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What would be the best way to ​improve VA's issues with delayed claims and inaccurate record-keeping?

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The first thing I would do is, If I caught anyone lying on stats, appointments, treatment, etc. it would be automatic and immediate dismissal, NO if's, and's, or but's. The second thing I would do would be to allow for more use of the VA "card" with outside doctors, clinics and hospitals.

Submitted by Bill L (not verified) : Jul 30, 2015 3:31pm

I have to agree with you on using outside use of card, after all,with Medicare and Blue Cross, everything I do at the VA gets billed to them anyway.

Submitted by RAllenK (not verified) : Aug 1, 2015 8:21am

Lets face it, anything the fed govn't gets involved in quickly becomes bloated, inefficient& becomes just another bureaucracy.
PRIVATIZE The VA. I have seen myself people working for the VA who won't identify themselves over the telephone and become beligerent if pushed to do so. I've experienced clerks in the appeals section when taking statements who don't even bother to record crucial information pertinent to your case; these employees have already determined you will be denied benefits so they don't bother to record your statement...this is what I've experienced..sad to say not all VA centers are like that. I use the one in Houma, La which is exceptional.Personally, I think when a clerk is making a determination of what to omit and what to record for a veterans appeal, this is a complete injustice.I say privatize the VA medical care dept and the taxpayer and the veteran will be better served. Thank you,

Submitted by Gerald J Bascle (not verified) : Jul 30, 2015 3:59pm

I've been turned down a few times for submitting a request for the asbestos in my lungs which I had to work with while on active duty in the Navy. I got the reply which said the VA would replace my lungs should the need arise, but as far as compensation; forget it. My major gripe is that the people doing the reviewing should be exposed to the same conditions as we experienced, then put them through the same bull shit that we have to go through. Over all, they don't listen! Who will care for my son when I'm gone? He is 100% service connected, quad with LSI (locked in syndrome.) His wife died in 2013, now I'm his guardian. When it comes time for a lung transplant, It's too late. Bureaucrats just don't listen. I thank God for the doctors and nurses at Hines VA. SCI unit. they have the best spinal injury care that I have seen. If you could have seen the smile on the face of a paraplegic that hadn't walked a step in years, walking with the use of a mechanical devise that was like it came from ROBO COP. Wow! thanks be to God. He gave someone the idea and they are using it for the betterment of us vets.

Submitted by El Pinche Mecanico (not verified) : Jul 31, 2015 4:03am

I agree that the VA should be privatized. All VA claims and medical record keeping should be administered under the current Federal Employee Program (FEP) healthcare system (the same one used by our politicians).
Contractors such as Blue Cross & Blue Shield have managed the FEP for government employees for many years and have established performance standards required in order to keep the contract.

Submitted by Fred Schuster (not verified) : Jul 31, 2015 10:38am

Privatization is NOT the Answer. As a Disabled Desert Storm Veteran, We can start by Voting out the Republicans & the Democrats whop have sided with the GOP in the OBSTRUCTION in congress over the last 7 years.FACTS: (1)Bush & Republicans cut 285M from VA budget then Lied US into an Illegal War, The Republicans have underhandedly cut the VA budget ever since.Over 800 days ago the Senate Passed 2 VA bills that would have let the VA hire more staff, medical Personnel, and Doctors to handle the mental health of Veterans, it was sent to the Speaker & House and Boehner & republicans did nothing thus Once Again IGNORING their Constitutional Oaths & Duties.
I have been fighting for 15 years for my back Disability, So don't even try to excuse the Republicans and their middle finger salute to not just the Veterans but to All Americans. You said the solution was to Privatize, Well look at Detroit that was the Republicans & their corporate buddies Attempt at Privatizing on a larger scale and it FAILED & they want to do that to the whole country, along with their continued Sequester = Austerity, And as you , Us have clearly seen with Greece, Austerity-Sequester DOESN'T work. Time for change is here and Now, and that is why I have decided to run for US Congress, District 1, in Louisiana If You Want it Done Right, Sometimes You have to do it Yourself

Submitted by Lee Dugas (not verified) : Aug 1, 2015 4:24pm

Dismantle the VA Medical System and transfer staff into the private sector. Retain only the portion that pays for services or Disability Compensation. Sell the facilities that the VA doesn't need to operate. Transfer historic sites and establish them as National Historic Sites and Museums. The rest use to provide services to Veterans through the private sector.

