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Should the United States intervene to prevent further violence in Syria?

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"Yes, but only in support of the movement to change the current corrupt regime"???

Are you kidding? Look at our track record in that department. "Change" is NOT equal to "improvement". It may be argued that replacing a square wheel with a triangular one is NOT an improvement, even if there is ONE LESS BUMP!

Submitted by antiTyranny : May 10, 2012 6:28pm

Charity begins at HOME! Not in foreign countries and their domestic problems.

Submitted by DannyBoyEire : May 11, 2012 11:52am

If we're the only ones in the world to care about this, we're crazy to do so. If the rest of the world cares about this, let them do something on their own for a change. If we continue as the world's policeman, why would any other country spend their blood and treasure?

Submitted by dealerbust : May 15, 2012 12:13pm