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What is your reaction to the proposed U.S. agreement with Iran about its nuclear program?

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The deal stinks in keeping with the Obama administration.

Submitted by William Horick (not verified) : Jul 16, 2015 4:23pm

Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, the highest authority in Iran, told supporters on Saturday, July 18, that U.S. policies in the region were "180 degrees" opposed to Iran's, in a Tehran speech punctuated by chants of "Death to America" and "Death to Israel".
“Even after this deal, our policy toward the arrogant U.S. will not change. We don’t have any negotiations or deal with the U.S. on different issues in the world or the region.”

Anyone who thinks this deal is good needs their head examined.

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) : Jul 21, 2015 6:45pm

I agree whole heartedly with the comment above , about the smell of this Present administration , Without mentioning here all the Failures of this person in the big chair, I DO NOT understand why this person is still in that Office . And the latest deal , UNBELIEVABLE . I truly am in utter disbelief of mentality of this country . Even with a real President in office , it maybe to late for this Country , with the damage that has been Done ! Truly Sad .

Submitted by Jack Vink (not verified) : Jul 16, 2015 4:54pm

Mr. Fink, if you "...don't understand why this person is still in that Office" you apparently have no understanding of how democracy works. He was elected for 4 more years by we the people.

Submitted by Bronxite (not verified) : Jul 16, 2015 7:32pm

Bronxite, he was referring to the multiple laws that this administration has broken. Bill Clinton was impeached for a relatively minor offense compared with the long list of serious crimes committed by this administration. The federal government is supposed to work for We the People, not the other way around. When they become a detriment to the nation, we have a duty to remove them per the Constitution of the United States. That, Sir, is how democracy works or in our case a Democratic Republic.

Submitted by Mike C (not verified) : Jul 17, 2015 6:36am

Bronxite, he was referring to the multiple laws that this administration has broken. Bill Clinton was impeached for a relatively minor offense compared with the long list of serious crimes committed by this administration. The federal government is supposed to work for We the People, not the other way around. When they become a detriment to the nation, we have a duty to remove them per the Constitution of the United States. That, Sir, is how democracy works or in our case a Democratic Republic.

Submitted by Mike C (not verified) : Jul 17, 2015 8:56am

Mike: If he has done all you said, why hasn't he been impeached? Republicants control both houses of Congress.

Submitted by Bronxite (not verified) : Jul 17, 2015 12:50pm

Are you serious?! You must live in a cave somewhere. Ok, I'll bite. Because, the repubs are spineless and are afraid of being called racist for impeaching the first half black president.

If you are going to debate this with me, please bring better arguments than you have so far. They are too easy to rebuff.

Submitted by Mike C. (not verified) : Jul 22, 2015 1:34pm

He wasn't elected by the veterans of this country.

Submitted by Sgt (not verified) : Jul 17, 2015 9:23am

Sgt. In fact he was elected and re-elected with the help of veterans like me.

Submitted by Bronxite (not verified) : Jul 17, 2015 12:51pm

Bronxite veterans like you are far and few. What is your favorite cool aid flavor.

Submitted by Don A. (not verified) : Jul 18, 2015 10:32am

Sorry Don A-Bronxite is right. You are wrong,it's not far and few. Time for a reality check.

Submitted by Armyretired52 (not verified) : Jul 18, 2015 10:43pm

ARMY RETIRED 52 You are right i am wrong about far and few. so far i see that there are 2 of you. Bronxite and you.

Submitted by Don A. (not verified) : Jul 20, 2015 5:24pm

Bronxite said he was a DOD employee. Now he says he's a veteran.
These polls remain online. If you tell the truth, then you won't get caught in a lie. Look up "Stolen Valor".

Submitted by Sgt (not verified) : Jul 19, 2015 3:35am

Sgt: I know this is difficult for you to understand, but me and many,many others were both veterans and DoD employees. 4 years in uniform, 34 working as a civilian in DoD.

