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What do you think of the plans to allow 10,000 Syrian refugees into the U.S.?

This plan poses a serious threat to our national security.
81% (1510 votes)
There should be regular check-ins and monitoring of these refugees.
5% (99 votes)
This is the right decision, based on humanitarian reasons.
6% (118 votes)
The U.S. should give them temporary shelter and a path to citizenship elsewhere.
4% (77 votes)
Other. Answer in comments section.
3% (53 votes)
Total votes: 1857



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bad idea should not do it

Submitted by tostenson (not verified) : Oct 22, 2015 11:10am

We have enough problems with immigration and home-grown wanna-be terrorists. We don't need to import the same mess that is currently plaguing Germany and other parts of the EU. These refugees need to go back home and help fight their own battles. They don't need to bring their problems to us. We already have enough problems with Muslims living in America. We need to stop giving refuge to every Tom, Dick and Harry country of the world. Enough is enough. I like the idea of securing a plot of ground and putting them there and let t he UN take care of them.

Submitted by George E. (not verified) : Oct 22, 2015 1:58pm


Submitted by Kendall Mongar (not verified) : Oct 22, 2015 3:45pm

Let the Saudis take care of them. They are one of the wealthiest countries in the
world. The Saudis will build over 200 mosques in Germany for them now. The refugees would be better served with food and a place to stay.

Submitted by Kopper Drew (not verified) : Oct 22, 2015 4:43pm

We need to stop the flood waters of refugee's who would like nothing better then to destroy the United States of America...Are the Politicians ready to pay for their housing,food and clothing out of their own pocket? What are we anyway,the Mother of this Planet called Earth?

Submitted by M.M.Graham (not verified) : Oct 22, 2015 5:52pm

I second all that. Keep them out of our country. Seems like Obama ( and his buddies ) want to flush out down the drain. How about we get rid of some of the politicians and get our country back on track !!!!!!!!!!!!!

Submitted by Roger S. (not verified) : Oct 22, 2015 8:06pm


Submitted by Roger P. (not verified) : Oct 23, 2015 8:19am

Have you seen the photos of these floods of "refugees"? Not a woman or child in the lot, just a horde of freshly shaved, 18-30 year old single males. First time in history that a flood of refugees is all male.

Submitted by DCStark (not verified) : Oct 22, 2015 2:23pm

Evidently you didn't see the picture of the child lying on the beach that had drown trying to reach a safe shore.

Submitted by Albert Palmer Short (not verified) : Oct 22, 2015 3:29pm

There is a reason: The men preceded the family. For every male refugee that successfully gains citizenship in another country there are multiple family members standing by to join them. This problem is a lot worse than meets the eye.....

Submitted by cegeyer : Oct 22, 2015 4:43pm

Don't know what video Stark is watching but pics and reports from friends in the area tell a different story. Dubya's ill advised invasion of Iraq destabilized the area and had a lot to do with creating these refugees. Of course they should be carefully vetted and then offered temporary shelter with a path to return home when it is safe or a place to call home and build a new life if that is what they want. Surprise surprise, many refugees would like nothing better than to return home but if they do so they face certain death. What would Jesus do? My guess is he would say 10,000 is about 1% of what we should do.

Submitted by boB Petersen (not verified) : Oct 22, 2015 2:32pm

Where's the "like" button for this post?

Submitted by Pablo Sr. (not verified) : Oct 22, 2015 2:44pm


Submitted by Barbara Moshofsky (not verified) : Oct 22, 2015 3:25pm

Excellent response.

Submitted by Jim Sharp (not verified) : Oct 22, 2015 4:00pm

Sure, go ahead and give the whole country away.

Submitted by Roger S (not verified) : Oct 22, 2015 8:10pm

The problem with this website is it is not monitored to make sure the entries are factual or truthful. Immigrants are what made this country great. My Irish grandparents were depicted as white apes when they first arrived.

Submitted by Bronxite (not verified) : Oct 24, 2015 10:10am

This is a stupid idea. Why import ready-made terrorist that want to destroy this country while using our laws as protection and our welfare system as a means of support?

Submitted by Big Jake (not verified) : Oct 22, 2015 2:36pm

we have enough to feed 90% of the blacks

Submitted by caj010 (not verified) : Oct 22, 2015 2:45pm

I couldn't agree more. We are now making tiny houses for people here in the states, We could ship materials over and either military or contractors to build tiny houses and teach them to build them and punch a few wells in and they can become farmers and take care of them selves in small towns and cities. There is enough desert over there to hold all of them, not just 10,000.

Submitted by Mike Howell (not verified) : Oct 22, 2015 7:48pm

I agree, get them back on their own feet in their own country.

