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What do you think of the Obama administration ordering the U.S. flag to be lowered five days after four Marines and a sailor were gunned down?

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From what I read the lowering was done on the same day as the capitol and other flags were lowered to half staff and was waiting on a specific order from the president which was given. As you know there are protocols for lowering the flag to half staff and I believe theses were followed. So - a lot of protest over perception, not reality.

Submitted by Ray Bowman (not verified) : Jul 23, 2015 3:41pm

Protocol was followed. The right wing fanatics will use anything to discredit Obama. It's sad that these men had to die but if we lowered the flag every time a service man is killed, the flag would remain at half staff. There is strict protocol in place that was NOT created by Obama as to when and how to lower the flag.

Submitted by John Jerd (not verified) : Jul 23, 2015 9:09pm

oh please, right wing , left wing, center wing, half wing, back wing, no wing, who cares: he thinks it is all right to break laws " he " doesn't think are right but he can't break a protocol? and you left wing FANATICS will continue to pander to him. God help us all.

Submitted by Larry Tooley (not verified) : Jul 23, 2015 9:57pm

The fanatics are the left-wing who it seems will do anything to bring this country down. If that is not their goal, why would they like policies that do nothing but hurt the country?

Submitted by Don Morris (not verified) : Jul 24, 2015 8:25am


To be clear, the people you are calling "right wing fanatics" are veterans who have served their county, and have a right to "discredit Obama". This forum is not the place to spew your venom.

Submitted by sgt (not verified) : Jul 24, 2015 9:58am

Do you remember Obama's address after the Ft. Hood shootings? He first gave a *shout out* to audience members at a conference, and told them that they were "a top priority". A few minutes later, he mentioned the massacre of US soldiers at Ft. Hood.

This has nothing to do with protocol. He has repeatedly insulted veterans by refusing to wear a flag pin (until he was told to by his party). He did not put his hand over his heart during the pledge. His CIC role is a joke.

Submitted by sgt (not verified) : Jul 24, 2015 9:56am

Why don't we have a right to criticize right-wing fanatics, even if they are veterans? Seems to me you have no problem criticizing veterans who disagree with you. Are you aware that under the Bush Administration, veterans had to prove that they were exposed to Agent Orange.
The precluded sailors who were at sea when Agent Orange drifted over their ships. Under our current President, this is no longer required. You still have not revealed anything about when and where you served, if indeed you ever did.

Submitted by Bronxite (not verified) : Jul 24, 2015 12:12pm

It is clear who the "fanatics" here are. You and your alter-ego JJ, fit the bill.

You lost me on the last topic when you said, >>"I got an honorable discharge or I would not have been able to go to work at NCIS as a civilian"<< (In 1964) Then you backtracked and pretended you said something else.

I have contacted The American Legion and requested that they limit comments to members, or post real names.

Submitted by sgt (not verified) : Jul 24, 2015 12:42pm

Sgt: Good idea, some will probably miss you.

Submitted by Bronxite (not verified) : Jul 24, 2015 6:00pm

You must be a communist pinko at best. If anyone is a traitor it is the President, and his brainless followers. Obama has not my President since day one, when a majority of sheeple put him in office, because of their guilt, or they were just plain stupid. Only you idiots on the left would elect someone whom they knew nothing about except he would relieve you some some kind of mental problem, or give you something you didn't work for. It will take some time before the damage he has caused can be made right. So you left wing,wing nuts, go back where the sun don't shine. I hope you know where that's the home for fools like you!!!!

Submitted by J Johnson (not verified) : Aug 14, 2015 9:17pm

The handling of this episode is consistent and symptomatic of the way President Obama handles these matters.

If the subject is black, there is a prompt response which is usually inappropriate for a man who supposedly graduated from Harvard Law School. If the person is white and is dead indirectly related to his failure to "faithfully execute" the laws i.e. Karen Steinle, he ignores it.

If the victims are military, he responds, in my view as a veteran, inappropriately.

1. When a 2 star Army general is killed I believe in Iran, he ignores it and when the ceremony is held here in the U.S. is absent because of a golf game.

2. When multiple service people are killed at Ft. Hood, it's "work place violence" despite the killer yelling "Allah Ikbar." By refusing to call it Islamic terrorism he not only struck his head in the sand but comprised benefits et cetera for the wounded and killed.

3. Similarly the Chattanooga terrorist attack. I'm Medical Corps so you line or combat guys can correct me here, but in medicine, the wrong diagnosis almost always leads to the wrong treatment. So if you can't or won't identify the enemy, how do you effectively fight them?

This is already too long, but think back about when Mr. Obama sends Justice Department people to investigate or administration representatives to attend funerals.

This President does NOT have the military's back. If something bad happens he'll probably go to New York city to a Broadway show and then attend a Democrat Party fundraiser!

Submitted by Robert I Finkel... (not verified) : Jul 24, 2015 11:27am

LCDR: Passed over for CDR?

