Johnston County Veterans Memorial, Smithfield

Johnston County Veterans Memorial, Smithfield

Inscription Center panel lower plaque: THIS MEMORIAL / IS DEDICATED / TO / THE VETERANS / LIVING AND DECEASED / OF THE ABOVE WARS Center panel upper plaque: WORLD WAR II / 1941-1946 Left panel top: KOREAN WAR / 1950-1955 Left panel center: LEBANON/GRENADA / 1982-1984 Left bottom: KUWAIT/IRAQ / 1990 – Right top: VIETNAM WAR / 1961-1975 Right bottom: AFGHANISTAN / 2001 –

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Date of Installation:

January 1, 1983

Organization Responsible for Installation:

The Johnston County Commissioners and The Johnston County Council of Veterans Organizations

Memorial War Era(s):

Persian Gulf


The memorial is located on the Market Street side of the Johnston County courthouse, 207 E. Johnston Street, Smithfield, NC.


Published on September 1, 2017