Submitted by mmckee (not verified) : Oct 28, 2015 2:28pm

Amen to that. Big government is getting stupider and stupider. God gives wisdom - when you don't have Him, you don't have it. One bad apple spoils the batch.

Submitted by Barr (not verified) : Oct 25, 2015 10:25pm

Bad idea! We already have too many of those foreign terrorist in our country. I know our country is made up mostly of immigrants, BUT enough is enough, we are already over-populated. Too many unemployed already living off the government. Crowding too many people in an area leads to more crime. Look at the last few decades.

Submitted by PDJ (not verified) : Oct 22, 2015 2:39pm

I thought your ideas of the refugees being all male sounded a little feverish so I googled "Syrian refugee images" and found just the opposite is true. You cannot post links or searches here so you have to type it yourself to see all the women and children you say are missing.

Submitted by Pablo Sr. (not verified) : Oct 22, 2015 2:40pm

Pablo Sr. what boat and what year did you come here to the U.S.A.

Submitted by Don A. (not verified) : Oct 23, 2015 2:29pm

We need to take care of our own before we take in more and more and more and more. To allow these refugees in, not knowing who or what they are, is a destiny for disaster. We have homeless people, hungry children, unemployed people and senior citizens struggling to survive. When does the United States say, sorry, enough is enough. In addition, seniors were just told no cost of living increase (wow a whole lot of money-like $25 month)so do the right thing and take the money that is evidently there for these so called refugees, and give it to our senior citizens that worked, served and raised families here in the United States.

Submitted by G Gillum (not verified) : Oct 22, 2015 2:49pm

Well said thank you.

Submitted by Big Daddy47 (not verified) : Oct 22, 2015 5:57pm

YES, THANK YOU!!!!!!!!

Submitted by us army 65 to 67 (not verified) : Oct 23, 2015 12:49am

Well said!!! I wish I had said that ...and exactly that way.

Submitted by J Gaal (not verified) : Oct 27, 2015 8:42pm

What do I think of the plans to allow 10,000 Syrian refugees into the U.S.?
This is a deliberate plan by the Obama Administration to dilute and neuter our US Military.
The last seven years are an indication of the "contempt" the current administration has for "all our volunteer service people.
The administration however, doesn't hesitate to spend as many current Military life's to do some ill-fated personal gain.
Tearing apart a veteran's life with multiple tours, boarders on criminal. Meanwhile how about making the sons and daughters of all the Washington D C political elite donating some of their life's for Obama's deadly endeavors.

Submitted by G V (not verified) : Oct 22, 2015 2:59pm

Deployments are part of the job. Don't volunteer to serve if you don't want to deploy. And exactly how does this dilute and neuter the military? If anything, additional Arab linguists bolster the US military by providing enhanced intelligence capability.

Submitted by E Nelson (not verified) : Oct 22, 2015 3:10pm

Thy will make good undercover agents, for all they towell heads , !!!

Submitted by h k (not verified) : Oct 22, 2015 5:38pm

I think you mean Bush's deadly adventures.

Submitted by Barbara Moshofsky (not verified) : Oct 22, 2015 3:27pm

Let's get off of bashing Bush. I didn't care for him either but after 7 years Obama is on his own. He could have ended it all and brought all our troupes home and put them on our southern border. The only way they would have gotten injured there would be in a guard tower or while carrying a gun with orders to shoot to kill. I can promise that Drugs and illegals would have been cut drastically.

Submitted by Mike Howell (not verified) : Oct 22, 2015 7:56pm

I agree

Submitted by Kopper Drew (not verified) : Oct 22, 2015 4:46pm

GV: While I disagree with most of what you say, I do agree that we are "Tearing apart a veteran's life with multiple tours..." I believe the answer to this is to re-instate the draft for two reasons: (1) Everybody should stand ready to serve their country (2) If we had the draft, I believe we would get into fewer wars. The attitude seems to be as long as some other poor bastard is giving up his life for the country it is OK. But if all were eligible for the draft folks would think twice before getting us into a war -- particularly an unnecessary war like Iraq.

Submitted by Bronxite (not verified) : Oct 24, 2015 4:07pm

Let's do something about our 50,000 homeless vets first!

Submitted by DL (not verified) : Oct 22, 2015 3:01pm

While I believe that the United States should take it's share, as we were involved in sharing part of the current problem. We should concentrate on families with young children, no unaccompanied adults; admitting those families sponsored by permanent resident relatives with no prior adjustment issues.

Submitted by Richard A. Jensen (not verified) : Oct 22, 2015 3:06pm

Import The Third World And You ARE The Third World.