Submitted by Bronxite (not verified) : Jul 26, 2015 7:17am

What a childish remark, Bronxite. It is becoming more and more clear that you are only on here to troll veterans.

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) : Jul 26, 2015 12:09pm

Anonymous: No, I am here to troll on racists, and hate mongers -- like you! I have no problem with criticizing our president as long as it is truthful and respectful. So I consider words such as "evil," "traitor," "not a U.S Citizen" untrue, and disrespectful. So I will continue to respond to those, like you, who use such language.

Submitted by Bronxite (not verified) : Jul 27, 2015 6:09pm

No, you're on here to troll. And Bronxite, I have never used any of the language you have accused me of. You ridiculed a true veteran, trying to make him appear to be down on your level. Veterans don't do that to each other. What you said to him was disrespectful, and embarrassing to read. Show a little dignity and respect for Pete's sake.

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) : Jul 27, 2015 8:51pm

Anonymous: I guess your saying I was a " man crappin a brick." was not racist?

Submitted by Broxite (not verified) : Jul 28, 2015 7:57am

I didn't say that BX. Are you clumping us all together? FYI, if you leave the name block blank, it says Anonymous. Names don't matter. It's clear that you have posted under more than one to back yourself up. I choose to remain anonymous because my real name is searchable.

What is your excuse for your comment to LCDR? He said nothing that wasn't true. Yet you attacked like a ten-year old playground bully.

It was childish and reflects poorly on your character.

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) : Jul 28, 2015 8:29am

Anonymous: You don't think the LCDR's remark about President Obama "If something bad happens he'll probably go to New York City to a Broadway show..." is childish?
Perhaps I do owe you an apology. Perhaps you are not the Anonymous who said "frightened old black man, you'd be crappin a brick" on Jul 21, 2015 at 6:22 pm in the previous Big Question entitled What is your reaction the the proposed U.S. agreement with Iran..." If you are not that Anonymous I do apologize. If you are that Anonymous, I invite you to come to The Bronx, I'll take you to the Bronx Zoo, one of the best, and buy you lunch. Then I'll drop you off a bar on Sound View Avenue where you can inquire of the customers "Are you frightened old black men crappin a brick." Tell me where to send the flowers.

Submitted by Bronxite (not verified) : Jul 28, 2015 12:23pm

I guess you missed the story about marines slaughtered by Islamic terrorists, but Obama jets off to Broadway show, fundraiser.
It you think that is childish, you are wrong. It is despicable. You could have Googled that before insulting a veteran. That you think it is a childish remark is indicative of how uninformed you are about Obama and the military.

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) : Jul 28, 2015 3:21pm

I think you are wrong about President Obama. I think he cares about the military, as he is unwilling to get us into unnecessary wars, unlike our last President. And I don't think when he is out of office he would charge wounded veterans $100,000.00 to appear before them as did
George W. Bush. This is particularly calous since he was responsible for them being wounded.

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) : Jul 28, 2015 5:38pm

Bronx, get your head out of the sand.

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) : Jul 28, 2015 5:46pm

Would you please quit picking on Bronx and answer my question about President George W. Bush charging wounded veterans a $100,000.00 to speak to them.

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) : Jul 28, 2015 7:14pm

Bronxite, HiLIARy charged 500k to speak to homeless veterans. Bill Clinton charges a lot more. So what does that have to do with Obama's neglect in lowering the flag? Sounds like liberal trolling.

I don't care what Clinton or Bush does. You keep bringing up Bush and the war. You would have to have basic knowledge of intelligence to get it. Ask yourself why we still have people dying over there. And why Obama pulled troops out of Iraq and sent them to Afghanistan. That war is his and every person killed there is on him. That move was against the orders of his top military advisors. But good old Obama knows it all. Next he returned troops to Iraq when it went out of control. Looks like he doesn't have clue. He is the worst president since Carter. I bet you liked him too.

There are a lot of liberal websites you can troll to without upsetting veterans.

I have no interest in feeding trolls so you can take a dive. Debating with you is about as much fun as debating a turnip.

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) : Jul 28, 2015 8:09pm

I can find no news about Hillary charging homeless vets to speak to them. Please provide your source of info. But I don't plan on voting for Hillary unless she get the Dems nomination.
I think charging wounded (or homeless) vets to speak to them is much more shameful than being late in lowering the flag. For your information, it was President Bush who put in office and signed an agreement with the Shiite Malaki (and Iraqi lacky) to have our troops out by 2011, not President Obama. It was President Bush, against the advice of his military advisers who ordered that all Iranian troops be dismissed. (.The military said Colonels and above.) The dismissed troops were overwhelmingly Sunni. They went home,with their arms,
and some of them became ISIS, and organization which would not exist in Iraq if Sadam Hussein, a bad man, had not been remove. If you recall, The Honorable George Bush did not remove Sadam Hussein, because he was smart enough to know what the results would be. His son did. President Obama did try to keep some troops in but Malaki would not agree to a Status of Forces Agreement, preventing our soldiers from being tried in a Iraq court. I like Carter.
He served his country both in and out of uniform. And unlike the successor administration of Ronald Reagan he did not sell arms to Iran (i.e., Iran Contra) and act of treason.

