Gulfport Veterans Memorial Park

Gulfport Veterans Memorial Park

A memorial park dedicated to all US Military branches. This site is publicly owned and operated as an outdoor recreational site. The land was purchased with funds from The Florida Communities Trust Preservation 2000 Program and the City of Gulfport. There is a nearby Flag memorial dedicated to Major David G Taylor, US ARMY.

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Date of Installation:

July 4, 1997

Organization Responsible for Installation:

Florida Communities Trust

Memorial War Era(s):

Persian Gulf


N 27° 44.278 W 082° 42.360 54th Street and Shore Boulevard South City of Gulfport

Photo Gallery:

Gulfport Veterans Memorial Park

Gulfport Veterans Memorial Park

Gulfport Veterans Memorial Park

Gulfport Veterans Memorial Park

Gulfport Veterans Memorial Park

Gulfport Veterans Memorial Park

Gulfport Veterans Memorial Park

Gulfport Veterans Memorial Park


Published on December 30, 2018