Submitted by Nahan Pendleton (not verified) : Aug 13, 2015 5:46pm

The author is a complete idiot. Like other left-wingers, grabbing at anything of historical American significance and trying to make it a front line issue.

Submitted by NavyEODguy (not verified) : Aug 13, 2015 5:53pm

The best thing that could happen is that this jerks articles were never read.

Submitted by Steve Fisher (not verified) : Aug 13, 2015 5:54pm

Rick Perlstein, the writer of this garbage, must work part time in a sewage treatment plant. All he is doing is stirring up crap. It seems every time you turn around today some clown is trying to find some reason to say that something is racist. Next thing you know someone will come up with the idea that a turtle crossing the road is somehow racist. Get a life people. Stop trying to find some excuse to get this country burned to the ground by useless morons who haven't got a clue was racism really is. There are far more important things to have to worry about. Like getting a real person into the White House who has some common sense and won't sell us out to the Iranians.

Submitted by A. G. Wood (not verified) : Aug 13, 2015 6:15pm


Submitted by JAMES R LEAHY (not verified) : Aug 13, 2015 7:15pm

I think this guy should be shipped to live with the "FAT" one in north Korea.

Submitted by Robert SS (not verified) : Aug 13, 2015 7:16pm

Just anothe step by the left to take down our Flag

For God and Country

Submitted by Robert Lippert (not verified) : Aug 13, 2015 8:42pm

This guy must be a member of the NAACP or the NAN. He is certainly not an AMERICAN. This guy needs to spend some time in the military, he might learn something, because as of right now his head is an empty canister with no brains and no common sense.

Submitted by Dean PROUD VIE... (not verified) : Aug 13, 2015 8:54pm

one nut case one comment worth worth my time.

Submitted by john e renstrom (not verified) : Aug 13, 2015 9:52pm

Isn't it ironic that we continue to fight for our liberties and then complete idiots come along and waste it. I would challenge Perlstein to speak his BS directly to a surviving POW, or to the families of our MIA's. I'm sure someday he will meet the right person and get a good history lesson. His light is out and no one is home.

Submitted by Al Vietnam Vete... (not verified) : Aug 13, 2015 11:54pm

Wow! It is hard to phantom that any us citizen would think, let alone publish this crap.... our media today never ceases to amaze me. I don't give a damn about anyone's politics - I will tell you flat out the American Troops go where ever the orders send them, and do to the best of their ability the job they are sent there to do. The ignorance of American Citizens amazes me, and part of me inside screams send every damned one of them in there so they can at least have an personal up close opinion that is valid. Unlike our politicians the troops are burdened with additional laws of Uniformed Code of Military Justice - ucmjDOTus/ - and unlike our supposed media that has the freedom of speech and the press, our troops are given orders to refer questions to the public affairs department. My brothers and sisters in arms come in all colors, shapes, and sexes, so just how damned stupid does one have to be to claim to be a journalist?!! There are many serving that are not even US Citizens, but they should be given citizenship just for putting up with America's Bullshit!

Submitted by MB Miller (not verified) : Aug 14, 2015 10:14am

It appears that the writer is looking for press and should
be complaining to his local politician about what are we
doing being complacent about war. Our efforts should be about feeding our American people with food, antidrug stuff (whatever is needed), ensuring everyone receives a good education (see what is needed and fix it). We do not like bullies in our schools - however, we seem excited about Mr. Trump's antics (show me the difference). Politics have started
18 +- months early (the money folks need that much time?)
The answers are with us all -- please read and vote
which includes our 18 year olds (it appears they may not care!) The old adage (put the front porch back on our
homes and hearts) Thank you

Submitted by Bob Bourne (not verified) : Aug 14, 2015 6:50pm

Anyone who feels that he must begin his rant with a label, has been brainwashed by his own group more effectively than any communistic group could ever hope to. 'They' ring our bell and we drool. Far easier to react than to think. Is it any wonder that we are hatefully polarized to such an extent? As Americans, we can and should do better. No matter what 'they' tell you, thinking won't give you a headache. Any symbols, including flags, can have multiple meanings to different individuals or groups. Yours may not be the 'right' one.
Navy Veteran 1964 to 1967

Submitted by Jack Jaworski (not verified) : Aug 15, 2015 12:18pm

I live in Maine we take care of our own. Tell me where he lives and he can be msde homeless! Fire dept. can take A long time getting there.

Submitted by Mike Meier (not verified) : Aug 15, 2015 2:32pm

Makes me so mad I can hardly write...
This is not the country I grew up in, not the country I went
to Vietnam to fight for.
You have freedom to do what you want in this country as long
as one person doesn't like it, then you're in big trouble.
No longer does the Majority rule, now just the opposite.

Submitted by Dave W (not verified) : Aug 15, 2015 4:11pm

This person is a product of the anti-Vietnam War crowd, He NEVER served, most likely would refuse to serve even if this country that allows him to spew out his diatribe was physically attacked, because he would believe it is all because we have not offered employment to the enemy.
The POW/MIA Flag was created originally as a rememberence Flag for those we left behind in the Vietnam War. Since then, it has grown to be much more, as it is now also the Flag to remember ALL POW/MIA personnel from ALL our wars dating back to WWII.
To place this Flag in a racist category is beyond the pale, as this person cannot justify his position regarding that and is simply trying to stir the racist pot to a boil.
My best guess is he is trying to allude to the blacked out profile of the military member and by doing so is trying to claim it is a Black man.
What I would do right now, is change the Flag color to RED (Sacrifice)with the picture and words in WHITE (Honor).
That way you don't have some jerk, say like this clown, coming out and claiming it is an ISIS flag. (black and white)
Just my opinion on the matter.

Submitted by Janice Lynn (not verified) : Aug 15, 2015 7:53pm

Yada, yada, yada. All of us who served, either in combat or a support role, were doing so to defend our Country, it's freedoms and our Constitution. So we can all blame ourselves for Mr. Perlstein utilizing his 1st Amendment rights to have an opinion, to speak it and to print it. We all have the right to ignore him or disagree. During 3 years of combat duty in Vietnam (67,68,69) I saw combat on an almost daily basis as a helicopter pilot. I did it for Mr.Perlstein. I even did it for the guy that made the comment that NAACP members are un-American. Mostly I did it because I thought it was my duty to my Country and my Country is every citizen not just those who agree with me. Get over it, move on and be happy.

Submitted by Jim Ceagan (not verified) : Aug 16, 2015 12:10pm

The Writer, for sure has not been part of the military or have had anyone been involved, if so he would have these comments, also for freedom of speech he is entitled to his opinion but certainly is not in favor of American Values and for what the military stands for. disgraceful.

Submitted by Grant S (not verified) : Aug 17, 2015 12:39pm

I think we as Americans, need to calm our collective vaginas down and stop whining over such trivial things.
There was a time when we didn't a fiddlers fart about what people thought. That time needs roll back around again.
As for the writer, in as much as you all are going to hate this statement, the American Legion stands for the 1st Amendment and the ugly it brings.

Submitted by ChrisGrad2002 (not verified) : Aug 18, 2015 9:47pm