Christos J. Siotas from Siatista, Kozane, Macedonia

Christos J. Siotas from Siatista, Kozane, Macedonia

My father Christos J. Siotas, a five-year veteran (volunteered) from January 1918 to November 1922 (World War I), volunteered again in 1942 and was sent overseas in October 1944, fought in the Battle of the Bulge as Rifleman 745 with 6th Air Service Squadron of 101st Airborne Division, got a Combat Infantry Badge in January 1945 plus several medals and was discharged in July 1945. He brought my mother and myself, Demetrios Christos Siotas, from Siatista, Greece, and in October 1950 I served as a U.S. selectee, ending up in Korea (Iron Triangle) with the 40th Infantry Division until October 1952, was transferred to reserves and honorably discharged.