World War I Memorial Fountain, Smithfield

World War I Memorial Fountain, Smithfield

Inscription Rear, upper: IN MEMORY OF / LIEUT. EDWIN SMITH SANDERS / KILLED AT DREWRY’S BLUFF, VA. / MAY 16, 1864 / WALTER R. MOORE / KILLED AT FARMVILLE, VA. / APRIL 8, 1865 / ENSIGN EDWIN SMITH POU / KILLED AT ILE TUDY, FRANCE / OCTOBER 28, 1918 Rear, center: PRESENTED TO / THE CITIZENS OF JOHNSTON COUNTY / BY / MARSH SANDERS / 1923 Rear, lower: IN HONOR OF ALL THOSE FROM / JOHNSTON COUNTY / WHO PARTICIPATED IN THE GREAT WAR Although the memorial is to World War I, this section listed the names of two men killed in the Civil War and one killed in World War I. One of those listed from the Civil War was Edwin Smith Sanders who is assumed to be a relative of the donor William Marsh Sanders. The relationship to the other two names is unclear.

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Date of Installation:

September 23, 1923

Organization Responsible for Installation:

William Marsh Sanders

Memorial War Era(s):



The fountain is located in the center of a walkway directly in front of the Market Street side of the Johnston County courthouse, 207 E. Johnston Street, Smithfield, NC.


Published on September 7, 2017