Submitted by Jeff W (not verified) : Jul 30, 2015 4:23pm

I think Jeff is 100% on the Mark !
Thank you, Dave

Submitted by David Porcher (not verified) : Jul 30, 2015 4:28pm

I also agree with Jeff.

Submitted by Bronxite (not verified) : Jul 30, 2015 5:46pm

Keep the staffs you have. Have Refresher Computer Homework Training. In the AF, they have Continuity Folder, with Job Description and Checklists for Inspection. Use what you have in place, and have them GET WITH THE PROGRAM. The VA is huge. Communication is Important between Departments. Interns are around in Departments from medical colleges. GREAT.

Submitted by Jack Dawes (not verified) : Jul 30, 2015 8:20pm

I mostly agree with Jeff. Privatize treatment and leave the VA to handle the compensation claims and perhaps hospice care for Veterans with no other option. All the options to vote for in this BQ make some amount of sense but would take years to implement or become a reality. Many of our Veterans are running out of time. Unfortunately, like many Federal programs, bureaucracy retards quick action or the growth of new ideas. I feel that the transfer of VA staff to the private sector could be dangerous to the non-Veteran population. The best staffers usually leave on their own with only a few real martyrs "hangin' in there". Sympathetically, I think the VA has an almost impossible mission. If non-combatants would stop filing claims because they tripped and fell, breaking their "pinkie" finger during Basic Training and now experience difficulty masturbating, it might lower the load the VA has currently.

Submitted by Red Dawg (not verified) : Jul 31, 2015 1:05am

"How do you hold a moonbeam in your hand?"

Let's take the multiple choice answers one by one.

1) "A change in culture, from top management to low-level employees"

VA is a government bureaucracy and anyone who believes the "culture" of such a commissariat can be changed probably also believes in porcine aviation.

2) "An increased budget to hire more staff, create more resources"

Has handing more taxpayer dollars to government commissars ever created "more resources," or has that resulted overwhelmingly in hiring more bulletproof un-fireable commissars who have more gold-plated benefits & pensions?

3) "A law that would allow poor-performing employees to be more easily fired"

Such a law could not hurt veterans, but you try to propose, let alone to pass, such a law, and every public sector union in the country is going to fight it tooth-&-nail by applying union vote bloc pressure on any representative who'd propose such a law. In short, let's believe such a law only when we've seen it.

4) "A massive overhaul is the only way to fix a large, complex department"

This depends on who would be put in charge of such an overhaul. If yet another well-connected government-feed-trough old-boys'-network p.r.-image-slick hack were to be put in charge, then the "overhaul" would be cosmetic and only result in costing taxpayers more dollars for no real improvement in VA claims processing.

5) "Other"

For many years I disliked and resisted the concept of privatizing the VA. But over the last two or three years I've come round to considering that privatization would be the best solution. Not only would privatization likely be more efficient, it would also allow veterans to move to and live wherever we vets would like to live, instead of tethering us to living in places near enough to a VA facility. Privatizing could be patterned after Medicare, yet with full VA benefits for eligible veterans; and it might be called VetCare and be billed much as Medicare is now billed; and no one would be allowed to cheat the system if vets were required to show their DD-214's to a VA Eligibility Office (which would be the only remaining government-run remnant of today's VA behemoth) to obtain a VetCare ID card.

I'd like to hear other veterans' sense of privatizing the VA.

Submitted by Jordynne Olivia Lobo (not verified) : Jul 30, 2015 4:29pm

I agree with every thing you said, Jordynne. I can't pick any one of the choices because they all apply. I haven't had to deal with the VA yet and hope I never have to.

Submitted by Linda Moore (not verified) : Jul 30, 2015 4:35pm

I agree with Jordynne. All of these choices have merit.

Submitted by Ed Myer (not verified) : Jul 30, 2015 4:44pm


Submitted by Harold W. Lewis (not verified) : Jul 30, 2015 4:30pm

Harold, have you tried your local American Legion? I know they do gravesite burial rites. Somebody there should be able to give you an answer or help you to find out.
Thank you for your service.

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) : Jul 30, 2015 4:37pm

How about, ALL OF THE ABOVE?

Submitted by Tim K (not verified) : Jul 30, 2015 4:46pm

Its a government agency.... its never going to work.(corruption). The VA needs to be taken out of the governments hands and put into the private sector. Use the taxpayers money to pay the private industry. These men and women would get far better care and we owe them that much.

