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How seriously should we take North Korea’s threats to attack U.S. and South Korean targets?

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We should take it serious enough we should already have a crew on the way to assassinate him, and his regimen.

Submitted by frankraney : Apr 4, 2013 7:00pm

The best defense in a good offense, give them a taste of what we will do.

Submitted by Wildweasel : Apr 4, 2013 7:19pm

With an already downsized military and more to come added to a President who would rather apologize than show force, North Korea will definitely try something.

Submitted by cegeyer : Apr 4, 2013 8:23pm

We SHOULD take it seriously - but will we???
Sunk a SK ship, Fired missiles, Fired on an island and killed a couple of people.

No - we didn't take those seriously and the latest threat will be met with more the same. Sorry folks, nothing to see here. Move along.

Submitted by machinegunhill : Apr 4, 2013 10:10pm