Submitted by Bronxite (not verified) : Jul 19, 2015 8:18am

Now you're a veteran. A month ago you weren't a veteran, but wore some sort of uniform. Perhaps janitor?

Lies always catch up with you. You should be ashamed of yourself.

Submitted by Sgt (not verified) : Jul 19, 2015 3:11am

Voted for Obama twice and proud of it. Sgt are you implying that it is shameful/derogatory to wear a janitor's uniform? Now that would be a shame.:-(

Submitted by AF Veteran (not verified) : Jul 19, 2015 9:04pm

SORRY AF VETERAN I SEE THREE OF YOU VOTED FOR OBAMA ACCORDING TO THESE COMMENTS. ARMY RETIRED 52. BROXTIGHT. AND YOU. MAYBE MORE. I have a few friends who also voted for mr obama and to this day they are very sorry.

Submitted by Don A. (not verified) : Jul 20, 2015 5:31pm

Don A: Apparently you are unaware of an organization called "VoteVets" there are many of us.

Submitted by Bronxite (not verified) : Jul 21, 2015 10:14am


21.8 million veterans in USA
220k members (most are non-vets) of "VoteVets"

Google an article in the Washington Post called "Veterans are voting Republican. And that's not likely to change.

Veterans have always overwhelming voted Conservative.
I'm surprised that you don't know that. Active duty lower ranks have a bit higher percentage voting liberal, that changes as they gain rank.

Winston Churchill: "Any man who is under 30, and is not a liberal, has no heart; and any man who is over 30, and is not a conservative, has no brains."

Submitted by enlisted (not verified) : Jul 21, 2015 1:27pm

Enlisted: I am aware that veterans overwhelmingly vote Conservative. Under what Administrations have wars in the 20th-21st Century been won with the unconditional surrender of our enemy.
Tell me under what Administration did the U.S. pull out of Lebanon after our Marines were killed in a terrorist attack -- thereby giving terrorists the idea that American would cut and run. Tell me under what Administration did the U.S. sell arms to our enemy Iran. Tell me under what Administration did the U.S. take out Sadam Hussein, the counterbalance to Iran. Almost makes me believe in conspiracy theories. If you served in NIS in 1966, tell me who William Abbot was.

Submitted by Bronxite (not verified) : Jul 21, 2015 1:50pm

Why are you changing the subject? And defending that pompous JA? If you had even an iota of intelligence training, you would be cringing at how he is dismissive of the Soviet Threat, and everything else he's done that has damaged this country. You try to justify his actions by dragging out past presidents mistakes. This is the present, and he is in charge. This Iran deal is probably the most idiotic thing any president has ever done.

Submitted by enlisted (not verified) : Jul 21, 2015 1:56pm

Look up DAMO-SWN. How did we go from treaty with Iran to Soviet Threat? I guess your talking about Russia. The Soviet Union no longer exists. I would agree that they are a far bigger threat than ISIS. I just wish that when President Bush look into Putin's eyes and saw his soul (evil) he had done something about it. I was talking about CI, but yes I did finish first in my intel class taught by DIA. So if you were with NIS in 1966 who is Bill Abbot, or Patrick Molinari. How come if you and Sgt and others are vets, I am the only one who can provide specifics about when and where they served?

Submitted by Bronxite (not verified) : Jul 21, 2015 3:29pm

Russia is NOW. You keep yammering on about Bush looking into Putin's eyes. Russia was not a threat then. It is now. China is massively building up its war machine and Obama continues to antagonize them. I grew up in a country that was a the strongest, safest country in the world. It now wouldn't make the top 5. There was a universal dislike for Bush, but Obama is despised and since he's been in office, he's brought us more disrespect and shame than ever.

July 21: "Kerry says Iran vow to defy US is 'very disturbing'". (How bad does that make Obama and his sycophant look with their *deal*?)

July 10: "Kerry doesn't view Russia as existential threat: State Department"- The military's leading two generals disagree with him.

June 16: "Putin says Russia beffing up nuclear arsenal"

>>How come you (Bronxite) are the only one who can provide specifics about when and where they served?