Import Islam - the word means "Submission" - and you get what you did NOT bargain for.

Time to throw out the political class forcing us Americans to pay in blood and in taxpayer dollars for their hubristic Invade The World, Import The World suicidal lunacy.

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) : Oct 22, 2015 3:15pm

When they are shown on TV the ground around them is completely covered with trash. That's what America's streets will look like after they get here.

Submitted by Trashed Out (not verified) : Oct 22, 2015 3:30pm

We need to start worrying about the welfare of our own people and start solving America's problems first and lord knows there are many of them to solve.

Submitted by Chip M (not verified) : Oct 22, 2015 3:39pm

They should've stayed, and fought for their Freedom, instead of running away. Damn cowards. Hell no, don't let them in.

Submitted by Jonvan (not verified) : Oct 22, 2015 3:47pm

Who's thinking this? Not sure where you live but where I live not a lot of people working these days. And their attitude is its the government, not a big deal. Like they are a cash cow. I'm not sure why the people are leaving their homeland, aren't they supposed to stay and fight? It's definitely a mess in this country thanks to the bleeding hearts club? I have a huge heart and just feel like a great big sucker lately. And they don't know how to drive and it seems ok with the Police. If they don't have drugs on them, let them go. Am I talking isolated instances here or real life.

Submitted by Ice (not verified) : Oct 22, 2015 3:47pm

with homeless vets and starving children in this country. with the lack of knowledge about who they really are. NO!

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) : Oct 22, 2015 4:00pm

I selected all of the above...Seems we have Lost control of the Security of this country,,I for one believe these individuals should be fighting for their country instead of placing the burden on other countries.We had to fight our own revelution and civil war..And more than likely we will again if we continue down the path we are going,,THIS time around I'm not so sure of the outcome.

Submitted by Manchu 4/9 Infantry (not verified) : Oct 22, 2015 4:12pm

It is apparent that there are a lot of bigots and narcissistic individuals on this site. 10000 seems far too few for a country as wealthy as we are. What did we fight all those wars for "Fortress America"? Its our task to help repair the world not shrink from our responsibilities.

Submitted by C Hurst (not verified) : Oct 22, 2015 4:13pm

I am not a bigot nor am I a narcissistic individual... That said, Where the Hell is all this money coming from??? Have you forgot the National Debt? How about the cost of our health care that the immigrants coming and the Illegal Aliens are already over using while we pay out of pocket what amounts to about 40% of our wages to have health coverage. The Mexicans down the street gather brush for a living while their wives and children go on Welfare. They live better than we do. This is not our American Dream any more it is the American Dream for the Transients.

Submitted by Mike Howell (not verified) : Oct 22, 2015 8:07pm

"Its our task to help repair the world not shrink from our responsibilities."

C Hurst, would you, please, show us where it says that in the Constitution?

The Preamble states the purpose of the Constitution - it makes absolutely no mention of "our task to help repair the world not shrink from our responsibilities." Here, read it for yourself:

"We the people of the United States, in order to form a more perfect union, establish justice, insure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America."

Where in that do you see the word "repair" or the word "world"? Is our chief executive's title "President of the World"? His title is not even "President of Phony 'Syrian Refugees," let along of the "World."

Submitted by Jordynne Olivia Lobo (not verified) : Oct 22, 2015 9:12pm

Mr. Lobo: You are quite right that the Constitution says nothing about helping to repair the world. Instead, I direct you to the Bible.

Submitted by Bronxite (not verified) : Oct 24, 2015 4:13pm

Bronxite: All people are programed to believe in various deities. So which one is the correct one--if any. If you can prove that what is in the Bible, or Koran, or any text, you will be the only one in the world. People who believe do so because they have been brain washed and choose to over-ride logic so they can continue to believe whatever they chose to believe.
The statement about your bible is not a logical answer. Furthermore out constitution is for US citizens. It does not control what people want to believe within the USA or in any other place on our planet. Please use your brain processing to align the facts about the human brain---each one of us is like no other human. We have vary different breeds of humans, like all animals, and we should learn what they are so we know what to expect from each breed. Give yourself time to figure it out logically before you open your mouth again. Your ignorance is so apparent right now---learn before you speak again, please.

Submitted by K2 (not verified) : Dec 13, 2015 10:55pm

C. Hurst: it is apparent that you know very little about human nature.
Ask yourself if you would like to be flown to another country, culture, belief system, and language because your government did not protect you from incoming terrorist and you decided not to group with neighbors to fight FOR YOUR COUNTRY. Why should I fight for your country when you are willing to flee rather than fight?
The best way to help these people is to protect them WITHIN their own country and teach them to fight for their country. The antisocial gangs, militants, and radical terrorist need to be eliminated like a cancer. Many people are too PC or ignorant to speak and act against those who are antisocial and vow to destroy humanity as we all know it.
If you abled bodied folks have decided to ignore the trait of self preservation you will lay down and die from the aggressors. Take a stand and fight for your way of life and FOR your life.