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) : Jul 29, 2015 2:55pm

Bronx, if you can't find anything, you haven't looked. Your history is skewed. What you post here is the liberal hate mantra that has zero to do with reality. Bush1, Bush2, Reagan, are not in office. You fail to mention the most incompetent, classless, bigoted president this country has known. This is now.

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) : Jul 30, 2015 11:24am

The topic is the lowering of the flag for murdered veterans. Yet you keep regurgitating nonsense about past presidents. What is your agenda?

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) : Jul 30, 2015 11:40am

Read some of the comments, which have nothing to do with lowering the flag, but are hate filled, untrue attacks upon OUR PRESIDENT.

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) : Jul 30, 2015 3:41pm

All true, Bronxite. You just refuse to believe it.

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) : Jul 30, 2015 5:06pm

Nothing surprises me about this administration any more...

Submitted by Gardner Frazier (not verified) : Jul 23, 2015 5:18pm

He has ruined the respect for our flag & military so bad overseas.Why not at home too!

Submitted by David R. Hoffman (not verified) : Jul 23, 2015 5:30pm

Obama followed protocol for when and how to lower the flag as every president republican and democrat has done in the past. You obviously are not aware of protocol. Maybe you should read the protocol before you blindly blame Obama.

Submitted by John Jerd (not verified) : Jul 23, 2015 9:19pm


Perhaps you should familiarize yourself on what the "protocol". It's easy to find online.

Flags have been lowered for many reasons. US military were killed in the line of duty on American soil by a known terrorist. Obama didn't make the order until he was pressured to do so. The "protocol" is that he can make the order at any time. That he didn't do so until under pressure is typical of his disrespect of military.

Submitted by sgt (not verified) : Jul 24, 2015 10:16am

Well said SGT. I can tell by the unrest on this page, is that MOST people are FED UP with our so-called Commander in Chief. He hasn't a clue what is going on!!! Only 15 months left in this so-called administration. God help us if Hillary gets in.

Submitted by Roger S. (not verified) : Aug 2, 2015 5:41pm

Gardner.....the protocol for lowering the flag was created long BEFORE Obama ever graduated from grade school. Protocol was followed so you are blaming an administration that wasn't even responsible. Actually, nothing surprises me about how republican followers are sheep following the republican gestapo. Get off your high horse and do your own research before you blindly blame Obama.

Submitted by John Jerd (not verified) : Jul 23, 2015 9:15pm

My low opinion of Obama went from low to low and disgusted.

Submitted by Lowell Thompson (not verified) : Jul 23, 2015 10:04pm

Jerd, i was going to make a comment about your above statement but then i realized you're a few bricks short of a full load. you are hanging onto protocol about the flag, sorry that is not the issue The Issue is about leadership. a real leader would lowered the flag for these unique deaths of our military personnel.

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) : Jul 23, 2015 10:15pm

You notice however that the rainbow colors on the building went up the same day as the scotus fiasco!!

Submitted by desert (not verified) : Jul 23, 2015 5:26pm

Precisely. When the Supreme Court made up a "right" to gay marriage, the White House was swift to light the place up like a circus. But very, very slow after the Marines and the sailor were shot.

Submitted by john sanders (not verified) : Jul 23, 2015 8:33pm

What the heck does the displaying of the rainbow colors have to do with FLAG PROTOCOL? Two totally different subjects and the flag has a written protocol in place while the display of rainbow colors does not.

Submitted by John Jerd (not verified) : Jul 23, 2015 9:24pm

John Jerd,

What is the written protocol? I can't seem to find anything that says the president waits for days to issue the order. In fact, he did issue one right after the Ft Hood shootings. Maybe it just slipped his mind.

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) : Jul 24, 2015 11:54am

But it should have!!! How stupid!!

Submitted by Roger S. (not verified) : Aug 2, 2015 5:45pm

It takes him no time to send condolences to the family of a thug killed while committing crimes. He thinks more of the gays than those whom are protecting this country. He still does not render a salute or acknowledgement of a salute.

Submitted by Vietnam Sailor (not verified) : Jul 23, 2015 5:43pm

Vietnam sailor...........your statements are ignorant rants. I'm a VIETNAM VETERAN as well.

Submitted by John Jerd (not verified) : Jul 23, 2015 9:26pm

john jerd, me too jhon what were you in suppy shorting guys on ammo

Submitted by Larry Tooley (not verified) : Jul 23, 2015 10:18pm

Vietnam Sailor: You don't think there are gays serving their country in the military.
Here is an old joke about submarines when I was in the Navy. 100 submariners go to sea,
50 couples return!

Submitted by Bonixte (not verified) : Jul 25, 2015 4:36pm

Why wasn't it automatic?

