Veterans Memorial Park, Pensacola, Florida

Veterans Memorial Park, Pensacola, Florida

The Veterans Memorial Park in Pensacola, Florida is the home of the "Wall South", a half-size replica of the Vietnam Memorial in Washington, DC. It also has impressive memorials to those who lost their lives in WWI, WWII, Korea, and the Revolutionary War, which is an exact replica of the Minuteman Memorial in Concord, MA. It is also the home of the Marine Aviation Bell Tower, a national memorial to those Marine Aviators lost in service to their country. Memorials to submarines serving life guard missions in WWII, Purple Heart recipients, local service members lost in the Global War on Terror and the children waiting for their lost parents to return from war. We have installed a modern touch-screen kiosk that provides a search function for the names on the Wall South and other information about the park's memorials, our foundation, and scheduled events for the park. Our foundation maintains, funds and develops the park for the city of Pensacola completely with volunteers and donations. It serves as a venue for many memorial services and other ceremonies for military unit reunions and other civic organizations. It is dedicated as a place of quiet repose for reflection to honor and respect those have given their lives on our behalf. It is a moving experience to visit.

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Date of Installation:

October 24, 1992

Organization Responsible for Installation:

Veterans Memorial Park Foundation of Pensacola/ Lenny Collins

Memorial War Era(s):

Persian Gulf


200 S 10th Street, Pensacola, FL 32502

Photo Gallery:

Veterans Memorial Park, Pensacola, Florida

Veterans Memorial Park, Pensacola, Florida

Veterans Memorial Park, Pensacola, Florida

Veterans Memorial Park, Pensacola, Florida

Veterans Memorial Park, Pensacola, Florida

Veterans Memorial Park, Pensacola, Florida

Veterans Memorial Park, Pensacola, Florida

Veterans Memorial Park, Pensacola, Florida


Published on January 8, 2017