I posted here in the past as 96B. I wanted to see if anything you said was true. I am not convinced. If I had given as much information as you(real or not) about the job I had and brass found out, there'd be suits at my door. You should be aware that foreign governments monitor every thing military, past or present, no matter how trivial it sounds. While you posted nothing significant, foreign powers take any little bit they can. NK would detain you based on what you wrote here. And they wouldn't care if it was true or not.

PS, I never said I was NIS.

Submitted by enlisted (not verified) : Jul 21, 2015 5:47pm

So what is your proposal in regards to China. If Tricky Dick had not recognized Commie China, and American Businessmen had not shipped our jobs off to Commie China, we probably would not be confronting the problems we have with them today. I am sure NK would detain me, but I have not intention of visiting, NK, or any country in the Middle East (e.g., Iran, Iraq) Usually the people who imply that "If I told you what I do i'd have to kill you" are full of shit.

Submitted by Broxnite (not verified) : Jul 21, 2015 6:25pm

What Nixon did in regards to China was the right thing to do, and had NOTHING to do with today. The buffoon in charge is 100% responsible. The Cold War was on, and it was good to have China on our side.

Jobs go to China because people in this country don't care enough to pay a little more for goods made here, and unions have have made the cost of manufacturing skyrocket. When Nixon was in office, there weren't any rice burners on the road, and we didn't import billions in goods.

In almost every comment of yours, you blame Bush, Cheney, and now Nixon. When anyone dares to criticize Obama, you accuse them of racism. You don't want to debate, you want to spew liberal BS here.
I'm not buying it.

Obama has made a mess. Someone said, are we better now than in 2008?
We are most definitely not.

Submitted by enlisted (not verified) : Jul 21, 2015 7:07pm

Enlisted: If you ever thought Commie China was "...on our side." You are truly delusional.

Submitted by Bronxite (not verified) : Jul 24, 2015 7:01am


21.8 million veterans in USA
220k members (most are non-vets) of "VoteVets"

Google an article in the Washington Post called "Veterans are voting Republican. And that's not likely to change.

Veterans have always overwhelming voted Conservative.
I'm surprised that you don't know that. Active duty lower ranks have a bit higher percentage voting liberal, that changes as they gain rank.

Winston Churchill: "Any man who is under 30, and is not a liberal, has no heart; and any man who is over 30, and is not a conservative, has no brains."

Submitted by enlisted (not verified) : Jul 21, 2015 1:57pm

I think you missed the intent of his remark. He understands how he is in office he questioned as to how we the people have not forced congress to have him impeached. Since you twist words please note I did not say he has committed an impeachable act.

Submitted by Steve Thorp (not verified) : Jul 17, 2015 9:39am


An employee of DOD is not a veteran of the US Armed Forces.

Requirements to be a member of the American Legion are to have served in Army, Navy, Air Force, Marines, or Coast Guard during one of the following periods:

FEBRUARY 28, 1961 TO MAY 7, 1975 (VIETNAM)
JUNE 25, 1950 TO JANUARY 31, 1955 (KOREA)
APRIL 6, 1917 TO NOVEMBER 11, 1918 (WORLD WAR I)
Even some former members of the Armed Forces are not eligible to be members.

Answer this: Are you a member of the American Legion, and what proof did you give of your service, what branch were you in?

You come on this forum and insult veterans who served their country and you insult them. You have told veterans to "join ISIS", you have called anyone who thinks Obama isn't doing his job a "racist", and now you're trying to pass yourself off as a hero?

You clearly do not understand that anyone who has been in the military can spot a fake. You are not the only one here.

Submitted by Sgt (not verified) : Jul 19, 2015 10:58am

Sgt: Not that I owe you an explanation, but I was in the U.S. NAVY from 1960-1961. I went to boot camp in San Diego. Upon graduation, from Yeoman school, I was assigned to the Military Sea Transportation, Far East Area, North Pier, Yokohama, Japan. I lived in Kishine Barracks. My last year I was assigned to Naval Counterintelligence Service in the Washington, D.C. area. I lived in Quarters K across from Arlington National Cemetery. Upon discharge I took a job with the Naval Counterintelligence Service, thus beginning my 34 years with various DoD Agencies. And you?

