Brownsville Military Honor Roll, Brownsville, Pennsylvania

Brownsville Military Honor Roll, Brownsville, Pennsylvania

The memorial consists of five black marble upright monuments listing the names of 114 local servicemen who were killed in action or missing in action in World War I, World War II, Korean War, and Vietnam War. The center flagpole honors all who served at any time in either peace or war.

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Date of Installation:

November 14, 2020

Organization Responsible for Installation:

Citizens of the Brownsville, Pennsylvania area

Memorial War Era(s):



Market Street Brownsville, PA 15427 Located in Snowden Square Park. Adjacent to Dunlap Creek’s Bridge, built in 1836-39. The first metal arch bridge in the United States. 40 Degrees 1’ 17” North 79 Degrees 53’ 16” West Brownsville is a borough located in Fayette County, Pennsylvania.

Photo Gallery:

Brownsville Military Honor Roll, Brownsville, Pennsylvania

Brownsville Military Honor Roll, Brownsville, Pennsylvania

Brownsville Military Honor Roll, Brownsville, Pennsylvania

Brownsville Military Honor Roll, Brownsville, Pennsylvania

Brownsville Military Honor Roll, Brownsville, Pennsylvania

Brownsville Military Honor Roll, Brownsville, Pennsylvania


Published on November 29, 2020