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Do you think a National Guardsman who dies in a training accident should be buried at Arlington National Cemetery?

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Yes, a Guardsman is eligible based on the current Arlington Cemetery criteria:◾Any member of a Reserve component of the Armed Forces, and any member of the Army National Guard or the Air National Guard, whose death occurs under honorable conditions while he is on active duty for training or performing full-time service; performing authorized travel to or from that duty or service; or is on authorized inactive duty training including training performed as a member of the Army National Guard or the Air National Guard. Also included are those members whose deaths occur while hospitalized or undergoing treatment at the expense of the United States for injury or disease contracted or incurred under honorable conditions while on that duty or service or performing that travel or inactive duty training.

Submitted by Gordon Elton (not verified) : Jun 4, 2015 12:08pm

I agree with you, but if he was doing his weekend duty that does not fall under active duty. He/she must be on orders for active duty. The state pays for there training not the US Govt.

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) : Jun 4, 2015 3:58pm

You might chech your facts on state pay. All Tiltle 32 traing for NG and Reserves including MUTA's ATA, AFTP's Annual Training are yes, paid out of the state's budget but those funds come from NGB a who receives their funds from DOD. The only truly funded state pay are those who are state NG employees such as the AG, ETc.. The state also pays for those soldiers called to state active duty for MSCA and MSCD missions but are usually reimbursement by NGB. My concern is how Joe Biden's don received treatment at Walter Reed and being buried at Arlington. He did not retire from the Guard no was he on any type of active duty..

Submitted by SF SGM (not verified) : Jun 4, 2015 5:19pm

I agree with you on Mr. Biden. Tragic, tragic death of a fellow veteran and honorable man. However, he like many of us veterans do not meet the criteria of this sacred burial ground. Politics, should not be a determining factor. There are many national cemeteries that will honor this man.

Submitted by jim mahan (not verified) : Jun 4, 2015 6:08pm

Joe Biden's son was authorized to receive medical care at Walter Reed because at the time he was in the military, anyone who is or was in the military can be seen at Walter Reed. If you do not live in the area you can request a transfer. There are numerous former Soldiers who are being seen. Just for your information MAJ Beau Biden was buried at St. Joseph on the Brandywine Cemetery in Delaware on June 6, 2015, not in Arlington.

Submitted by Mack21 (not verified) : Jun 9, 2015 11:55am

As tragic as it is, Arlington is reserved for military personnel killed in the line duty while on full time active service. Some exceptions are 100% service connected veterans not on active duty do qualify for Arlington burial. Simply being a Honorably discharged veteran does not qualify for Arlington. If every veteran qualified for Arlington there wouldn't be enough open property in Virginia! It's not about whether a veteran deserves it, they all deserve Honors, its about the circumstances surrounding the death.

Submitted by Tom Balgenorth ... (not verified) : Jun 4, 2015 4:56pm

Yes. But, only in a new plot at Arlington reserved for the likes of John Kerry, Bob Kerry, Eddy Slovak, and Jane Fonda.

Submitted by Skip Tollifson,... (not verified) : Jun 4, 2015 5:32pm

You're an idiot Skip. How could you compare him to somebody like Jane Fonda.

Submitted by Wayne Alfano, USMC (not verified) : Jun 4, 2015 7:19pm

Fonda was a f---ing traitor. Caused men to be tortured and killed cause of her actions. Sat on an enemy AA gun and thought it was "cute". Then years later hollywood portrays her in a movie as first lady, WTF. She deserves her own special place in hell.

Submitted by F.Chapman . USN... (not verified) : Jun 5, 2015 8:31am

I think that as a guardsman or military on duty, you go where your branch sends you, and if that is the case, you have fulfilled your obligation and should be eligible for whatever your branch of service allows. I am not a Korean Veteran as my service duty of 3+ years was spent on occupation Duty in Germany from January 1949 until March 1952 (During Korean Police Action dates June 1950 to 1953). So I do not consider myself as a Korean Veteran, although any active duty service during WWII whether service overseas or not, I believe, qualifies one as a WWII Veteran.

