The American Legion Media & Communications annual contest recognizes the communication efforts American Legion Family members do at the post, district and department levels to promote the good of the organization.

The contest has seven categories for submissions: websites, publications, visual media, social media campaigns, editorial/news writing, editorial/informational writing and public relations/community outreach.


The contest is open to all American Legion members (Legion, Sons of The American Legion, Auxiliary and Legion Riders). You may enter submissions in seven different categories and each submission will cost $5. You may enter them all at once and pay in one session, or you may enter and pay at different times. Don't forget to pay for your submissions before the deadline. Unpaid submission will not be eligible for the contest.

Deadline for submissions is April 15. 

All entries must have been published during the 2024 calendar year.

How to Enter

You can return to this webpage at any time to see your contest submissions and status messages. The system uses your login (email address) to keep track of your account and submissions. Make sure when returning to this page that you sign in with the same email address.

SIGN IN TO ENTER(Opens in a new window)


M&C Contest Information and Rules

General information

  1. The American Legion Media & Communications contest is open to all current members of the American Legion Family (Legionnaires, Sons of The American Legion, Auxiliary and Legion Riders). All entries must be the original work of the entrant(s). Violations of copywriting rules, plagiarism or other ethical breaches could result in the entrant’s dismissal from the contest. 
  2. The contest entry period is Jan. 1 to Dec. 31. Entries must be submitted electronically no later than April 15 of the following year. (For example, entries for the 2024 contest will have been published between Jan. 1, 2024 through Dec. 31, 2024.)
  3. There is a $5 fee per entry submission. 
  4. Media & Communications National Headquarters staff and American Legion Media & Communications Commission members will select the winners in each category, which will then go before the entire Media and Communications Commission for approval during Spring Meetings in May. If the voting members do not feel that any entry meets the standards of the award, they may decide to not give an award in a particular category. The task force will also decide on the Chairman’s Award and Innovation Award.
  5. The M&C chairman will be called upon to break any ties or rule on any matters that require a review.
  6. Winners will be notified via email by June 1.

Rules for basis of judging

  1. Publications: These are both written and auditory publications that will be judged on relevance to American Legion Family content; clear, concise and balanced writing or speaking; make-up; design and appearance; use of photos and illustrations. Submit URLs or PDFs of your print publication or podcasts. Up to three examples per entry.
  2. Websites: They will be judged on site design, links, appropriateness of information as it relates to the American Legion Family. On the entry form, submit the electronic address (URL) for your website. If you submit more than one URL, you must do a separate entry for each submission.
  3. Social Media Campaigns: These will be judged on relevance to the American Legion Family, presentation; content, readability and engagement; purposes and goals, and outcomes. Submissions must include the URL for your social media site as well as a description of the social media campaign, its goals and how success was measured in no more than 2,000 characters. If you submit more than one campaign, you must do a separate entry for each submission.
  4. Visual Media: These will be evaluated based on originality, clarity, perspective, quality, purpose, connection to the American Legion Family and interest. Submit up to three photos or videos that have been published on same subject or event.
  5. Editorial / news writing: Submissions should be news stories based on an event or series of events that are timely. They will be judged on headline; clear, concise and accurate writing; research and grasp of subject; timely and appropriate objectives suitable to the American Legion Family. Submit only one news story per entry.
  6. Editorial / informational writing: Submissions should be analytical or commentary articles on a subject relevant to The American Legion while also supported by the priorities, resolutions, activities, programs, etc. of the organization. These will be judged on headline; clear, concise and accurate writing; research and grasp of subject; how well it explains subject matter and relates to the American Legion Family. Submit only one editorial per entry.
  7. Public relations / community outreach: These will be judged on how the entrant placed an American Legion Family event into external media. Entries should demonstrate coverage provided by outside media, as well as explain in no more than 2,000 characters how the external outreach benefitted The American Legion affiliated event, program, etc.
  8. Chairman's Award: A "Best in Show" award. Nominees don't submit specifically for this. The commission considers the award winners and selects one that goes above and beyond the others. Winner gets a plaque and $50 Emblem Sales credit.
  9. Innovation Award: This rewards innovation in media. Nominees may submit for this but don't have to for consideration. Judges consider the award winners and other nominees to select a winner that demonstrated true innovation. Winner gets a plaque and $50 Emblem Sales credit.