Submitted by Daniel C. (not verified) : Jul 23, 2015 5:50pm

BECAUSE there is protocols for lowering the flag. Do we lower the flag every time a soldier gets killed? NO, WE DON'T If it were automatic, the flag would remain at half staff always because our soldiers are getting killed constantly. READ THE PROTOCOL FOR LOWERING THE FLAG.

Submitted by John Jerd (not verified) : Jul 23, 2015 9:31pm

J. Jerd,
YOU need to read the PROTOCOL. You are wrong.

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) : Jul 24, 2015 12:45pm

Few service members vote for Dems

Submitted by Daniel C. (not verified) : Jul 23, 2015 5:52pm

Where do you get your statistics from for servicemen voting. I'm Democrat and I'm a Vietnam Vet. I know many other Democrats who were or are servicemen.

Submitted by John Jerd (not verified) : Jul 23, 2015 9:34pm

Look up stats on how veterans vote. Very few are liberal. I know of NONE that support this oaf of a leader.

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) : Jul 24, 2015 10:22am

Welcome aboard fellow Democrat. Judging from the responses to this issue, I would say about 70% anti Obama, while about 30% are not.

Submitted by Bronxite (not verified) : Jul 24, 2015 5:28pm

Count me in the part that support President Obama. I served in the US Navy 69-73.

Submitted by Tom Betz (not verified) : Jul 24, 2015 6:17pm

While I think the flag should have been lowered sooner, my understanding is that the flag is not automatically lowered when a service man or women is killed. If that were that case the flag would have been at half staff during most of the Bush Administration.

Submitted by Bronxite (not verified) : Jul 23, 2015 6:00pm

I can understand a 24 hr period but not four days... This President never wore a uniform or saluted a fallen comrade.It is a sad commentary on our times as a country.

Submitted by JAMES LEAHY (not verified) : Jul 23, 2015 6:01pm


Submitted by TimK (not verified) : Jul 23, 2015 6:43pm

The POTUS should be required to have served in the military. Mr. Obama was not vetted before the election and may not be qualified to serve as the head of the military.

Submitted by John E. Russell (not verified) : Jul 23, 2015 6:58pm

I heard a new acronym for POTUS yesterday Pile of Totally Useless Sh t. Right on. By his actions and inactions he has proven that to be correct.

Submitted by Don Morris (not verified) : Jul 24, 2015 8:31am

John: I don't think it should be a requirement, but I think we would be better off if our Presidents had served in the military.

Submitted by Bronxite (not verified) : Jul 24, 2015 6:06pm

Then get the PROTOCOL changed through your congressmen. Otherwise, the president IS REQUIRED to follow protocol.

Submitted by John Jerd (not verified) : Jul 23, 2015 9:36pm

This president does not care about protocol, laws, constitution, or anything that stands in his way to whatever he wants. And, the Republican in congress just roll over, click their heels, and say gulp yes sir. I am also a Vietnam vet, 23 years active duty, and I am disgusted with our country right now. We are a laughing stock.

Submitted by Don Morris (not verified) : Jul 24, 2015 8:38am


Look up what the protocol is. Then apologize to the authentic veterans here and take your BS elsewhere.

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) : Jul 24, 2015 10:19am

Again, you're whining about "protocol". What is the "protocol"? I learned "protocol" in basic training. You are lying about "protocol" being followed. You know nothing about it.

Isn't it amazing how trolls get on here and think they can fool real vets? You all stick out like a sore thumb.

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) : Jul 24, 2015 11:28am

Let's face it fellow vets, the Democrats have NEVER fullied been in love with the Military with the exception of FDR and MAYBE Truman. They would rather SCRAP the Military and use the money for something stupid. I NEVER trusted this chicken shit, piss poor excuse for a Commander In Chief and NEVER WILL!!! Nor do I trust the BITCH Clinton.

Submitted by Kenn C. Navy vet. (not verified) : Jul 23, 2015 6:17pm're an ass, and your wife is probably a bitch as well. If you can't speak intelligently than shut the fu** up.

Submitted by John Jerd (not verified) : Jul 23, 2015 9:39pm

You are clearly a liberal troll. Insulting veterans on a veterans website is despicable.

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) : Jul 24, 2015 7:57am

I can only echo the comments of others, but waiting 4 days to recognize the sacrifice of these fallen comrades was intolerable (reminded me of how we were treated when we came home from NAM)

Submitted by Ct Sailor (not verified) : Jul 23, 2015 6:17pm

I fell that to run for president, that being a vet. must be a demand for all politicians that run for that office. That to be commander and chief of are arm forces you must have a understanding of the people in uniform.

Submitted by fishhead (not verified) : Jul 23, 2015 6:36pm

Fishhead.....That's your opinion but many people don't share your opinion.

Submitted by John Jerd (not verified) : Jul 23, 2015 9:41pm

I agree with Bronxite. Most of the comments seem to be forgetting the issue and instead used as just another attack on the administration. Protocol was followed. Get over it.