Submitted by Norm (not verified) : Jul 30, 2015 5:21pm

Let's face it - the Gorilla in the ROOM - is IF and only IF politicians are going to continue to rely on soldiers to protect this country - then the VA should be the one with one of the biggest budgets in the US. VA is the one that has to mend, protect, help, find jobs, etc., after the damage is done in or out of combat for troops. Promises made to young people coming in and promises broken as they come out - I was a recruiter and young people(LATER KNOWN AS VETERANS) are lied to and promised the MOON and yet when they do their part they are left to fend for themselves and become a statistic later. When politicians have to quarrel over how much money to spend on someone that gave all (literally) and come back in pieces sometimes - that is a slap in the face. VA should have always been supported with unlimited resources - just like those nice new toys DOD is always buying to destroy people - why not invest in nice new toys everyday to rebuild and help.

Submitted by GALVAN (not verified) : Jul 30, 2015 6:21pm

Harold, local Veteran Burial location - has free arrangements for Veterans with a significant discount option for the spouse - Check out the Burial Site here in Mission, Tx and see if something similar is available in your area?

Submitted by GALVAN (not verified) : Jul 30, 2015 6:24pm

I like Jordynne's analysis.

Submitted by BobC (not verified) : Jul 30, 2015 6:51pm

With some editing I agree with the previous comments. Due to the high demand since Viet Nam veterans have a long wait for service/treatment. In my experience as a 100% DAV I have been reluctant to avail myself of any benefits such as medical care. My son was a DAV and committed suicide because he could not receive adequate treatment. I know this to be a fact because he included me in his information loop. Lord, I wish I could take out my frustrations and grief on someone, but it's a nameless, faceless government entity. Would requiring all (or most) employees (at an inverse pyramid of rank)expedite treatment or identify the severity of problems ? I may not be a positive source of elucidation due to my disability and the loss of my (only) son less than one year ago. How much more does my family have to pay on the check we wrote to the American people and the "government" ? Just sayin'.

Submitted by Rick-USMC-Viet Nam (not verified) : Jul 31, 2015 1:25am

My dear Rick, in prayer I shall remember your son's soul - and yours as well.

Submitted by Jordynne Olivia Lobo (not verified) : Jul 31, 2015 6:24pm

There is no simple, single solution to correcting the problems with the VA. A combination of various initiatives are needed, including a change in culture, increased funding and resources based upon a careful assessment of problems and needs, and innovative thinking. After decades of experience in being involved in strategic planning [for justice system improvements], I find we need to systematically collect information on problems and seek creative problem solutions from a variety of persons--vets, governmental officials, the medical community, IT professionals and from people with an understanding of large, complex systems of services. Also, it is critical to have the effort headed by people who seek input from people with differing and competing points of view, as opposed to stacking the deck with people with only one view point.

Submitted by Martin Schugam (not verified) : Jul 31, 2015 9:22am

During my tenure in the U.S. Air Force, I saw a lot of senior NCO's who were considered ROAD (Retired On Active Duty) Sergeants. These people usually arrived to work late and managed to hide themselves somewhere other than their duty section or just sat behind their desks and did absolutely nothing all day. The same is true with civilian workers who arrive at work with the sole purpose of getting a paycheck. This type of work ethic has to change. Personnel working for the Veterans Administration need to realize that some of the work they are doing could mean the difference between someone eating or getting the medical attention they deserve for serving their country. Serving your country sitting behind a keyboard and screen is a whole lot different than serving your country from behind the butt of a weapon. And when that Veteran who serves behind the butt of a weapon needs help, that person behind the keyboard and screen needs to expedite as quickly as possible the claims requested by the Veterans. If the VA cannot or will not do the job required then it is time for the VA to fire the dead weight and get people who are willing to do the work. Personally, I feel that hiring Veterans who have "been there - done that" would be more likely to do the work required because they would have a better understanding what the Veteran may be going through. In short, get rid of the dead wood.

Submitted by A. G. Wood (not verified) : Jul 31, 2015 10:35am

Fire all the present people in charge and replace them with X Military personnel. Then we will have people in there that care. not a bunch of political hacks. Do that and I guaranttt you it will be fixed.

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) : Jul 31, 2015 12:50pm

Get rid of the entire mess and privatize it. They have had YEARS and $$Billions to get this right and it's obvious they
can't. Look what's happening with Obamacare, and it's barely off the ground!

