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What’s your reaction to the White House’s decision to delay bringing the remaining troops home from Afghanistan?

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How many more lives will this country continue to kill and maim on fruitless and ill advised combat.

Submitted by david pizzo (not verified) : Oct 15, 2015 3:33pm

Shouldn't have gone in the first place, we are almost 18.5 Trillion in debt. Are we really crazy enough to borrow more from our enemies to extend our stay? I bet we are.

Submitted by dave48195 (not verified) : Oct 15, 2015 4:00pm

Not enough to win too many to sacrifice.

Submitted by Paul Ray (not verified) : Oct 15, 2015 4:10pm


Submitted by Mike Sawyer (not verified) : Oct 15, 2015 4:52pm

Amen brother, how many countries have broken the tip of their swords over there tying to civilize a bunch of heathen. That sand pile over there is like a bucket of water in that you put your finger in it and extract it and the hole fills up as fast as you can pull it out. That's how long so called democracy will last over there. What a waste of so much money and the loss of precious blood, it just ain't worth it.

Submitted by GaryMc (not verified) : Oct 15, 2015 8:44pm

I agree Mike Sawyer, we should never been duped into this war in the first place....wasted money for no valid reason and to many lives lost

Submitted by Sam Couch (not verified) : Oct 22, 2015 2:10am

The CIC doesn't have a clue what the hell he's doing. He is a walking cluster f**k and virtually EVERYTHING he does that involves National Security or Foreign Relations is wrong and doomed to failure at best and is Always Wrong for America! My disdain for him grows with every moment he continues to infect our great country. Did anyone listen to his Columbus Day speech?? Once again he used it as his big opportunity to insult America and bring her down. I am So Glad I am retired, as I have Zero confidence or respect for our Senior Officer Core! There should be mass MASS resignations of commission and early retirements in protest of how this narcissus has demolished our military. I was in the Crotch under 5 presidents from the Fool Jimmy Carter to Bush Jr. and it was NEVER this bad!!! ANYTHING and EVERYTHING this so-called CIC does is for the detriment of America!

Submitted by Gunny John USMC Ret (not verified) : Oct 15, 2015 5:26pm

He did not start this war. He is just trying to finish it. We got what we wanted (Bin) a few years ago. Just get them (Troops) out and let the people take care of their own problems. I served from Ford till Bush 2 and am not mad are disappointed at any of them. Each one walked into hell's fire when them were voted in. God just Bless this country and get all our men home. P.S. it was always this bad when we go into someone else home and try to run things. How would you feel if someone came to this country and tell us what we should be doing? That the same way those people feel. Just pray for this country and leaders to do the right thing.

Submitted by SFC (Retired)Richard (not verified) : Oct 18, 2015 9:28pm


Submitted by E T (not verified) : Oct 15, 2015 5:46pm

Pakistan is the problem, not Afghanistan. Our efforts in Afghanistan are aimed at defeating the Taliban, which is impossible as long as they havw a safe harbor in Pakistan. We have known for decades that Islamic radicals in Pakistan are disrupting that country, with the support of key people within the Pakistani government. I don't know what the solution is, but I do know that if we don't confront the problem, there is no solution in Afghanistan. On top of that enigma is the fact that Pakistan became a nuclear nation years ago, and has been marketing that technology to such enemies of America as North Korea.

Submitted by Richard Hofacke... (not verified) : Oct 15, 2015 7:08pm

We are wasting time, resources, and personnel fighting a no win battle in Afghanistan. Those Afghans know those cave systems better than they know their own relatives. The Russians tried the same thing we are trying to do. THEY LOST. We have a mentality that makes us believe our Military is better than every other in the world, yet we still haven't won the war against Global Terrorism. I am a Veteran who proudly served, and I will always be proud of my Country, but one thing I learned above everything else is when you get knocked down, it's okay to get back up, but when you keep getting knocked down repeatedly, it's also okay to get the hell out of the fight. If they come to America, we should, and will send them all straight to hell, but it is high time to bring the troops home. Pull them out of this fight they cannot win.

Submitted by Gerry Wood (not verified) : Oct 15, 2015 8:20pm

As in Viet Nam we are fighting a guerilla war. We tried and failed there.This time they call it a jihad though. Same deal. Its a proven fact that you cannot win that sort of war. Pull em out and spend that money on our vets and insure they ALL have homes. Retrain them where necessary and get them jobs. Fix the V.A. med system and keep the promise you made to them about there aftercare. Put some of those vets on our borders and stop the illegals from invading us. I mean STOP not try to stop as they do now with limited manpower.

Submitted by Fred C. (not verified) : Oct 16, 2015 7:56am

Pull out. We accomplished what we needed to do after 9/11 and Bin Laden is dead. We are never going to rebuild that country into a perfect place. As soon as we are gone, the corrupt puppet government that we tried to build will collapse and be taken over by the bad guys that we fought courageously against for over decade. All the sacrifices made by those who served will have been in vain. Sound familiar? Do we really need to wait around for Kabul to be another Saigon?

Submitted by JAF (not verified) : Oct 16, 2015 12:03pm

All this is because Bush and Cheney used lies and deceit to fight a war in Iraq that was without provocation and should not have been fought. At that time Bin Laden was in Afghanistan and Bush and Cheney listed to the Israeli lobby which lied about WMD, Nukes, and Saddam's involvement in 9-11 -- all of which were lies or unsupported. Bush and Cheney's action destabalized the entire Middle East and we are seeing the consequences of their acftion now in into the future. Both Bush and Cheney should be brought before a World Court and charged with war crimes for their actions. Their actions resulted in over 4,000 US troops killed and over 30,000 US troops seriously wounded not to mention the hundreds of thosands of Iraqi civilians and military killed or wounded.

Submitted by Bob Philbrook (not verified) : Oct 16, 2015 1:26pm

I was listening to a news broadcast tonight, One man said putting a time of 2016 on troop withdraw tells ISIL and the tallaban to sit back and wait, when we leave they step back in, Just like the country next door/AND IT will. start all over again and nothing was done right except the loss of American lives. Stay in and finish the job,get help from every one and stomp the out...

Submitted by william campbell (not verified) : Oct 17, 2015 12:52am

More treason and lies from the biggest traitor, liar, racist and coward in human history, and the most criminal and corrupt administration in history

Submitted by Shawn P. Sones (not verified) : Oct 17, 2015 12:00pm

Either we go in and do the job right or we get out. Our troops are the best in the world, but they can accomplish little when they are working with "one arm tied behind their backs." No one can run a war from Washington as was attempted in Korea, Vietnam, Gulf War, Iraq, and Afganistan. Politicians are the worst enemies of our troops. Let the REAL generals run any war with all of our resources. Don't let collateral damage issues get in the way of military campaigns. Hopefully in 2017, we will get a President who supports our military in real terms and not in just rhetoric. Question: Can we survive this President and his henchmen until 2017?

Submitted by Don P. (not verified) : Oct 17, 2015 2:24pm

What ever the White House does, the record shows ,will not be in the best interest of Israel and our Republic.

Submitted by Richard H Eart (not verified) : Oct 18, 2015 9:48pm

I do think we should have released the Hounds and taken land. It is not enough the folks over there attacked us but to go in a country remove the clan in power only to replace it with another clan king was not wise. We should take land keep it add Afghanistan as a common wealth and start using the wealth they have to pay back our debt as restitution. This is the only Strategy with promise. Other countries will look at our methods and think twice about attacking us or our common interest. if this was done the area would be under recovery not still at war.

Submitted by Rob G (not verified) : Oct 20, 2015 10:51am