Submitted by Bronxite (not verified) : Jul 19, 2015 6:33pm

On Feb 7 you said that you worked for DOD. You said nothing about being a veteran. You bashed many veterans by telling them to join ISIS. You called everyone who didn't like Obama a racist.

If you were a vet, you would have said so when the topic first came up. No, I don't believe you, and that's not the only reason. Your language, how you interact with veterans on this forum.

Veterans know when someone is lying about being a veteran. It's something you can't fake. No veteran would tell another to "go join ISIS". I'll give you credit though, when you lie, it's a doozy.

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) : Jul 19, 2015 7:17pm

Anonymous: Apparently you and Sgt don't understand the English language. Sgt re-transmitted what I said in February. And in each case the reference was urging you folks who like war to go over and FIGHT ISIS, NOT JOIN.

Submitted by Bronxite (not verified) : Jul 20, 2015 1:24pm

Why and how were you in for just one year? +-
I was in the Navy and it was a 4 year sign up.
Why were you discharged and what type of discharge?
And as far as this agreement goes it is a joke! Does anyone really think that they will stop their nuclear program? We will give the a months notice that we are coming to check on them do you think that is enough time to hide or move things?
You have to be kidding me, and to thing they ( the government ) believe we are stupid enough to believe this garbage. Yet there are many that will. What a sad state of affairs.

Submitted by Veteran from 72 - 80 (not verified) : Jul 20, 2015 7:13am

Veteran: Sorry, it was a typo. I was actually what was known in the Navy as a "kiddie cruiser." You could go in before your 18th birthday, and get out on your 21st. So you could actually service less than 4 years. I went in at the age of 17 in October 1960 and got out in March 1964. Obviously, I got an honorable discharge or I would not have been able to go to work at NCIS as a civilian.
Don't know if such a program exists today. You

Submitted by Bronxite (not verified) : Jul 20, 2015 1:19pm

At the time you claim you went "to work at NCIS", it was not NCIS. It was NIS. Another "typo"?

Submitted by enlisted (not verified) : Jul 21, 2015 9:49am


Submitted by Bronxite (not verified) : Jul 21, 2015 10:06am

I looked it up. You said, >>" at **NCIS** as a civilian"<<.
In 1966 it was NIS. In 1992 it was re-designated *NCIS*.

So you didn't work for *NCIS* like you said?

Submitted by enlisted (not verified) : Jul 21, 2015 11:35am

enlisted: Re-read my email. I said on 05-04-1964 (when I was hired) it was "U.S. Naval Counterintelligence Support Center, Arlington, Virginia." Look it up!

Submitted by Bronxite (not verified) : Jul 21, 2015 11:49am

I can read Broxite.
You said, >>>"I got an honorable discharge or I would not have been able to **go to work at NCIS** as a civilian."<<<

That's exactly what you said. NCIS/NIS is law enforcement. It is not intelligence or counterintelligence.

Submitted by enlisted (not verified) : Jul 21, 2015 12:07pm

Go on the web and look up NAVCINTSUPPCEN. When it comes up look under the name Bernhardt and see reference to NAVCINTUPPCEN and the date. Apology accepted!

Submitted by Enlisted (not verified) : Jul 21, 2015 1:56pm

Enlisted (with a cap E)
I Googled them, got no match.
The discussion at this point is not that it exists as such, but that Bronxite said he worked and NCIS. That isn't NCIS.

Submitted by enlisted (not verified) : Jul 21, 2015 2:05pm

Enlisted: Your lying. If readers don't believe so, go to Google and search "NAVCINTSUPPCEN"
you will get 14 hits.