Submitted by Red Dawg (not verified) : Jul 23, 2015 6:36pm

Bronxite, Dawg, It is a fact that these servicemen were killed by a terrorist. We are at war with terrorism. Dawg Get WITH it!

Submitted by Reb 1 (not verified) : Jul 23, 2015 8:20pm

Red.....thank you.

Submitted by John Jerd (not verified) : Jul 23, 2015 9:42pm

Because it was on our home soil as President I would have done it immediately as it should have been - home grown terrorism or not! KRK

Submitted by Ken R. Knudson (not verified) : Jul 23, 2015 7:02pm

Ken......well you are not the President.

Submitted by John Jerd (not verified) : Jul 23, 2015 9:43pm

I as a member of the Legion kinda take offence to the profanity used by other members to express an opinion...I can't say I'm happy about this administration. But such as it is they are in there for now. My hope is that all the folks that didn't exercise there right to vote (a gift from all who gave all in our past wars) will make a study of the next candidates as to who is best to lead our Country..And then get registered and Vote...The voting booth is where the power is not a bunch of cheap profanity on the net...All this does is degrade the American Legion,--N

ot make us proud to be a member...Just for the record I'm a registered republican and proud 55 year member of the Legion...

Submitted by Bob Terry (not verified) : Jul 23, 2015 7:04pm

Bob: Thanks! I join you in wishing our fellow Legion members could disagree without being disagreeable or using profanity. In fact, I don't know why this site is not monitored to exclude hateful, non-factual, profane comments. I also wish more veterans would run for public office.

Submitted by Bronxite (not verified) : Jul 24, 2015 6:47am

Another traitorous act from the biggest criminal, liar and coward in American history

Submitted by Shawn P. Sones (not verified) : Jul 23, 2015 7:05pm

Shawn: Get with it, we are not talking about President George W. Bush.

Submitted by Bronxite (not verified) : Jul 24, 2015 5:32pm

No, we are talking about Obama.

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) : Jul 30, 2015 11:34am

A balancing act here... I tend to agree that Obama is not attuned to the Armed Service personnel's or Veteran's feelings or opinions and gets involved with local issues before all the facts are known.

On the other hand, I thought there were protocols concerning flying flags at half staff. It seems the flags have been lowered, in the past, for incidences that may have not warranted it, per the protocols. Before Beirut, the flags were never lowered for enlisted persons deaths. In other words, you had to be the a president to warrant flags at half staff. I'm not sure that was Obama's reasoning, of course.

Submitted by Dick Resseman (not verified) : Jul 23, 2015 7:47pm

For those of us who have been paying attention, we have long known that Obama is a disgrace to the office of President, as well as being a traitor. His latest Iran nuclear deal makes that clear. Obama has been trying his best to find ways to destroy America while making it look like he is doing good. His constant lies, his failure to properly show respect for our national flag, his flagrant disregard for the military, and many more contemptible offences that are too many to mention here, are the primary reasons why Obama should either be impeached or forced to resign the Presidency. Those Marines and the Sailor who were gunned down deserve the utmost respect, but Obama has to be forced through the media to lower the Flag. Disgraceful. Actions like this are the reasons America is being viewed as the laughing stock of the world.

Submitted by Gerald Wood (not verified) : Jul 23, 2015 8:19pm

It is about time that the Obama Whitehouse Group begins to realize that the men and women who voluntarily serve our great nation are all precious. Whether they be Military, Diplomatic, Aid workers of all backgrounds, or Political figures who serve at our pleasure(?).

our great leaders did such a good job with Bengazi, now the former Secretary of State is running for President. At least there are people that believe that she was born in the USA and not suspected of hiding all the facts about how, where and why his name was different and nationality was uncertain. But Chicago rules differ!

Submitted by Jay H Greener (not verified) : Jul 23, 2015 8:29pm

Jay: Seriously, could you please explain why your so upset with Benghazi where 4 died, while not mentioning 9/11 where President Bush ignored intelligence warnings and thousands died.
Followed by his unnecessary invasion of a country (Iraq) that had nothing to do with 9/ll which again cost thousand of lives of our best and trillions of dollars, while taking out the counter balance (Sadam Hussein, a nasty man) to Iran.

Submitted by Bronxite (not verified) : Jul 24, 2015 5:38pm

You forgot about the intelligence Clinton ignored. He ignored it the first time terrorists bombed the towers in 93. Bush inherited that mess. All the training the 911 bombers got in this country was under Clinton.
Clinton was far more to blame than Bush. Terrorists now have an open door welcome from your boy.
Are you still going to pretend you were involved in any way with intel? You sure don't sound like it.

Submitted by Fred (not verified) : Jul 24, 2015 10:06pm

Fred: I can't really believe that you are ignorant of the fact that George Tenet former, DCI
(that's Director of Central Intelligence for you non intel types) wrote in his memoir that
he secured a emergency meeting with Condi Rice (someone I used to work with) to warn her that an attack by Al Qaeda was imminent. His warning was ignored! Look it up!

