Memorial Service dedicated to fallen comrades
American Legion National Chaplain Stanley Hamamoto delivers the closing prayer at the Patriotic Memorial Service on Sunday, Aug. 28, at the 103rd National Convention in Milwaukee.

Memorial Service dedicated to fallen comrades

There are two constants in virtually every message American Legion National Chaplain Stanley K. Hamamoto delivers from the pulpit, podium or stage. First is a question that rises from his soul and pours through his throat: “Has God been good to you??!!!”

The second is a three-word directive, given with equal passion: “Go to church!”

The Coast Guard veteran and ordained Christian National Church minister from Colorado so effectively worked both of his traditional key points into Sunday’s Patriotic Memorial Service at the 103rd American Legion National Convention, in Milwaukee, that the crowd was able to finish the phases for him, in chorus. Thousands gathered to hear his message – dedicated to the memories of American Legion members who have transferred to “Post Everlasting” and the legacy they have left behind – in a ceremony that also featured patriotic and spiritual music from Wisconsin’s renowned Bel Canto Chorus, wreath placements to honor the fallen, lighting of the candle of remembrance by 2022 American Legion Boys Nation President Tamarus Darby Jr. and presentation of the U.S. Flag by the award-winning Newport Harbor, Calif., American Legion Post 291 Color Guard. Organist Rick Pedro performed the prelude and the postlude.

Chaplain Hamamoto’s message was an homage to “all The American Legion members who have passed away this past year … This moment is very sacred, with almost-visible presence of the ones who have gone before us. Before we have come to honor all of the ones who have passed away this year, in the service of the great spirit army whose (foot falls) cause no sound, but in the memory of mankind, their souls go marching on.”

The legacy of veterans no longer with us, he explained, is freedom. “Because of them, our lives our free. Because of them, our nation lives. Because of them, the world is best. May this service deepen our efforts, for our departed friends.”

In prayer, he urged that “we pause together in the quietness of remembrance to linger in thought over our comrades … (who) transferred from our ranks to Post Everlasting. A short time ago, they stood before us. We laughed with them, and labored, and lived out a portion of our lives in common cause. They contributed in some fashion, large or small, to what we all were, when they were in our midst. In such a moment as this, we are keenly aware of everlasting presence and, as our only remaining link to our fallen comrades, we salute you.”

He asked those in attendance to “pledge ourselves to united service to consecrate and sanctify our comradeship by devotion to mutual helpfulness, to protection of those who are left behind… May we all feel our comrades as they rest.”

Prayers were given by Sons of The American Legion National Chaplain Jeffrey L. Gibson of Alabama and American Legion Auxiliary National Chaplain Carol T. Robinson. Also referencing the hard-won blessing of freedom, she gave thanks “for the brave men and women who have fought and continue to fight so courageously for our nation” and “that we are free to worship our nation today. We are free to pray. We are free to read your word. We are free to speak. We are free to share. For this, we are incredibly grateful, yet we understand how quickly these freedoms can be taken away. Please give us increased awareness of the spiritual battle we are in.”

As the ceremony neared its close, Chaplain Hamamoto reminded the crowd just once more to consider his oft-repeated question – “Has God been good to you today?” – and hear his command: “Go to church!”