Submitted by L. A. Huntington (not verified) : Jun 4, 2015 6:18pm

Unless he had active duty time I don't see where he qualifies.
Google can be your friend...

Submitted by Everett Oliver (not verified) : Jun 4, 2015 7:06pm

After the last decade, most Guardsmen have seen active duty time in Iraq of Afghanistan.
Don't trust everything you read on the Internet.

Submitted by Deek (not verified) : Jun 9, 2015 10:29am

I've noticed that a lot of comments here are based on what someone believes but not on what the actual regulations state. Has anyone done that research to see if NG troops on training qualify or if a NG has served active duty combat time, shouldn't they be qualified? In relation to the Biden situation: My sister who has never served a day in the military is qualified to be buried at Arlington because back in the 60's her husband was on active duty in the Navy. She miscarried her first child and it is buried in Arlington. Because there is already a grave there they can bury my former Navy brother-in-law and my non-service sister in the same site. This is how a lot of non-military people get buried in Arlington.

Submitted by SFC Thurston US... (not verified) : Jun 4, 2015 7:57pm

I think that EVERY SERVICE MEMBER has the right to be buried in Arlington NO MATTER HOW THEY DIED ,they were still in the service of our great nation.

Submitted by Patrick A. Costley (not verified) : Jun 5, 2015 5:24am

Yes,he should be buried at Arlington for the simple fact that during that period he was acting in the capacity of a soldier performing his duty to be more effective in the event of the actual thing.

Submitted by Lorenzo Waldrond (not verified) : Jun 5, 2015 6:43am

I began my military career as a TN Guardsman. Was never deployed as such, but did make the Dominican Crisis and 2 tours in Nam after going active. I refuse to get wrapped around the axle about who is worthy or not. If they wore the uniform and served loyally, they were as much a soldier as I ever will be and I wasn't too damned bad.

Submitted by Paul Ferguson (not verified) : Jun 5, 2015 9:41am

No! As a decorated Vietnam Veteran I can not be buried in Arlington. My cremains can. Arlington already contains too many who "earned" their station at Arlington because of Political Position. There are graves I will not visit, they're in the wrong place!

Submitted by Thomas P. Mason, Jr. (not verified) : Jun 5, 2015 12:33pm

Many young Americans have died in training serving our country,just a few weeks ago Camp Pendleton lost a helicopter with all aboard.How we feel should not matter the cost of those who served must. Burial is a token compared to that cost even at Arlington.

Submitted by Chris J. LaMoure (not verified) : Jun 6, 2015 6:18pm

I had always understood that Arlington National Cemetery was supposed to be the final resting place for those who had been killed performing distinguished acts of heroism in combat whether those acts took place on the ground, in the air, or on the sea. Being killed during a training exercise, although in the service of their country, doesn't fit the criteria. In short, Arlington was established for Hero's.

Submitted by A. G. Wood (not verified) : Jun 7, 2015 4:39pm

National Guard serves the individual state. He should be buried in the State's cemetery, not Arlington National Cemetery.

Submitted by C. Rose (not verified) : Jun 7, 2015 6:36pm

He can be buried in ANC; but to do so unless he was killed in combat (KIA) he must be cremated; just like I would have to be and I'm retired after 20 years of active duty.

Submitted by RFW (not verified) : Jun 8, 2015 3:43pm

What about members of congress who never were in the military, as well as pow's from previous wars. Many of them are buried in our own U.S. Cemeteries including Jefferson Barracks in St. Louis. This man deserves Arlington and should be there.

Submitted by P.O.M. (not verified) : Jun 8, 2015 5:06pm

Clearly not a scientific poll, but at first glance, it would appear that more people say yes, but the second and third choices of no, added together, is nearly double the yes votes.

Submitted by Doc Moss (not verified) : Jun 8, 2015 10:27pm

What a pointed question. It seems like the person who wrote it has something against National Guardsmen. Our local unit has served overseas in the very same capacity as the regular Army many times. This question seems to infer that Guardsmen are somehow worth less.

Submitted by Deek (not verified) : Jun 9, 2015 10:26am