Submitted by Broxnite (not verified) : Jul 21, 2015 6:30pm

I got 40 hits, from Japanese, German, and Mexican among them. Googling those letters doesn't mean jack. I can Google NCIS too, that doesn't mean you worked there.

You continue to use "your" instead of "you're". It's not a typo because you are doing it consistently. Someone with the education required for a job like you claim to have had, would know better.

Submitted by Enlisted (not verified) : Jul 22, 2015 8:48pm

Enlsited: Thanks for the English lesson. You are still a liar!

Submitted by Bronixte (not verified) : Jul 23, 2015 1:35pm

Real professional, Bronxite.

Submitted by enlisted (not verified) : Jul 23, 2015 2:28pm

I looked it up. You said, >>" at **NCIS** as a civilian"<<.
In 1966 it was NIS. In 1992 it was re-designated *NCIS*.

So you didn't work for *NCIS* like you said?

Submitted by enlisted (not verified) : Jul 21, 2015 1:58pm

Sgt. I don't ow you any explantions about my military service. However, I was in the U.S. Navy from 1960-1964. After boot camp in San Diego, I was assigned to the Military Sea Transportation Service, Far East Area, Yokohama, Japan. I lived in Kishine Barracks. My last year in the Navy I was assigned to the Naval Counterintelligence Service in the Washington D.C. Area. I lived in Quarters K across from Arlington National Cemetery. Upon discharge I took a job with the Naval Counterintelligence Service, thus beginning my 34 years with various DoD Agencies. And You? And when did I tell veterans to "join ISIS

Submitted by Bronxite (not verified) : Jul 19, 2015 6:40pm

Sgt: If you were a veteran, which I suspect you are not. You would know that now you have to provide a copy of your DD-214 in order to demonstrate you eligibility to be in the American Legion.

Submitted by Bronxite (not verified) : Jul 19, 2015 6:44pm

Feb 7 comments by Bronxite on this forum:

>>"there is nothing stopping you from going over and join the fight against ISIS"
>>"Why don't you go over and fight against ISIS?"
>>"why don't you join Roger and Parker and go fight ISIS?"
>>"Faux New? Join Kreuger, Parker and Roger as they deploy to fight ISIS."

No veteran talks like that. And you were in intelligence? Yeah.

PS, You tend to misspell and drop letters when you're fibbing.

Submitted by sgt (not verified) : Jul 19, 2015 7:49pm

Thanks Sgt. Your email clearly demonstrates that I did not suggest anybody go join ISIS.
I did tell folks like you who are hungry for war, that there is nothing to stop you from going over and join the fight against ISIS. An entire Dutch Motor Cycle Group has done so. What is keeping you?

Submitted by Bronxite (not verified) : Jul 20, 2015 7:05am

While duty was being discussed, you said that you had a career in the DOD. You said nothing about that being military, in fact, you were defensive about it being equal to and the same.

If you had been a veteran of the military, you would have said so at the time. In fact, when the conversation leaned that way, you did not clarify.

That aside, how you insult veterans here is proof enough for me.

Submitted by sgt (not verified) : Jul 20, 2015 10:35am

Sgt: And how you and many other on this sight insult OUR PRESIDENT is proof enough for me that your racist and frightened old white men. Your really going to love Hillary.

Submitted by Broxnite (not verified) : Jul 20, 2015 1:31pm

You just made my point for me. You call everyone that doesn't like Obama a racist. I don't care what color he is, he's incompetent. Had you ever been connected in any way with any intelligence organization, you would agree.

PS: It's you're, not your. And it's YOUR president. I take no credit for that buffoon.

Submitted by Sgt (not verified) : Jul 20, 2015 5:46pm

Sgt: Here you go: "Mr.-----,recently graduated as a distinguished graduate from the Defense Intelligence School's Civilian Intelligence Analyst Introductory Course (CIAIC). Mr.-----
was graduated at the head of CIAIC as a result of his outstanding academic record and contributions made to CIAIC. Mr.----- proved to be an outstanding analyst, writer and briefer. (There is more, but trust you get the point.) Signed, W.J. FURNAS, Captain, USN, COMMANDANT. Please share with "Enlisted"

Submitted by Broxitte (not verified) : Jul 21, 2015 6:08pm

I googled that. All I found was a bunch of form letters.

