Keep Your Hands Down

Keep Your Hands Down

In October 1970 I found myself at Fort Jackson, SC undergoing basic training. It was in the midst of the Vietnam war so the DI's, all of whom were combat vets, were pretty serious about training. I soon discovered they also had a sense of humor.

At one of our first formations, the Platoon Sergeant asked that anybody who had a college degree and could also type to raise their hand. I was new to the Army, so I raised my hand. I thought I might get some cushy job like working in an office, but not quite. I was made a Fireman. That meant that after a day’s exhausting training, I got to don my “Class X's” and shovel coal into the coal burning furnaces in all the old WWII barracks all night.

In two months of Basic Training, I never once got a full night’s sleep. But I also never raised my hand again. It just goes to show you that having a college degree doesn’t always mean you’re smarter than the guy standing next to you.

Submitted by Paul (Chris) Christensen, Fort Myers Beach, FL, Post 274.