Ride 2 Recovery 9-11 Challenge ride

Ride 2 Recovery 9-11 Challenge ride

National Commander Fang Wong attends the opening ceremony of the Ride 2 Recovery 9-11 Challenge ride in remembrance of the attacks on 9-11.

Fang A. Wong takes the oath of office

Fang A. Wong takes the oath of office

Newly elected National Commander, Fang A. Wong, Dept. of New York, takes the oath of office at the 93rd Annual American Legion National Convention.

Normandy, Remembered

Normandy, Remembered

American Legion National Commander Jimmie Foster and American Legion Auxiliary President Carlene Ashworth honor those who fought in one of history’s most pivotal battles.

Alaska VA Healthcare System Site Visit

Alaska VA Healthcare System Site Visit

The American Legion National Commander Jimmie L. Foster and Past National Commander Ronald Conley tour the Alaska VA heathcare campus on April 18, 2011.