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) : Jul 22, 2015 11:15am

He was elected though voter fraud.

Submitted by Stephen P (not verified) : Jul 20, 2015 6:06pm

The Senate ratifies the treaties. Not the president.

Submitted by Jimmyboy (not verified) : Jul 22, 2015 6:00pm

This is another sellout by President Obama and his administration. It was predicated on a Lie. Mr.’s. Obama & Kerry keep up the narrative that "The ONLY other option was war". On the very face of it, this was a preposterous lie. And since the very FOUNDATION of this ‘agreement’ was a lie. . “Fruit of the poisonous tree” assures us that all the rest is just at filthy. For any of you wishing to believe the “only other option is war” lie, ask yourselves: 1) Who is the President? 2) Has this president been calling for war with Iran? 3) Which Senator or Congressperson of Either Party has been calling for War with Iran? The answer is that Nobody has been calling for war with Iran and This president won’t even go to war with Isis . . . so tell me, How is it that “War is the only other option”? It is and was not. The Sanctions were working wonders. Does ANYBODY in this Administration understand History? Both good and bad? Neville Chamberlain on the bad and the Cold War victory over USSR on the good.
Please pray for the families of the 4 United States Marines murdered today in Chattanooga, Tennessee

Submitted by Gunny John USMC Ret (not verified) : Jul 16, 2015 4:55pm

I'm afraid this agreement will cause Israel to do something to preclude a first strike by Iran. This could be nuclear.

Submitted by William Thompson (not verified) : Jul 16, 2015 5:16pm

I agree. You all talk of rather go to war with Iran, BS. I think we have had ENOUGH BLOODSHED for others. What you people fail to understand is this is NOT an OBAMA Deal. This is a WORLD DEAL! I agree, we must keep a close eye on Iran. But I feel we MUST KEEP AN EVEN CLOSER EYE ON That War Hungry Leader Of ISRAEL! My HUMBLE OPINION!! God Bless America That I Can Have ONE!

Submitted by R. Michael Maddox (not verified) : Jul 17, 2015 1:03am

Maddox says "War Hungry Leader Of ISRAEL". Israel doesn't strike unless it has been attacked or under threat of attack. You and your anti-Semitic, Muslim loving president want Israel off the map.

Shame on you both.

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) : Jul 17, 2015 9:31am

Anonymous. I am a supporter of Israel, but not Netanyahu. Israel has nukes, so if it feels threatened by Iran it will use them. As for Israel not striking has been attack or under threat of attack, are you too young to remember the USS Liberty?

Submitted by Bronxite (not verified) : Jul 21, 2015 3:57pm

Our politicians have led us down many paths with these terrorists and it will not stop as long as we put up with it. Not to mention the fact that we allow them to come here and expect us to cater to them as we do pakistani animal scum. They all
hate us, as proven by their actions, and do not deserve to touch our soil.

Submitted by Bill Loveday (not verified) : Jul 16, 2015 5:17pm

Putin loves it. What does that tell you?

Obama disagrees with two top DOD generals that Russia is our biggest threat?

And people still defend Obama.

Submitted by Sgt (not verified) : Jul 16, 2015 6:02pm

Boris was never our friend, and never will be. If they like it, it is bad for us and will hurt us.
Any questions?

Submitted by Doug Fox (not verified) : Jul 16, 2015 8:09pm

Mr. Fox: Wasn't it President Bush who looked into Putin's eyes and saw his soul? Whey didn't he do something about Putin after seeing his soul?

Submitted by Bronxite (not verified) : Jul 18, 2015 11:21am

The Preident of the United States hates our country a every citizen of this great nation. His action as President have shown us his total inderferance in regard to the good of the USA.