Submitted by Bronxite (not verified) : Jul 25, 2015 6:58pm

Time for some hip boots. Us non-Intel" types? Seriously dude, if you ever had anything to do with "Intel", I'm the Queen of England.

Submitted by Fred S (not verified) : Jul 25, 2015 8:29pm

Fred: So you would prefer to be called "Your Majesty?"

Submitted by BRONXITE (not verified) : Jul 26, 2015 7:21am

You say "Condi" was a colleague? Seriously, BX, you have a problem with the truth. Your claims have been debunked. Yet you come up with even more outrageous claims. No, I don't believe you. And I doubt anyone else here does either.

Submitted by Fred (not verified) : Jul 26, 2015 9:43am

Fred: Your Majesty. I know what your thinking. If this guy did everything he said he
did, why am I communicating with an idiot like you. Lots of time on my hands. There was a time in this country when even if we disagreed with our President, he was still treated with respect. Now we have loons like you call OUR PRESIDENT evil, a traitor, not a U.S. citizen, etc., and the rest of the world sees this and you wonder why we have lost respect in the world.

Submitted by Bronxite (not verified) : Jul 27, 2015 1:29pm

Nobody with the background you claim to have would reduce themselves to behaving like a juvenile troll by insulting veterans on a website for veterans. Veterans can usually smell a phony. You've called veterans childish names, just like your latest comment to me. I've worked one of the jobs you said you did, and you are way off. You are clearly here as a left wing, Obama loving liberal who knows absolutely nothing about intelligence. You whine about veterans disrespecting Obama, yet you clearly have no problem disrespecting veterans. There are sites with plenty of people who agree with you. Go there.

Submitted by Fred S (not verified) : Jul 27, 2015 4:56pm

Fred: Your Majesty. Tell me when and where you worked on one of the jobs I said I did.

Submitted by Bonxite (not verified) : Jul 27, 2015 6:13pm

Sure. Give me your address and I will send you what you need to know.

Submitted by Fred S (not verified) : Jul 27, 2015 6:28pm

Fred: Your Majesty, are you fraid to put it on the web? Is this one of those "If I told you what I did I would have to kill you." I put some of my assignments up for all to see.

Submitted by Bronxite (not verified) : Jul 28, 2015 7:49am

When you had your supposed intel training, what were you told to say when asked to define intelligence?

What were you told to do when someone was overly curious about your job?

What were you told about talking about your job and anything related to it?

What were the subsets of security levels at the time you claimed to be in?

*Name-calling is immature.

Submitted by Fred (not verified) : Jul 28, 2015 10:17am

Answer to your questions"

(1) That question never came up and why would it?

(2) Unlike you, who would have to kill me if you told me what you did, we had no prohibition of telling people what we did. Prior to 9/11 the Pentagon Telephone Book listed the various DoD intel agencies. I don't know if it is still the case. It was specifics that we did not discuss. If someone was "overly curious" I would report them to the CI folks.

(3) Fred, you can look up different security levels on the web. Does SIOP-ESI mean anything to you? Fred, your the one that request I call you "Your Majesty" just don't expect me to curtsey

Submitted by Bronxite (not verified) : Jul 28, 2015 12:37pm

Had you ever had ANYTHING to do with intelligence, you would have had an easy answer to all of those questions. You didn't have the vaguest idea what I was talking about. You won't easily find any of it online. *I didn't ask what the levels were, reread.

Your words, >>"who would have to kill me if you told me what you did"<< sound like something from someone who watches too much TV. People in intelligence do not talk like that. It sounds moronic. I would never tell anyone "if I tell you, I'd have to kill you". I have never even intimated that I did anything classified, which could have led to a comment like that. But is is likely that you have been in that position, which would explain the reason for you repeating that silly phrase.

You are attempting to bully me into divulging what I did while I was active. It is none of your business. My best friends do not know because they have no need to know, like you. Unlike you, I have no need to impress anyone.

You beat your chest about what you claim you did, but none of it holds up. Your "I'll show you mine if you show me yours" routine is out of date. You should have dropped that at puberty.

You said that I requested you call me "Your Majesty". You are wrong. Again. I said no such thing.
You claim to have joined NCIS in 1964. I'm still scratching my head on that one.
Just one mistake of many.

Submitted by Fred (not verified) : Jul 28, 2015 2:47pm

Fred: You said you were "The Queen of England." She is usually referred to as "Your Majesty." Fred, don't give me specifics, just tell me what intel agency you worked for, and perhaps I can ask you some simple questions like what is a 132 or 8086 to check your bona fides.

Submitted by Bronxite (not verified) : Jul 28, 2015 4:30pm

Listen closely. My personal information is NONE of your business.
You aren't fooling anybody, and I DON'T CARE what your history is. What I care about are the veterans here, who have sacrificed and risked their lives for their country, and deserve the utmost respect and honor. And it ticks me off when trolls intrude with childish and demeaning insults. And it ticks me off even more when someone comes here and pretends to be something they're not for the sole purpose of pushing their agendas. You have no right to attack and insult them.

