Wolf Hill Plane Crash Memorial II

Wolf Hill Plane Crash Memorial II

After the dedication ceremony in Deerfield Park, efforts were begun to complete Phase II of the project and erect a second monument at the crash site. Barbara Rich and Jim Gass of the Smithfield Land Trust graciously assisted the committee in this matter. A rose-granite stone was donated by State Representative Tom Winfield of Greenville. Engraving was done by the Glocester Monument Company of Chepachet. Site work and labor was again provided by the D’Angelo family. Getting supplies and equipment up to the site presented special logistical problems that were thankfully overcome. It was during this process that a niece of Sergeant Herbert Booth, one of the men lost in the crash, contacted the committee after having learned of the project by a chance internet search. Up to this time, it had been thought that Sergeant Booth had been an only child because his obituary only listed his mother as a survivor, and his high school records didn’t list any siblings. In fact, Sergeant Booth was one of nine children, five of whom also served in World War II. The dedication of the Wolf Hill monument took place October 18, 2009. Members of the Reback-Winsten Post of the Jewish War Veterans, located in Cranston, were in attendance to offer a prayer service and assist with the ceremony. The weather that day was cold and rainy, yet twenty people made the nearly one mile trek up Wolf Hill to take part in the dedication.

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Date of Installation:

October 18, 2009

Organization Responsible for Installation:

American Legion Balfour-Cole Post 64 and Smithfield Memorial Post 2929 Veterans of Foreign Wars

Memorial War Era(s):



Wolf Hill, off Mountaindale Road, Smithfield, RI 02917

Photo Gallery:

Wolf Hill Plane Crash Memorial II


Published on July 8, 2017