Submitted by Jimmie L. Boyd (not verified) : Jul 16, 2015 6:03pm

This president and his advisors are taking this country down. They are destroying American from within. I feel real sad for my children and grandchildren. Talk about weapons of mass destruction, those weapons are living in the White House. Just think of all the classified info they will have when they are finally out of office. Who knows what country they will be selling that info to. Obama and his gang are not to ever be trusted. He is the MOST UNQUALIFIED person to ever be a leader in anything good. He is pure evil.

Submitted by PDO Ken (not verified) : Jul 16, 2015 6:38pm

I think it the best deal we can make at this time. I believe that with more openness the Iranian people will support and enforce it.I believe in our President and in our country even though we have had and still do have a dysfunctional government. Namely because on the Lack of political skills of our elected representatives

Submitted by redneck (not verified) : Jul 16, 2015 7:19pm


It is not the best deal we can make. It gives them everything, we get nothing in return except a promise from a man who is on record as preaching "Death to America". He has repeatedly said that he wants to bomb Israel. All we have is his word. This *deal* is a disgrace.

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) : Jul 17, 2015 9:26am

Give peace a chance. We can always nuke em til they glow if the deal fails.

Submitted by Bronxite (not verified) : Jul 16, 2015 7:27pm

It should be the Iranians who give peace a chance! Are you familiar with their history? They will cheat an inch at a time starting now and by the time this administration calls their hand on it, they will have the upper hand and blackmail us into backing down again. This pres. did not even bring up the American hostages they are holding. Just how stupid is he? And he gets mad for a journalist to ask him the question. That is the job of journalists, to hold the pres. accountable. God help us!!

Submitted by Reb 1 (not verified) : Jul 16, 2015 8:58pm

My experience is that God helps those who help themselves.

Submitted by Bronixte (not verified) : Jul 17, 2015 12:54pm

Key phrase here is "Those who help themselves. He expects us to use our brain!

Submitted by Reb 1 (not verified) : Jul 17, 2015 8:27pm

Fix Bayonets

Submitted by Oldtimer1926 (not verified) : Jul 16, 2015 7:56pm

Iran was never going to follow amy agreement. They just need time to finish what they have started. They sponcer terriorism and have no intention of being a good world country. All we did was waste time and money on them. We need to reenergize our military. Then we can talk terms that will be followed.

Submitted by Doug Fox (not verified) : Jul 16, 2015 7:58pm

it makes any different what we thinks?

Submitted by miguel (not verified) : Jul 16, 2015 9:56pm

This so called deal had better be turned down by both house's, there's no way in
hell that we should trust a camel jockey with the means to destroy the whole damn
world. We have to hold on till after the election & pray to god that we get someone
elected that actually wants our country headed back in the right direction instead
of the path that this moron in the white house has been taken us on.

Submitted by Mike Sawyer (not verified) : Jul 16, 2015 9:57pm

Mike: If the Bush Administration trusted the insane leader of North Korea not to destroy the world with his nukes, I think we can trust a camel jockey.

Submitted by Bronxite (not verified) : Jul 17, 2015 12:56pm

Check your history Bronxite...........Clinton made a deal with the North Koreans before bush and they kept blackmailing Clinton for more money............and they got it! Check it out.

Submitted by Reb 1 (not verified) : Jul 17, 2015 8:30pm

Reb 1: Assuming your right, the question still remains: What did President Bush do about it? Going back in history, do you remember who was president when his administration sold arms to Iran? Check it out!

Submitted by Bronxite (not verified) : Jul 18, 2015 11:25am

I think all 6 nations should have a separate meeting from Iran. They should all go over all of the term and conditions of what was so called agreed on. Not until all 6 nations can agree on all items first. No reservations cold hard rules and nothing less. Or it will come back and bite us all........

Submitted by willioam campbell (not verified) : Jul 17, 2015 1:15am

Does anyone truly believe that we have enough information, as to what is really going on, to answer this question. Those talking heads, on the news, speculate so much that our confusion only grows. We think we are informed, but are we? They are paid to entertain us not inform us, so what do we really know?

