Memorial to Wilcox Post No. 668 Grand Army of the Republic, Department of Illinois 1889.

Memorial to Wilcox Post No. 668 Grand Army of the Republic, Department of Illinois 1889.

This memorial was dedicated in 1928 by the Wilcox Woman's Relief Corps, No. 257, in 1928, listing the names of those who were members of the Grand Army of the Republic (GAR) Post 668, during the year 1889.

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Date of Installation:

April 10, 1928

Organization Responsible for Installation:

Wilcox Woman's Relief Corps No. 257

Memorial War Era(s):



Ridge Park, 9628 S. Longwood Drive, Chicago, IL 60643.

Photo Gallery:

Memorial to Wilcox Post No. 668 Grand Army of the Republic, Department of Illinois 1889.


Published on April 10, 2017