Billy Doyle Smith Memorial Street

Billy Doyle Smith Memorial Street

Billy Doyle Smith Memorial Street Purpose of Memorial- on November 12, 2005 at 11:30 a.m. a ceremony was held to dedicate a new addition to 3rd Street in honor of Billy Doyle Smith. Billy Doyle Smith was a Korean War Navy Corpsman, and a Savannah native. Billy Doyle Smith was honored posthumously with the Navy Cross (see the citation in the photos).

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Date of Installation:

November 12, 2005

Organization Responsible for Installation:

City of Savannah, Missouri

Memorial War Era(s):



Located in conjunction with South 3rd Street Between Benton Street and Park Avenue Savannah, Missouri is located approximately 65 miles north of Kansas City, Missouri along Highways North 59 & 71

Photo Gallery:

Billy Doyle Smith Memorial Street

Billy Doyle Smith Memorial Street

Billy Doyle Smith Memorial Street

Billy Doyle Smith Memorial Street

Billy Doyle Smith Memorial Street


Published on April 30, 2017