Submitted by k2 (not verified) : Dec 13, 2015 10:41pm

10,000 are you kidding more like 200,000. Didn't you see those pic of filth, men raping, etc etc? God bless America we sure need it. Did someone take the people's guns away so they could not defend themselves? Wake up America.

Submitted by Oldtimer1926 (not verified) : Oct 22, 2015 4:22pm

The more of the Middle East we have here, THE MORE OF THE MIDDLE EAST PROBLEMS WE HAVE HERE. Do we really want those people to bring those issue here?

Submitted by dave48195 (not verified) : Oct 22, 2015 4:38pm

Not good! These people will never assimilate into our culture, but will try to impose their religous beliefs, language, etc into our society. Just like the far right "small government except when it comes to legislating religous beliefs" Republicans. We do not need more of the same. Enough already!

Submitted by Common Sense Veteran (not verified) : Oct 22, 2015 4:39pm


Submitted by Mike Sawyer (not verified) : Oct 22, 2015 4:45pm

C.Hurst,,, You are A Damn NitWit .Go Bag Your Head And Freeze It .Seems that's where its been all your Life Dip-Shit

Submitted by Manchu 4/9 Infantry (not verified) : Oct 22, 2015 4:55pm

As long as they vote for Hellary I say let them in and then the rest will be coming in and coming in and coming in......
As stated, why don't they stay in their own area and 'assimilate' with the rest of the ragheads....?
Once here I suspect they will start a local branch of ISIS anyway.

Submitted by Smith : Oct 22, 2015 4:59pm

Smith...Why do you think the Democraps want These Illegals ? Because the average halfway smart Americans have caught onto them and they need their Votes.And as For The Rag Heads,They already have training Camps Here..Have you not Seen FBI reports.Wonder why they are doing nothing to stop them?????

Submitted by Manchu 4/9 infantry (not verified) : Oct 22, 2015 5:42pm

It's a done deal, and only going to get worse. No one ever mentions, who is going to pay for helping all these people. Last count the USA had 140 trillion in unfunded liabilities, no one is concerned. It's a FUBAR. Hopefully our wake up call isn't to painful, nuclear weapons everywhere now.

Submitted by Nam68,69,70,usmc (not verified) : Oct 22, 2015 5:52pm


Submitted by NEWMAN (not verified) : Oct 22, 2015 6:01pm

Deport all the illegals(12 to 20 million)first. President Eisenhower did it with "Operation Wetback" in the 1950'S,which solved both the immigration and unemployment problem at that time. Like the illegals already here, they will not learn our common language, our customs and have undivided allegiance to our country. We already have too much of that now. They should have fought to save their own countries.

Submitted by KoreaVet (not verified) : Oct 22, 2015 6:27pm

Move them into the White House with Oboma.

Submitted by Robert B (not verified) : Oct 22, 2015 6:38pm

This plan not only poses a serious threat to our national security, but the president should be impeached if he goes through with it. This guy turned his back on the American people and our country with the Iran deal giving billons to them that he knows will be used to fund Issus and terrorism. Now he wants to bring the terrorist into the US. I don't know if America will be able to stand the damage he's bringing down on it. When will Congress wake up and put a stop to his tactics? I served 25 years in the Army, Lost a son in Iraq, and have another son with 4 deployments under his belt. I can't stand thinking the bullet that brings down our next soldier will be paid for by President Obama!!!

Submitted by hardcrab1 (not verified) : Oct 22, 2015 6:41pm

Nam686970usmc...Try 180.6 trillion overseas alone not counting 16.3 trillion in U.S.A and the U.S.A Territories.They are just printing money now and have no Gold to back it up with. Hardcrab1..Sorry for your loss of a Son and thank you and your other son for serving. I'm Retired Army also.God Bless And God Bless America..

Submitted by Manchu 4/9 infantry (not verified) : Oct 22, 2015 7:56pm

This stinks. Any politician that votes for it should be voted out of office. I'm sick of paying for other countries problems. Help out homeless vets first.

