Honor your Heroes in grand style

By Submitted by: Todd Van Tassell
Your Words
Personal Experiences

I live in a community of 3000 citizens, Unioin City, Pa. This little town has sent more of her Son's and Daughters off to war than any small town of it's size. We have seen our fair share of KIA's and WIA's. This year (2013), Union City will be honoring their Veterans that have passed. On Memorial Day We will place one combat on the curb with a picture of the Veteran and an American flag for each Veteran that is deceased. We will then line the route of the parade to Evergreen Cemetery with these combat boots.

I live in a community of 3000 citizens, Unioin City, Pa. This little town has sent more of her Son's and Daughters off to war than any small town of it's size. We have seen our fair share of KIA's and WIA's. This year (2013), Union City will be honoring their Veterans that have passed. On Memorial Day We will place one combat on the curb with a picture of the Veteran and an American flag for each Veteran that is deceased. We will then line the route of the parade to Evergreen Cemetery with these combat boots. Once the Honor Guard/Color Guard/Veterans in Uniform and current active Military in uniform, the Ladies Auxiliary for both the American Legion and the VFW and the Son's of the American Legion with all the flags of our fathers march toward the boots, I will call an "EYES RIGHT" and I will salute each picture of every veteran as we march past. Once inside the cemetery I will call a halt and take my place in front of the Gold Star Mothers, I will then order our riflemen to fire 3 volley's. Recording artist Carlie Gilsen will then play taps. Prayer will be read by our Chaplain of the VFW John Krol Post 6773. I have been asking for combat boots in any condition to be sent to our post and I have been astonished as to where they have come from, Vietnam, Normandy, Belgium, Bond Germany and many from the Proud Veterans and families of the United States. Also in our Parade we will have one POW from WWII and One from Vietnam, Each major battle of all wars will be represented as well with Battle of the Buldge, Normandy, Chosin Reservour and Hamburger Hill. If you could help me by putting your combat boots in the mail and donate them or loan them to us for one day. I would be in your debt for a lifetime.

I need more combat boots, I will need 300 boots and we only have about 35 Including one boot from Vietnam.

I hold many offices within the Veterans Association such as National Aid-De-Camp for the VFW, Quartermaster of post 6773, Adjutant of Post 6773, Pennsylvania Sgt At Arms for the Son's of the American Legion, 29th District Son's Adjutant. Chaplain for the Pennsylvania Honor Guard.
I was asked to pull this parade off by the son of a Vietnam Veteran, I knew right away that this would be difficult, BUT I could not say no to him.

Send boots to:

VFW John Krol Post 6773 ATTN: Todd Van Tassell. 23 East High St. Union City, Pa. 16438. 814-438-3448.

My cadence for our parade march will be "Far Away". this is a lenghy cadence call but one that fits this occasion perfectly.

I have organized other marches. One in particular was a pre-game march at a local football game for families of soldiers who are currently overseas. I have included an attachment so you can see that we are for real. We take this very serious as I am sure you had assumed.

Thank you in advance, Todd Van Tassell former U.S. Army Specialist, 25th Infantry Division.

  • Your Words