Boys Nation - Day 8

Boys Nation - Day 8

Boys Nation delegates graduate and say goodbyes to new friends.
2016 Boys Nation - Day 7

2016 Boys Nation - Day 7

Boys Nation delegates visited Capitol Hill to meet with their representatives on Thursday, July 28, 2016 before a visit with Holocaust survivor Nesse Goden.
2016 Boys Nation - Day 6

2016 Boys Nation - Day 6

The 2016 Boys Nation president and vice president were sworn into office, are visited by USAA Vice President Brian Conklin and ended the night with Twilight Tattoo.
2016 Boys Nation - Day 5

2016 Boys Nation - Day 5

The 2016 Boys Nation senators elect a president, Anighya Crocker of Tennessee, and a vice-president, Choteau Kammel of Nebraska. Photos by Lucas Carter and Clay Lomneth / The American Legion.