Submitted by David Hunter (not verified) : Oct 22, 2015 8:13pm

Take care of the people in our own country, homeless veterans,homeless families, people in our remote areas that do not have access to food, housing, medical services jobs, vehicles. I could go on & on. What is wrong with our government when we can not take care of our own , but think they can to people who are not even Citizens of our great Country. How do we know we will be safe when 85,00 plus come into our Country. WHAT A MESS OUR GOVERNMENT HAS PUT UPON US. WHO IS GOING TO SUPPORT THEM, WE HAVE OUR OWN PEOPLE STRUGGLING TO LIVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Submitted by S. Mahoney (not verified) : Oct 22, 2015 9:42pm

NO , pure and simple , a no brainer . NO !!!

Submitted by Magwhls (not verified) : Oct 22, 2015 9:52pm

Put every thing on hold... Putin is meeting with Assad in Moscow now and might end the was. If this happens SEND THEM BACK Home .I HAVE WATCHED THE NEWS , when you see 90% of the men they are all look like 18 to 30 year olds, Why did they not stay home and fight. not run like cowards. We fight for our country why can"t they fight for theres ???????

Submitted by william campbell (not verified) : Oct 23, 2015 1:18am

When the homeless vets are taken care of. Plus the V.A. med system is fixed. Then still dont let em in.

Submitted by Fred D Chapman (not verified) : Oct 23, 2015 6:50am

AND the DC idiots want to let more trouble in... WHO IS GOING TO TAKE CARE OF THEM? YES, God will BUT...

Submitted by Staff Sargeant ... (not verified) : Oct 23, 2015 10:25am


Submitted by Leonard Gould (not verified) : Oct 23, 2015 10:44am

If they come in, they should be settled in Hollywood, Brentwood,CA, Georgetown, the north shore of Chicago, the upper east side of NY, downtown Boston area, Virgina, etc. If the liberals want them, let them live with the affluent liberals so they can experience the joy of their decision.

Submitted by CDR Robert R An... (not verified) : Oct 23, 2015 11:40am

I read a lot of hard hearted comments.Do we not have a sense of humanity?While I believe they should be taken in but only after careful vetting!

Submitted by "Red" Levey (Ko... (not verified) : Oct 23, 2015 11:59am

Remember what it says on the Statue of Liberty, "Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, The wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me, I lift my lamp beside the golden door!" The Statue of Liberty-Ellis Island Foundation, Inc.

Do the Words on the Statue of Liberty Still Ring True?

Submitted by Chaplain David ... (not verified) : Oct 23, 2015 3:12pm

Regardless of what has been before said or in print---letting people into your house who believe their deity wants them to kill all non believers sounds plain nuts. Who is more nuts-you or them?
BOTH are anti-social and anti-humanity.

Submitted by k2 (not verified) : Dec 14, 2015 2:42pm

House these military aged killers IN CONGRESS... that way WHEN they start killin', they'll be at a good 'starting place'

Submitted by MississippiSteve (not verified) : Oct 23, 2015 4:49pm

The formation of a procedure for processing legal immigrants have already been formed. Why not reassert the procedure to have applicants apply and be processed thru the same access as was Ellis Island. Secure the immigrants in a location while being processed. Complete background investigations on each person. Deport all families, who do not pass a background investigation. Complete a medical exam on all immigrants. Begin teaching English to all immigrants. Complete the process of applying for visas and citizenship. After all is completed and passed, assign to locations to live. Follow up with monthly home visits. If not, let them fight to regain control of their own country.

Submitted by Carl G.Savoy Sr. (not verified) : Oct 24, 2015 8:52am

George Washington came from immigrant stock. So did Robert E Lee and Custer, and Albert Einstein, and Werner von Braun. U woulda lost WW!, WW2, and the Cold War, without immigrants. Love them.

Submitted by doingitright (not verified) : Oct 24, 2015 6:48pm

We're so deep in debt now, it's ridiculous and taking on these people will only cost more millions and do God only knows what to our National Security. We needed immigrants when this country was young in order to populate it and bring skills to us. Those days are over! It's time to look inward and take care of our own people and problems. Spend those millions on repairing our suffering programs. Stop sending billions to countries that could care less about the U.S. except for its handouts. When was the last time Syria or Mexico or anyone else rushed to the aid of the U.S.??? The people of this country need to ban together and fix what's wrong with our government before it's too late instead of worrying about some other country's problems. Those people have been at war for thousands of years and they're NEVER going to stop. It's a way of life for them. Let them solve their own problems for a change.

Submitted by Joe Walden (not verified) : Oct 24, 2015 8:30pm

The most sensible thing to do is to keep all of them in their own country in protected camps. While there we should put them to work learning how to defend their homeland.

I suggest that all Americans also learn how to defend their selves also---especially from the US government who is trying to take their weapons away. All of us need to know how to use weapons for our own survival.

Submitted by K2 (not verified) : Nov 8, 2015 9:02pm