Submitted by dave48195 (not verified) : Jul 17, 2015 9:38am

I have complete trust in our administration. They are doing their very best to keep our country safe. They are a lot more educated on this than I, a retired vet. I never second guess leaders who are well informed and I never use personal biases to cloud my judgement. thank you

Submitted by capt gilly (not verified) : Jul 17, 2015 11:23am

You did this time.

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) : Jul 17, 2015 8:32pm

The deal is what we can do today. The truth that all of the detractors are ignoring is that Iran already has an active Nuclear program. Without this agreement they could have a functioning bomb within the next year. This at the very least slows them down. With the time we have gained and continued diplomacy Iran may become more willing to do more.

Submitted by Jeff Dick (not verified) : Jul 17, 2015 3:18pm

I admire and respect Israel's military and their leadership. Since World War II, we have given them Billons of dollars. Let's them earn it now, by taking care of all military actions in the Middle East on our behalf. In other words, lets out source this fighting to them as they are Damn good at it. Obama has ruined this country, God help us if Hillary is elected President.

Submitted by Korean "Police ... (not verified) : Jul 17, 2015 5:38pm

what would do. This may be the best deal we could get at this time.

Submitted by richard VN vet (not verified) : Jul 17, 2015 6:20pm

This was not a good deal,it was a give into Iran.Then they all laughed about it.Specially their leader when he said "they had won without compromising anything."
Then we're told it was the best we can get? But we can't ask them to release the Americans they're holding because then we would have to give them more?,someone else
is dealing with that,and they're making progress,,.I don't know,how do you even try
to negotiate with someone that says they want to kill us.? I know what Teddy Roosevelt would do.He would tell them, " release the Americans first or we'll kick your a-- ." But we have to be nice and wait for them kick our a_ _ first. Heck of deal!!

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) : Jul 17, 2015 7:34pm

Anonhymous: I agree that part of the deal should have been the release of any Americans held by Iran. I also wonder why any sane American would visit Iran.

Submitted by Bronxite (not verified) : Jul 18, 2015 11:28am

I love the all comments here. like they say, if you want to pee off a conservative tell him a lie. If you want to pee off a liberal tell him the truth !!!

Submitted by Don A (not verified) : Jul 18, 2015 1:25pm

Don: Agree. But who is it who said " they,..." Frightened old whitemen? Be not afraid!

Submitted by Bronxite (not verified) : Jul 18, 2015 1:39pm

"Frightened old whitemen?"
What do you have against white people? If someone here said "frightened old black men" you'd be crappin' a brick.

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) : Jul 21, 2015 6:22pm

Anonymous: I am an old white man. The difference is I don't live in fear. Be not afraid!

Submitted by Bronixte (not verified) : Jul 21, 2015 6:52pm

Bronxite you need a checkup from the neck up.only person i was ever afraid of was my x wife. you must have obamacare so use it and get that checkup.

Submitted by Don A (not verified) : Jul 20, 2015 5:17pm

Will do! Afraid of wife. We have something in common.

Submitted by Bronxite (not verified) : Jul 21, 2015 10:18am

Med retired Mustang O-4 in 73. This or any agreement with this terrorist group is stupid to ever believe they will change. You can see that they have never complied with ANY agree-ments made with the USA. I do not want to see a nuclear disaster anywhere in the world but not STOPPING all nuclear action in Iran will
allow a nuclear world war to happen. Nuff said.

Submitted by Mac McKinney (not verified) : Jul 20, 2015 5:23pm

most of you should be ashamed of your self.. talking trash and all.. we are all brothers & Sisters. go out - find a switch and beat thy self.. Lord help these folks find peace ...

Submitted by your momma (not verified) : Jul 21, 2015 1:45pm

I wish we could disagree without being disagreeable, but when I read things like "..serious crimes committed by his administration", "elected through voter fraud"
"Our President hates our country," or "He is pure evil" I can't let it go without

Submitted by Broxnite (not verified) : Jul 21, 2015 4:58pm