Submitted by Fred (not verified) : Jul 28, 2015 5:13pm

Fred: Sorry you feel bullied. No more.

Submitted by Bronxite (not verified) : Jul 28, 2015 5:44pm

The only time I lower my flag to half-staff anymore is on Memorial Day. I see it as a sign of strength to keep my flag flying high. Look at the flag at the USMC Iwo Jima Memorial in DC--it is NEVER flown at half-staff.

Submitted by Erik Nelson, MS... (not verified) : Jul 23, 2015 9:31pm

I was totally NOT surprised; protocol or not, as mentioned several times above, IF the flags were to be lowered it should not take 4 days to reach this decision.

Submitted by AF Sfty Sgt Ret (not verified) : Jul 23, 2015 9:35pm

I am a veteran of WWII and Korea. In WWII I was a t/5 when discharged. I never went overseas. Following my discharge I joined the TExas ANG. We were later activated. I was a S/sgt in the air force. My unit was at K-8 in Korea. I gladly served my country and would do it again if possible.
As far a the Obama is concerned I become more disgusted with each passing day. My first presidential vote for for Ike. I did not vote for Obama nor will ever vote for him.

Submitted by Lowell Thompson (not verified) : Jul 23, 2015 10:15pm

Thank you for your service. I don't go back as far as you, but it's always an honor to be in the presence of real heroes. There aren't too many WWII guys left. Salute.

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) : Jul 24, 2015 11:35am

How obama ever got elected is beyond me. I'd like to see his birth cert.

Submitted by Rich P (not verified) : Jul 23, 2015 11:44pm

I believe that the seeming evidence is that the role of Commander-in-Chief is viewed as inconvenient by Mr. Obama. It appears that the very existence of the American military discomforts this President. Honoring fallen military members does not seem to even occur to our President until there is a political element.

Submitted by Barry M. (not verified) : Jul 24, 2015 5:36am

Barry: I believe our President is pro-military. I think he came to office with the intent of not sending our military into unnecessary wars (i.e., Iran) which cost the lives of thousand of our best, left many American orphans, and cost trillions of dollars. I originally liked President Bush's idea of spreading democracy, but have become convinced that many countries are not ready for democracy. I saw the results of us supporting dictators, only to have the population of those countries hate us, but in retrospect the removal of some of these dictators (e.g., Hussein, Ghadhafi) resulted in chaos and the creation of such organizations as ISIS. The presence of large numbers of American troops in Middle East countries has only succeeded in eventually turning the general population against us. Better to use special forces, and air power. So while we disagree, I appreciate the fact that you have not accused our being a traitor, evil, not a citizen etc., etc. etc.

Submitted by Bronxite (not verified) : Jul 25, 2015 6:57am

Protocol? U. S. service personnel are being murdered because They are unarmed. Armed attack merits armed response. Murders occur in combat zones "in the rear with the gear." Has everyone forgotten the Army psychiatrist? This is not the first time that such a tragedy has occurred and until such time that the U. S. Unarmed Forces become Armed Forces, it will likely not be the last.

Submitted by Rick Wigginton (not verified) : Jul 24, 2015 6:42am

I'm surprised that one of the POTUS's parrots haven't called this latest of many tragedies. an act of work place violence.Let's face it, this guy has been on a mission from day one of his presidency.The world has been one big playground for him and his spouse, at the taxpayer's expense.As far as Hillary is concerned, she has shown nothing but contempt for the military, and the Secret Service Agents who protected her, and her philandering husband, in the past.If you don't believe it, ask anyone who ever had to deal with her arrogant, profane butt. She is on a power trip, and God help this Country should she be elected as Madam President.

Submitted by Don Kauffman (not verified) : Jul 24, 2015 7:34am

It shouldn't have taken 4 days to make the "protocol decision" to have the flags lowered to half staff. Everyone who has been in the military knows everything has a protocol to be followed but, in this case, poor leadership from the quote-unquote "Commander" and his minions was dereliction of duty.

Submitted by Woody Patton AF 1965 (not verified) : Jul 24, 2015 8:23am

Ladies and Gentlemen, PROTOCOL did not keep Our President from issuing a half mast for 4 days, nowhere in the protocol does it say or cause the president to wait. It was up to him to act and declare how long. A 5 day lowering is a strong sentiment but the delay was not usual and we do not know why he waited. Other mass shootings at stateside military installations have taken only 1 day to be ordered. Check the facts, read the Protocol.

Submitted by doc538 (not verified) : Jul 24, 2015 9:17am

Many people are killed every day, civilians and military. Maybe we should just lower the flag and leave it there all of the time. All of us need to get a grip on what is important in life.

Submitted by K2 (not verified) : Jul 25, 2015 12:45am

Maybe Obama will find his birth certificate while he is in Kenya?

