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With the State of the Union speech now delivered, do you expect any of the priorities to become law between now and elections?

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i was very happy to read in this month's Commander's message a reaffirming of the legion's pledge of non-partisanship. I had allowed my membership to lapse as I felt that the legion was becoming way too political.
We need to be reminded that not every veteran is a conservative Republican.

Submitted by Glenroy R Joseph : Jan 27, 2012 1:27pm

Just because congress has abdicated their responsibility, that does not constitute an amendment to the constitution. Congress is supposed to write law and vote to pass it, the Presidency does not have that power, he can only sign or veto. If no legislation is passed, it is solely the fault of congress, we should not let them re-define their job to be one of constantly seeking re-election having done nothing to fulfill their constitutional role. Vote them ALL out, and do it again next election. That is how we can get them back on track.

Submitted by BS_Detector : Jan 28, 2012 10:05am

Until we can get term limits set on service in the Congress, I can't how this nation can go forward. I suspect that won't happen in my life time, maybe because so many people fail to go out and exercise thier right to vote. If,and it's a big if, we could mobilize the majority of the population to actually vote for the good of the nation we have a chance to change the way Washington works or maybe that should be fails to work. I'm 62 years old and I have never seen such nonsence and lack of concern by our so-called elected officials. To go back to an old politicial saw "ITS THE ECONOMY, STUPID!!! get jobs moving back into this country and not to some foreign lands on the back side of the world, put some real teeth in trade agreements, put a tax bite on corparations moving off-shore, run all the special interest lobby's out of the country and get back to taking care of our own. Seems pretty simple to me;however, there is not enough guts left in our country to make it happen.

Submitted by billy.w.cook : Jan 30, 2012 1:49pm

My wife, Beverly Mackner,member ID 300657769, and I, Hans R Weiss, member ID 202889212, both received notices that our 2012 dues were overdue. Both of us hold 2012 American Legion cards from Post 0043, Sedro Woolley, WA. paid nfor late last year. Why are we getting these late notices?

H. Richard Weiss

Submitted by Hans R Weiss : Jan 31, 2012 3:52pm