Submitted by Doug Ashbridge (not verified) : Jul 31, 2015 12:58pm

Privatizing the V.A. I think is the wrong way, but put in charge all the people beam with treatment we receipt, because we experiment and we will not do what is doing to us.
The problem is 80% that work in the V.A. have not serve and they are in charge Me and my wife where in brand new hospital in Lake Nona Florida and a civilian lady told the veteran who was taking care of me "That he was taking to much time whit one client that is one example V.A. have privet care for claims of disabilities and they care less about you only interest is getting the money so who should be in charge the old timer NCO the ones who just to say "jump" and you will answer "how high" and we will fixed and we will take care our soldier because we EARNED

Submitted by MIGUEL (not verified) : Jul 31, 2015 2:14pm

after 44 years of dealing with VA I have come to the conclusion that the VA should deal with exotic diseases, catastrophic wounds and let the minor percentages see private doctors, perhaps 30% and lower as long as it doesn`t send gunshot wounds and the like to the private sector. it is a lot better than it was 30-40 years ago when you were just a pain in the ass to the people working there

Submitted by Steve US Army V... (not verified) : Aug 3, 2015 7:11am

I'm an old guy that just retired and joined the Legion. The younger vets should have a better idea of how to improve the VA services. But I can tell you that problems have always existed and I have thought long about the problems we Vets face and believe that we will become a much more powerful voice speaking as ONE unit and not many different Organizational Units. These are what we should strive for- have all the Vet Organizations elect a member to serve on a National Veterans Voice Committee. Then we can speak and act with one voice. VA has always been a "dumping ground" for the spoils system and giving friends jobs without they being the right person for that job. We should also have mandatory service for all Citizens including medical professionals as is done in Israel and develop a system whereby Doctors of all disciplines and nurses must serve.

Submitted by Paul Amato (not verified) : Aug 3, 2015 7:44pm

I would like to see Ombudsmen volunteering at all businesses and companies to investigate complaints and follow thru on all solutions to problems. Would it not be great to be anonymous when making complaints and really have them corrected? What do you think? Also, of course, those who are found to not be competent doing their jobs would be demoted to a job that they CAN do--or fired if necessary. Right now I feel that only The Donald will get the job done properly--should he be elected. He will fix many of the problems that America has with our elected officials. Hoping we are all smart enough to elect those who will not be a good old boy, and who will enforce all of our laws without prejudice equally.

Submitted by k2 (not verified) : Aug 3, 2015 9:27pm

LMAO, The VA is run and will always be run by the political whims of congress. When only 1% of the members of congress have served in the military they have no clue to the harsh realities of military life and the toll it takes on the body and mind. And on that note the Legion, and the VFW have morphed from activists for veterans into membership driven, information gathering, big business money seeking entities. Camp Lejeune veterans have been dying for years from toxic crap from that base since 1953 and it took a scrappy Gunnery Sergeant and a dependent to change congress's and the VA's views. There is barely a peep from the Legion or the other veterans organizations to change congress or VA's stance on Camp Lejeune. Even the legions service officers are ill trained on this issue. So participate in this poll all we want it may make us feel good and convince the Legion they are doing something but it will go nowhere.

Submitted by imcaleer : Aug 5, 2015 2:55am

We should quit throwing money at the VA and let the Vets have the freedom to go to private medical facilities like everyone else does.

Submitted by Melissa (not verified) : Aug 5, 2015 8:31am

How about we get rid of everyone at the VA that isn't a veteran and hire only unemployed veterans. Train them to do the job that other people can't do correctly. I think that an all veteran VA would get more accomplished. At least they might care more about getting things done since it would be veterans taking care of veterans!

Submitted by Tom Allen (not verified) : Aug 5, 2015 5:30pm

I agree with a lot of the comments to privatize the VA, but the government bureacracy would never let you get away wit it. You have worthless people in positions of authority because they know they have an almost impossibility of being fired for incompetence. Every time you submit for any claims process, even if you submit your claim and documentation through a vet center counselor, they want more documentation as stupid as wanting you to go back 40 or 50 years and get verification from someone that was on the same ship as you to verify your exposure. I was an engineer, and we were ripping asbestos off piping etc constantly, and they want proof even if it is in your military medical record that you are on asbestos follow up for the next 50 years in accordance with OPNAV inst, and they will still refuse, because if you do not have cancer at this instant, you are lying to them and they have every right to deny you from their point of view. Mainly because they have never done a lick of military time to know what we went through, and don't give a crap about us that protected them at sometimes the cost of life. They just know they get a cushy job where they can push veteran's around and get away with it because no one is controlling them. Hire unemployed veteran's and train us for these positions and the VA would run a lot smoother because we know what we are talking about.

Submitted by Proud Viet Nam Vet (not verified) : Aug 15, 2015 8:13pm