Submitted by Oldtimer1926 (not verified) : Jul 25, 2015 8:38am

I'm embarrassed to be a veteran and as of now I REFUSE to ever vote again in this country.

Submitted by PostalMarine (not verified) : Jul 25, 2015 12:33pm

And that is your right; granted by veterans.

Submitted by Asus User (not verified) : Jul 27, 2015 3:01pm

After decorating the White house immediately after the gay rights decision, the commander of all our service people, he should be thrown out of office.

Submitted by citizen from 1930 (not verified) : Jul 26, 2015 11:51am

Exactly right. Any person who is a patriotic American could not make so many decisions which are deliberately making the USA weak and vulnerable---and a laughingstock to other Nations. Congress could get him out of office, but we voted in a very mambe-pambe weak congress too---it is all our fault!

Submitted by k2 (not verified) : Jul 26, 2015 9:41pm

When the (formerly) White House can be colored "rainbow" two hours after the Supreme's decision on the LGBT marriage thing was announced, it's a national disgrace that the flag wouldn't be brought to half staff by Presidential order to mark the murder of 5 service personnel that the GUMMINT kept disarmed.

Submitted by Jack Schmidt Po... (not verified) : Jul 27, 2015 10:32pm

This thread webt into the dump really fast. We are VETERANS people BROTHERS and legionares! ACT LIKE IT! I did some research and checking with the US office of Protocol. There IS NO official protocol for lowering the flag other than the US Flag Code which dates back to the 1920's. The President can and has lowered the Flag whenever he wishes to. For Obama, not withstanding his latest order that was 5 days late, Sept. 16, 2013 - same day of the Washington Navy Yard shooting flag lowered for 4 days. April 17, 2013 - 7 days later Explosion in West, Texas lowered for 1 day. April 15, 2013 - 1 day later Boston Marathon bombing lowered for 5 days. Dec. 14, 2012 - 1 day later Newtown, Conn., shooting lowered for 4 days. Sept. 12, 2012 -
1 day later U.S. Embassy bombing in Benghazi, Libya lowered for 4 days. Aug. 6, 2012 - 1 day later Oak Creek, Wis., shootings lowered for 4 days. July 20, 2012 - same day Aurora, Colo.. shooting lowered for 5 days. Jan. 9, 2011 - 1 day later Tucson, Ariz., shooting lowered for 5 days. Nov. 6, 2009 - 1 day later Fort Hood shooting
lowered for 4 days. It is totally up to the POTUS when and IF he lowers the flag. and you will notice that the Newtown Ct. incident that has been proven to be a hoax to try and push the gun ban agenda, he even lowered the flags for it to carry on the ruise. But that is for another conversation

Submitted by Rev. Frederick ... (not verified) : Jul 28, 2015 12:03pm

Rev Mullis: I was with you right up to "...he even lowered the flags for it to carry on the
ruse" which seems counter to everything you had to say before.

Submitted by BRONXITE (not verified) : Jul 28, 2015 1:14pm

Seems like a person can't agree or disagree with anything without being bashed by the left or right, depending on the view. I find it disrespectful that veterans who wore the uniform as I did are so comfortable with bashing the Commander in Chief. Does that make me a Left wing Liberal wiener? I mean, its okay to disagree with the president's policies, but the President is the President and should be given the respect the office deserves. The delay may have been a blunder, but many of you are just piling on out of hate and this is just another excuse to vent your hate. I am not Left or Right, I am for common sense and what I believe and I make up my own mind, regardless if it is a conservative or liberal view. Most other veterans of the millennial generation probably feel the same way, which is why this organization is disconnected from younger vets and stuck in the 1950's.

Submitted by JAF (not verified) : Jul 28, 2015 12:29pm

After reading some of the hateful comments directed at the POTUS by members of the American Legion, I think I will pass on renewing my membership.

Submitted by Chi Tee (not verified) : Jul 29, 2015 2:28pm

Chi Tee: Please stay. I thought of doing the same, but we need reasonable voices like yours to counter he vile, untrue, unpatriotic statements made by many on this site. I do not approve of everything Obama has done, but I believe that our Presidents should be treated with respect whether you agree with them or not. As I stated in a prior post, you can disagree without being disagreeable.

Submitted by Bronxite (not verified) : Jul 29, 2015 3:08pm

How many different personas are you using here?

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) : Jul 30, 2015 11:30am

I agree. He's talking to himself now.

Submitted by Fred (not verified) : Jul 30, 2015 11:32am

After reading all of this venting I have drawn the conclusion that Bronxite probably suffers from a head injury. One can not argue with someone whose brain cells are no longer able to make logical connections or conclusions. You may as well be talking to your cat or dog--who may actually understand more than some who have commented above. Arguing with some folks is a waste of time--they do not get it!!. Let it go!!
Maybe we should feel sorry for him or her?

Submitted by k2 (not verified) : Aug 23, 2015 1:44am