WWI Memorial, Winston-Salem, NC

WWI Memorial, Winston-Salem, NC

This plaque of copper or bronze, aged and oxidized to green over the years, sits mounted to a low granite pylon. The granite pylon has a slightly scalloped top, and a flagpole, most likely part of the original commemoration, sits just behind the marker. Listing the names of those fallen, the plaque commemorates the men from Forsyth County who died during World War I.

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Date of Installation:

January 31, 2017

Organization Responsible for Installation:

The American Legion Clyde Bolling Post N255 (Now Post 55) and the Women's Club of Winston-Salem

Memorial War Era(s):



The monument is located on the grounds of the historic Forsyth County Courthouse. It sits at the southwestern corner of the building, at the intersection of North Liberty and West 3rd Streets in Winston-Salem, NC.


Published on January 31, 2017