Armed Forces Flag Pole and Plaque Memorial

Armed Forces Flag Pole and Plaque Memorial

The Armed Forces Flag Pole and Plaque Memorial is dedicated to our servicemen and women of the US Navy, US Army, US Marine Corp, and the US Air Force. It was designed and funded through an Eagle Scout project of Nathan Chichester, Boy Scout Troup 174 and installed in December 2011 at the Kevin Dougherty Funeral Home on Big Tree Street, in Livonia, New York, 14487. It is maintained by the Funeral Home and is in excellent condition.

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Date of Installation:

December 3, 2011

Organization Responsible for Installation:

Eagle Scout Nathan Chichester

Memorial War Era(s):



Kevin Dougherty Funeral Home, Big Tree Street,Livonia, NY 14487

Photo Gallery:

Armed Forces Flag Pole and Plaque Memorial

Armed Forces Flag Pole and Plaque Memorial


Published on June 22, 2018